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For those of you who wanted Austin you'll have to wait until New Years. Austen's story is going to be longer and cuter. For now this is what happens if Ally picks Riker enjoy:
I closed my eyes and looked at Austin. "Austin can I see you in the living room for a second?" I ask and he stand up and follows me. "Austin. I- I love you.. A lote." He grins at me and leans in but I stop him "But it's not you." He looks at me confused. "Austin the love I have for you, is more of a friendship then a relationship. I'm sorry."
He looks mad for a second and then his face softens and I can see almost a smiles "Ally, I love you and I still want to be a part of your life, even if it isn't as your husband but as your friend, I'm okay with it." He playfully punches my arm and walks back into the dinning room.
I follow him and Riker looks at us. "I'm glad you guys ended up together." He tells us and smiles.
I take a deep breath and smile "Riker, I- I should go, Rydel's home and, come on Audrey!" I say and grab my things.
Riker looks at Austin confused "What was that about?"
Austin smile at him and rolls his eyes "Cold Feet man."
Ross looks confused at Austin "What?"
Austin looks down and sighs "It's not me..."
Riker smiles and continues eating.
"Mom are you okay?" "Yeah Audrey, I'm okay." "Then why are you hands shaking?" I ask and take a deep breath and continue driving. "Mom! Mom! Mom!" I press on the break. "What Audrey!" "Why are you mad are you okay?" "No Audrey! I- I- I'll tell you later." I start the car again and we get home "Ally!" Rydel runs and hugs me "Ross told me! Is it true? Is it Riker!" "The only thing I can tell you is that's his blonde." I say and walk to the refrigerator and get the carton of ice cream and go to the couch. Me and Audrey eat Ice cream and watch movies all night. "Dads will kill you if they knew you gave me ice cream before bed." I smile at her "Yeah they would but you know, their not here." I whisper to her and she laughs. "Mommy, why does auntie Rydel want to take to you about Daddy?" Rydel walks up to us. "Um... Aud-" "okay okay I get it it's an after I go to bed talk." She kisses me goodnight and walks to her Room. "So you and Riker!" "Mmh...Yeah?" "Freaking Finally!" She hugs me "I haven't told him..." She pushes me away. "Does that mean Austin's still in the running?" "I told him it wasn't him."
"Then why is he outside the door in pouring rain?" "What!?" I take her hands off my shoulders and run to the window. And there stood Riker with a guitar "You said it was Austin!" "I saw blonde!" I smile and watched as he serenaded me. "Can we let him in? Please?" "No..." "His in the pouring rain! He could die!" "I don't want to see him right now!" "We're you hoping that it was Austin outside?" I roll my eyes and cross my arms "I was certainly not!" Just when I finish saying that my phone rings I pick up. "Hello?" "Alz, can you pick James up him crying and he wants you." I feel my heart drop. "Is he okay?" "He has a slight fever." "I'll be there soon." I hang up and Rydel looks at my phone "Who was that?" "Austin, James has a fever and he wants me." "Austin or James?" I roll my eyes "Very funny! Take care of Audrey and if she asks where I am tell her I'm in the Emergency Room." I run up and pack an over night bag for James and dash out the door. "Ally! Where are you going! Can we talk?" Riker stops me "No, I'm in a hurry. I'm sorry." He keeps his eyes locked in the bag "Are you leaving again?" "I don't have time to explain!" I say and pull my hand then go to the car. In the Hospital me and Austin wait in the waiting Room. "James Moon!" Me and Austin stand up and go to the front desk. "Room 11." We rush to the room and lay James down. "What wrong baby? Where does it hurt?" I ask him and he points at his stomach. "His names James Moon?" Austin asks and I look up at him. "James Austin Moon, he legally has your name. His your son so he should legally have his dad's last name." "What did Nash think of that?" "He was upset at first but he understood my reasons." I say and Austin lift my chin up with his thumb so I can look at him. "Ally..." "Austin." He leans in and the door swing open. I push him away and look at the door. The doctor walks in and ask a couple question and examine James. He