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They say dreams represent things that happened to a person, It's a mirror of oneself. Other times it's a slight glimpse of what the future holds and Another time it's a warning. This night is like any other night, but the world we live in are far more different than the world we used to know. Other worlds might have dogs and cats as their pet, they might have animals caged in Zoo's for attraction purposes; but this world is different. It doesn't have dogs and cats as pets, nor wild animals caged. This world is the world where humans are at the bottom of the food chain, The world of Mythical Beasts.

The sky was tar-black and the large clouds were moving, the temperature is falling fast, It's windy. Thin, dingy rain spat and drizzled past the lighted street lamps. The pavements shone long and yellow to the dead street and people seems to have disappeared but who could tell they disappeared or taken? Considering the situation, it's the latter or the other.

In the dark alleyway, two silhouettes can be seen; One is Aileen and the other is her little brother, In the dim light that oozes through a narrow gap lies the alleyway. It's the underworld of any town: gloomy and unpleasant. She had thought that it was dangerous to stay there but considering that things that are happening, she couldn't decide on anything better other than the dark alley.

All Aileen wanted was to have a proper job that could last her a lifetime, enough to provide food and shelter for herself and her little brother. She didn't dare ask for more for she believes that if you want something in life, then you must work hard for it, but what is this that's happening to her? Why is it that all her beliefs are wavering?

Just this morning, she had a house that she woke up to, A stable work that helped her get by for their daily needs, her best friend who was with her all her life and her parents who loved her; But things changed when she went to work today. It may seem like an ordinary day for her, same breakfast, same people, same home, same boyfriend and same everyday routine.

When she started to work on the papers on her office table, she was suddenly called out by her office manager.

"You called me, sir?" She asked but the Man gestured her to seat at the empty chair in front of his desk.

"Aileen, I am sorry to say this but we will have to terminate your contract"

Her eyes widened by surprise as she stood shock from the news, everything was going great with her career, but she keeps questioning herself why. When it seems like a minute or so she finally got back to her senses and asked what she has been asking in her mind.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" she asked, her hand clasping together, afraid of the reason that she might hear soon.

"We have been terminating contracts from different departments, not just you. Pandemic is spreading everywhere and the higher ups ordered to lessen employees" Her manager explained with his hands clasped above the table.

"But why me?" she asked

"You are a great worker Aileen, but you haven't been meeting the required sale standard of the company for the past 5 months, I am deeply against letting you go but the list of people terminated was chosen by the head department and not me"

"I understand, thank you" Aileen said with a grim expression

She bade farewell and packed up her belongings. It thus began her eventful day starting from being fired in her job. Being depressed and alone is something Aileen hated, which is why rather than going home she went to visit her best friend Veronica instead, to seek comfort. Upon arriving at Veronica's House, she then found the second eventful thing that will happen to her today.

A small yelp and gasp were heard, Aileen's body was stiff and rigid, A sudden coldness hits her at the core, and with a shaky voice-soft halting and disbelieving, she called out to the guy above her best friend, making out.

"James?" She asked in surprise holding her mouth to stop her whimpering, afraid of what words will come out of her lips, there unfolding in front of her is her boyfriend making out with her best friend.

Both couples immediately fixed themselves when they sensed Aileen's presence in the room. Aileen felt her whole world crumbling down, she went to her best friend for comfort but instead she was hurt even more. A sudden onset of anger and frustration is building up inside of her, she felt disgusted and disappointed with the both of them. She didn't wait for an explanation nor excuses that the two would come up, she sprinted out not even taking a second glance.

After her outburst from Veronica's House, she ended up on the park near her home, the sun shone brightly despite her sullen mood. Her bold ash green irises can't hide her swollen and puffy eyes from all the crying. She stayed seated there for good couple of hours before she decided to go back home and retire for the day.

Clearly, fate is playing with her emotions; she thought. Upon arriving at her home, disaster greets her, unfolding in front of her is her little brother Kenneth being beaten by some unknown guys in black leather coats. She used her body to push the guy who was holding Kenneth and grabbed her brother on his arms, sprinting out without looking back with the man in black chasing after them.

She didn't know what was happening, she doesn't know where her parents are and why is Kenneth alone at the house. She had been running with Kenneth for the past 30 minutes and when she stopped to look back, the man in black have already given up chasing after them. Tired and drained she sat her brother on a nearby bench and sat beside him.

Kenneth resembles her sister a lot, his Reddish Orange Hair was a mess, his Bold ash green eyes was disoriented, he had a mark of hands on his neck clearly a mark of being strangled. Aileen looked at her little brother's appearance, then tears formed in her eyes.

"Kenneth, what had happened?" she asked as she wiped his face with napkin that she got from her purse.

"Aly, mom and dad abandoned us" Kenneth said in low sullen voice.

"what do you mean? Where's mom and dad?" She asked as she keeps looking at him.

Kenneth looked up to his sister's faced, his eyes shaking in fear, body rigid and stiff from the events that had happened.

"Aly, they took off with the money. They sold us" Kenneth said and burst into tears

"What do you mean they sold us? Mom and Dad shouldn't have any problems with money, I gave them almost all of my salary every month" Aileen said as tears threaten to spill from her eyes.

"The guy in black earlier told me that mom and dad had a massive debt and they borrowed money from loan sharks, but.. they disappeared after you went to work earlier" Kenneth explained with tear pouring his eyes.

Aileen became stiff with the new information. How could her parents do that? How could they sell off their own children? Aileen wanted to throw something, anything that could relieve her off of her frustration. Her day has been eventful indeed, but she wonders why all this is happening to her. 

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