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She embraced her crying little brother in her arms, and told him that everything will be okay, that everything will be back to the same way they used to live. She can't help but cry with her brother, she had her feelings and emotions mixed up and jumbled that her brain couldn't process it anymore. The only thing she could hope and prayed for is that someone or something could save her and her brother from the misery.

A few hours had passed, Aileen and her brother Kenneth went to a rental apartment to stay for the night, Aileen then explained to Kenneth that it is still too dangerous to return home and that the man in black might still be hovering around the neighborhood. Upon arriving in the apartment, she asked the land owner to book an apartment for a few nights, she plans to stay there with kenneth for the week to avoid the man in black.

Aileen rummaged her back to look for her wallet, she even turned it upside down but her wallet is nowhere to be found.

"I must have dropped it while running" she mumbled sullenly

"what? You don't have any money?" the lady asked

"I'm sorry, but could you let us stay for the night? I have lost my wallet and we can't stay outside with the storm coming" Aileen begged the lady which lady in return snorted at.

The lady then pushed them outside the building and closed her doors to their faces, no matter how much Aileen begged the lady never opened her doors. As they walk hand in hand looking for a place to stay, Aileen then found a dark alley way.

Embracing her little brother's small shivering body from cold, she keeps thinking where she could find food tonight. Although she found the alleyway with boxes and a roof from the building as their shelter for the night, it is not safe enough for them to stay there for a long period of time, the place will not protect them from the storm.

Aileen rummaged her bag again to look if there's any money misplaced somewhere, she at least needed to buy something for her little brother to eat. Luckily, there's a few bucks left in her bag enough to buy bread and drinking water. She would worry about their food for tomorrow the next day. Grabbing the remaining money, she told her brother to come with her and went to a nearest convenience store. Grabbing some bread and drinks, she then paid it in the cashier. The man in the cashier looked at them from head to toe and continued to process the payment for their food.

Both Aileen and Kenneth went back to the same alley way they we're before, Aileen had wondered why the guy at the convenience store was looking at them; She then examined her clothes and hair. Her usual neat and tidy Reddish orang hair is disheveled, her usual working clothes were stained and wet from the rain. She looked at her brother who was eating a bread and he is in the same condition as she is.

'We need clothes, food and shelter' she thought to herself.

She wanted to look for a work but she couldn't do that without proper clothes, she wouldn't even be able to enter any place with her looks right now. She sighed deeply disappointed, all she can do is wait for a week before returning, hoping that those men in black have already disappeared. She wondered why humans still fought with each other despite having the same circumstances, In the end they are all still at the bottom of the food chain.

"Excuse me miss?" someone called out from the outside of the alleyway.

Aileen turned her head to look, there standing is lady with long pale blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She was wearing a white dress holding a leaf umbrella and to her surprise that lady is floating, more like flying.

"Nymph?!" Aileen shrieked at the realization which made the lady smile even more.

"Ah so you know what specie I am, that's amazing" The lady praised with a smile on her face.

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