leaves me and Austin alone while they do some X-rays on James. "Ally. I like you." "Austin we went over this!" "But-" "no buts. I Love Riker." I hold his hand and kiss his cheek "But you will always be my best friend." I smile "you should go home. I'll stay with James." He offers "um-" "Come on you should go to sleep." "Uhhhh......" "Please...." Seeing Austin and James made me question my decision. "Austin... I want to stay." "Come one you should go tell Riker that you picked him." He hands me my bag and it take it. I look at the door and back at him. He smiles and stands against the wall. I drop my bag and wrap my arms around his neck kissing him. He grabs my waist and kisses me back. "Ally!" Austin snaps and I come back from my daydream "what?" I ask and Austin crosses him arms "You should leave." "What if I don't want to?" "What do you-" I put my bag down and place my hands on Austin's shoulders, I go on my tippy toes to reach his face, he looks down at me. "Austin, I l-" the door opens and Riker walks in "Hey, Rydel told me you two were here. I just came to see if James was okay." I let go and pick my bag up. "Yeah his okay, we're waiting on the doctor." The doctor walks in and James takes a seat "Alright. It's just a flue. He should be fine just drink a lot of Gatorade and no fruit." I sign a few paperwork and we leave. James hugs me and I pick him up "Maybe you should take him tonight, it's better for him to be with both his parents" he tells me and I look at him. I turn around and look at Riker. Riker smiles "Need a ride?" "No I'm okay. Thanks." I say and he starts walks away. "Why'd you do that?" "Austin-" "Ally it's fine you picked Riker just stop leading me on! Please! I don't want to be lead on anymore I want to continue my life without you." I step back and walk away. "Ally- wait I'm sorry- I didn't meant to... Ally!" Riker unlocks the door "Hey, get in Alz." I put James on his chair and sit down. "Are you okay? What was the fight with Austin about?" " nothing important..." He walks me to the door "Do you want to come in?" He smirks at me and I put James down and he walks inside. "We both know that if I go in it's not just going to be to give you your good night kiss." I smile and we walk inside. "Rally!" Rydel yells and I laugh. "Go to bed missy!" I warn her and she walks upstairs. "What is that about everyone is acting like you made a decision already." I smile and pull his hand and we walk to my room. "Riker," "is there something I don't know?" "Yes... It's- it's you. And only you it has always been you." He looks at me confused and then smiles "Really?" I smile back and node "My heart only beats for you." I hug him and he hugs back. I lean in but he pushes me back "No, if we're going to do this I want to do it right." He gets on one knee "Ally Sophia Dawson will you marry me?...again." I smile and giggle again "What do you think?" "No?!" "Very funny!" "So..." "Yes a million billion gazillion times yes! I loved you once and guess what? I never ever stopped! We should have never gotten a divorce." "Ally, I love you." "I love you more!" "When's the wedding?" "Let's start with the honeymoon." He lifts my chin and kisses me passionately. I kiss back and walk to the door and lock it. The next morning I wake up with my head on Riker's bare chest. "Mommy?" I hear a knock on the door and put a rob on and open it. "What is it Audrey." She looks at me "Dad is downstairs and said he wants to talk to you." I smile and hear a small moan "Ally?" I turn around "I'll be back I just have to go check on James." I say and he nodes and smiles. I walk downstairs and Austin's sitting on the couch. "Austin?" He turns around and stands up. "Ally... Did I wake you up?" "No, well, no just had a busy night." "Ally... How's James?" "I was just going to check on him right now." I say and point upstairs "I'll go with you." We walk to his Room and see him sleeping in his bed. I feel his head and he feels normal. "He looks okay." "Yeah." I smiles and look at him. "I'm glad his okay." Austin moves a piece of hair from my face and smiles "if Riker doesn't know yet do I have a chance to win you back?" He asks and I look into his eyes and smile. "No." His hand drops "why not!" Riker walks in and I smile "Your two late. I already told him." I hold his hand and hug