Chapter 9

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"Ally's Whipped Ally's Whipped!" They keep singing the whole ride home "Trish is like my 100 dollars!" "But you proved that Austin's Whipped!" "The bet was both Riker and Austin!" "Fine I guess that's fair." "We're here!" Rydel yells and we all get down. I sit on the couch. "I can't believe I'm whipped!" "He has you feeding out of his hand!" "I wouldn't take it that far!" I try to defend myself and dignity "Who's whipped?" Riker comes downstairs "Austin and Ally." "Trish!" "Ally's Whipped?" He laughs "No I'm not!" "By who?" "Oh this guy who she's liked for a long long long long long-" "you." Trish says coldly at him. "Ally? Whipped? By me?" "Guys!" I yell and run out embarrassed "I don't have Ally whipped. Do I?" "You should just like her. She doesn't want to believe she has Austin whipped either!" "Why'd she run off though?" "She's embarrassed that she's whipped." "Really? You know I don't really use that word, I just say she's in love with me." "That's what I'm saying! But Trish is fighting for team Auslly." "Oh, by the way your moms coming next week along with Austin's mom." "What? He Monsters-in-law?" "Technical speaking Mimi isn't her mother-in-law yet unless Austin and Ally ever got secretly married." "Nah." "Is anyone going to run after Ally?" "I stopped doing that a long time ago! I know that no matter how far she runs she always comes back to me." "WHIPPED!" Rydel sings. "Yeah whatever! I'm going to the kids room." He walks upstairs.
Back with Ally
I ran but tripped and fell into heavy traffic. Luckily the car stops but I get to scared and fainted. When I came too I was in a white room with blue curtains. Yup I've been here before. "Hospital." "Hey you awake!" I rub my eyes and look at the man sitting in a chair in front of me "N-Nash?" "Hey, I'm sorry I shouldn't have ran off." "W-what were- are you still doing here?" "I was staying this place is pretty cool. I was hoping it was big enough not to run into you. I even got a job." "Job? Where?" "This music store called Sonic Boom." "Oh no." "What?" "My dad owns that store." "I guess fate wants us together. Alz I'm sorry for being a jerk I really am." "Look Nash? Fate does NOT want us together! Fate just doesn't want me to be happy, can you call the nurse I want my boyfriend here instead of YOU!" "Your boyfriend!" He stands up with fists in his hands "oh don't get jealous! It was never you nor will it ever be! Not call the doctor!" He leaves and I dial my phone "Hello?" "Austin?" "Hey Alz, I got home and you weren't there. Austin just come to the hospital, E.R please. And brings Riker and the kids, please." "Sure I'll take the kids but Riker, I don't promise anything." "Austin!" "Okay okay!" "Tell Rydel to come too. I hate being alone." "Alright." An hour later Nash comes back. "The doctor said he want to do some quick tests on you because of your medical history. By the way when were you going to tell me you had cancer?" "I HAVE CANCER!" "Had!" "Oh, well I didn't feel it necessary that's why." The door swing open. "Honey!" Riker runs in with flowers and kisses my forehead "Riker!" "Ally!" Austin walks in with a teddy bear "I said I wanted you here not that you come with roses and teddy Bears!" "I couldn't resist." "Daddy!" "Buddy!" Nash kneels down and James runs to Riker. "ouch man that must really hurt!" Riker laughs. "Hey! Cut it out!" Audrey walks in and hugs me "Hi mom." "Hi sweetie!" "Care to explain why James doesn't want to hug me anymore?" "Because you broke his moms heart!" Audrey yells at him "Aud, shush! Leave it behind!" "Why is this guys here?" Austin asks and points at Nash. "He helped me when I fainted into heavy traffic." "Well I don't want him here!" "Austin!" "Breath!" Me and Riker try and calm him down. "What Ally are you defending your lover?" "Austin, breath, please! And you know what get out of here! I have the right to choose who can and can not be here and I don't want you here!

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