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In the third floor of the Mansion, lies the only room where the master of the house resides. On the living room of the third floor, there are two silhouettes can be seen; One was standing at the balcony with his back turned while the other one is bowing towards the other.

"Master, if you don't mine me asking. Why did you create a life and death contract with Ms. Aileen?" Icean asked with a slight bow toward the master.

He couldn't understand why his master did what he did. Dragons were unsociable being, much more to humans. A life and death contract signifies that the caster hold the life of the one being casted and vice versa.

"Icean, I don't know if you feel it but that human is my cure" His master explained which made Icean surprised and dumbfounded.

"Cure? You mean – you can be cured?"

"I am not entirely sure, but her touch has this sense of comfort. Remember that night last week?" His master asked turning around to look at him as icean nodded.

"I passed out but the moment she touched me, all my pain subsided, a chilling feeling creeped up to my whole body, that is why keeping her close to me is the best decision I could make"

Icean now understand why his master created a life and death contract, it is to make a reason for Aileen to stay by his side. Icean didn't know what to feel, he just hopes that the master won't fall for a human for that creates an even greater risk.

"I understand Master. This servant of yours will heed your every Orders" Icean said with a respectable bow as his master nodded.

As Icean went back to his work, he keeps thinking about his master well-being. His master was never the type to really keep close a human, despite his reason Icean knows that the master is comfortable with Aileen around, perks and all. Praying to his ancestors, He prayed that the master would not fall for a human, He is the last hope of his kind a mere human would hinder him.

Icean know that he can't do anything for now, that is why he can only follow his master's orders. Returning back to his work, he went to see Aileen's condition, she still hasn't woken up since yesterday. Icean expected this because of her human body and right now dragon's blood is flowing in her veins but nevertheless still human.

"Will she be alright?" Gori asked clearly worried for the girl.

"She will be alright, the moment she wakes up call me" Icean ordered as Gori nodded in understanding. Icean took one last look at Aileen and walk away to fetch Kenneth.

Gori was confused, not knowing what had happened. Icean never explained what actually happened, he was surprised when Icean burst in the kitchen with a passed-out Aileen in his arms yesterday. He tried asking what happened but the only thing Icean said is that it was master's order. Aileen's brother Kenneth was crying yesterday when he found her sister with no consciousness in their room. He was hesitant to go to school today but Icean helped them convince him.

"I don't want to leave my sister - sniff" Kenneth stated sniffing with tears in his eyes

"You don't have to worry she will be okay. Your sister wouldn't like it if you miss school" Icean said as he ruffles kenneth's hair

"Will she wake up when I come back later?" He asked finally stopping his tears as Icean nodded.

"When you get home later and be good boy, your sister will welcome you with a smile" Icean said with a slight smile which is unusual.

In the end, Kenneth went to school but his sister is still asleep. Victoria also came by to see Aileen's condition, she left some fruits just in case Aileen woke up and is hungry. But what surprised everyone in the mansion is the appearance of the master,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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