him tightly. Riker kisses my forehead tenderly "we're engaged..." "Marriage? Again? Really? Yeah because that ended so well last time." He rolls his eyes and I cross my arms "At least we got married unlike you..." "Yeah but you were married and had kids with... Uh... ME!" Riker steps in between us. "Can we not do this is James room. We can wake him up and I don't want that." I look at Riker and smiles "It's fine we were finished anyway. Right Austin?" Austin nodes and kisses my cheek. "I'm sorry. And I should go, keep me updated on James please." "Sure." I say and he leaves. Riker hugs my waist and Rydel walks in "Awe Rally's back together! Yay!" I smile "Go brag to Raini." She smiles and dials "Raini, I was right you were W.R.O.N.G.! Rally is a thing now so ha!" Me and Riker laugh and Rydel hangs up. "I need to confess something as does Ally." "What do I have to confess?" "The Ross thing." "That... Right..." "What Ross thing?" I look at Riker and he lets go of my hand "Me and Ross made out at the teen choice awards some years back... When I was with Austin." "You kisses my brother?" "Yes." He smiles "it's in the past. I was an alcoholic back then too and slapped you and you forgave me I'm okay with it." "Rally!" Rydel screams waking James up "Del!" Riker scolds her and I kneel down to James "Hi sweetie... Do you feel better?" "Where's DaDa?" I look at him. "What?" "Dada!" He reaches for Riker and Riker kisses his cheek "Hey son." "And Austin was okay with this?" "Yeah. James loved me first and he would always have to live with that even if you picked him." "Rally." I say jokingly and he laughs. "rally." He says quietly the door opens and we turn around "Ellington?!" I ask and he smiles and hugs me. "Good to see you!" He says and hugs Riker. They pull away and he walks to Rydel. "So an I hearing Double wedding bells?" Rydel asks "Wait Rally's a thing again? I thought that was never going to happen again." Riker smile "Ha you thought wrong!" He points at him and I smile. "Rydel as much as I love you... I want my own wedding this time I shared my other one and I just want it to be MY day..." "Greedy much?" I smile "I'm sorry!" "Nah it's okay. We're getting married first though." She says and I roll my eyes "What did you want to tell us?" She looks at the floor then back at us. "I'm kinda... Well... Pregnant." I grin and Riker looks upset "Awe RYDELLINGTON baby!" I say and Riker glares at Ellington "You have 5 seconds..." He warns and Ellington laughs "For what?" Ellington the becomes aware and runs, Riker runs after him. "Your joking right?" "No..." "Is this your way of telling me to move out?" "I don't want you to move out until Riker puts a ring on that finger!" I smile "He proposed last night, and I said yes... I don't need a ring to know that I'm deeply in love with him." "Rally! Wait is James my nephew?" "Technically speaking yes..." "He just looks like Ross that's why." "I did not sleep with Ross I know that." "So it can be Riker's?" "I think they did some tests the night Riker, you know..." I say holding my cheek. "Yeah. You know his sorry about that!" "No, I completely understand and I'm okay. Just its weird. Being with him... Again... But I want to..." "No you are not ruining my happy moment! Hell to the no! You love Riker true?" "Yes." "Then forget about the past because Riker did too and you've made more mistakes." "Where's the ring?" "You said you didn't need one!" "I was talking about yours!" "Oh..." She smiles and shows me her hand. "Wow." Riker walks in out of breath "His fast!" I smile "Look at this rock!" "What happened to not needing a ring!" He asked and I laugh "I don't need it just look how much Ellington loves Rydel!" I say and he walks closer to me and Kisses me. "We're going ring shopping Monday." I smile and hug his neck. "Did I mention how much I love you yet?" "Yes but I love hearing it." "I love you." "Alz, I promise you that even if we change we, will never fade away." I smile and kiss him. Rydel clears her throat and we pull. "Maybe we should leave James' room." She says and we walk out. "Wait so is it true that you and Austin might be related?" "Who told you that?" "Rydel." "No me and Austin aren't related." He smiles and kisses my cheek. We hang out the rest of the day and I get a call. Riker hands me my phone "Hello? