7.) Decisions (Or the Lack Thereof)

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The sound of murmuring slowly woke (y/n), as she glanced at the wall clock. '2:00pm?! I slept for this long?' She sat up, noticing Nash, Carter, and Cameron sitting on one of the other beds in the room, huddled over a phone. "Morning..." Their heads all snapped up to look at her. "More like afternoon." Cameron said warmly. "Where's everyone else? And what are you guys looking at?" Carter beckoned her over to look as he turned the volume up. "Everyone else is just out and about doing who know what. And well, Yesterday's... Incident... is on the news." As much as she didn't want to remember the events of the past day so soon after waking up, the news anchor's monotonous voice brought back every terrifying detail. David would most likely be charged with first degree murder, and (y/n) and Cameron would most likely have to appear in court. Nash was simultaneously looking through his own phone, scrolling through different social media sites and reading the "interesting" things people have been saying aloud. 

"Wow, that poor girl had to deal with all of that on her first day of being public."

"how fucked up is that? A murderer was hanging around a place supposedly well guarded."

"Is no one going to question how suspicious all of..."

Nash trailed off on the last one. "What? What does that one say?" (y/n) asked. "It's a really long twitter thread. By some user named 'WendyDallas2017'." The name sounded kind of familiar. The first name, that is. 'Wendy...' She was immediately thrown back into the lobby, listening to the two girls.

"...I don't trust this (y/n). Some things just don't add up in their relationship."

"Wendy?! Read the tweets!" Nash looked up, startled by (y/n)'s sudden demand. But he scrolled up and started reading anyway.

 "Is no one going to question how suspicious all of this is? I mean, for starters, who is this.. (y/n) (l/n) anyway? She's never been seen with Cameron, or any of the Magcon boys at all until yesterday. And can we talk about that entrance? I mean, sure, I get that there was some comedic value, but everything about her sudden appearance seems to be an accident. Like she was never supposed to be there. Speaking of accidents-"

"Enough." Cameron silenced him, a hint of anger in his tone. "No, I want to hear what she's saying." (y/n) stated, avoiding his gaze. "(y/n), it's-"

"True? It's true? yes, it is. that's exactly what it is." She motioned for Nash to hand her the phone, and he warily complied. "Speaking of accidents, the crazy murderer outside the building was (y/n)'s ex, meaning she's the one who brought all of this trouble on Magcon. Her presence brought that psychopath, which put everyone in that convention at risk. Every audience member, and all of the boys. And yet she'll probably get away without a scratch. In my opinion: That's straight up bullshit."

The four of them were quiet for a long time, afraid of saying the wrong things. "I... I shouldn't be here... with you guys." (y/n) finally muttered, defeated. "All I did was bring you guys trouble and-"

"You're wrong." Cameron interrupted her. "David brought all of us, including you, trouble. Don't blame any of this on yourself." Carter nodded in agreement. "All of us want you here. You're our friend now, so we're gonna stick with you as long as you'll let us." The mood lifted a little at their words, and smirking, Nash added, "Also, it might be a little hard to back out of this after lover boy over here announced you as his girlfriend." With that, they were finally shifting to the subject both (y/n) and Cameron had been dreading. "Oh right, I did say that, huh..." Carter and Nash looked at each other with knowing gazes before standing. "Where are you two going?" They simply cast the others warm smiles as they walked towards the door. "We're gonna go get some snacks while you two have a discussion. Have fun~"

When the door had fully shut, (y/n) cleared her throat. "So, yeah... About yesterday..." Cameron looked just as flustered as she was, but managed to ask, "So um, I'm sorry about what I said. I should've asked you about it first, but I panicked again, just like I did in the café... Wow, I just keep saying things that get us into weird situations, don't I?" He looked at her while chewing on his lip, nervously waiting on her response. "I mean, I don't really think either of those panicked responses were bad things. They got me out of a long speech from my parents, and also out of being laughed at by that entire crowd. But I guess what the real question we should be asking is...

What are we?"

There was a sort of nervous tension in the air as they both mulled over that heavy question. "What do you want us to be?" Cameron asked. "Well, to be completely honest, I don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship two days after David shattered my dreams for the perfect future, and one day after he almost shattered my skull with a wooden plank."

"Completely understandable I-"



"I do know that no one I've ever met has been as comforting or supportive as you have been in just two days."

Flustered by the genuine compliment, Cameron scratched the back of his head. "Please, that's only because you're so strong. Your character, I mean.. Your personality. B-B'ut I'm not calling you physically weak or anything like that I just... Wow.. Can I start that over?" (y/n) couldn't help but playfully laugh at how adorable that little display was. It was so different from the way he acted on stage or for a camera. 'I guess that means it's not an act.'

'Geez... This guy really is someone special... Maybe I should consider being his- No... I can't, can I?  I have an apartment here, but I guess I have no way to pay rent considering I have no job and any money I had saved was blown in one night. So really, it's not like there's a lot tying me down at the moment. But this is still moving really quickly. How do I even know these feelings are real after all of that heartbreak?' Then, (y/n) thought back to what Jack said in the Limo, and an idea began to form. "All of you are only supposed to be in this area for a few more weeks, right?" Cameron nodded. "Yeah we're gonna have a few more conventions and other events before heading to another part of the country."

"How about this: Let's spend these next few weeks together, and then decide what we are. Right now, everything is so chaotic, we probably shouldn't make major decisions."

Cameron's eyes lit up as he thought it over. "That sounds like a great idea, and in a few weeks, if it's not all we thought it would be, we just stay friends. But... if we do decide to be, well, you know.. Does that mean, you'll come with us around the country?"

(y/n)'s heart started pounding a little faster in her chest at the thought of traveling the US with Cameron and all of the other friends she had made through all of this mess. "Y-Yeah... I guess that's what it means." They sat there for a while, in comfortable silence, until they heard Nash's voice through the door. "Boring! I thought they were gonna do.. other stuff." The comment was soon followed by the sound of a slap, and Carter's voice. "Dude shut up. Hotel doors aren't exactly sound proof." Rolling his eyes, Cameron called out, "You're right, they're not soundproof. So feel free to stop spying on us and get in here!" Laughing sheepishly, the two entered the room, holding some snacks they got from a vending machine. "Please don't be mad! We brought food!" Nash pleaded as Carter pulled a bag of chips from the pile. "And look, I got you your favorite chips."

Cameron glared at them for a moment but rolled his eyes. "Alright fine, you're forgiven. But next time it won't be so easy!"

The four of them sat around, watching low budget films on the hotel TV and eating snacks the rest of the day. (y/n) was surprised at how at ease she felt.

But it couldn't possibly be a bad thing.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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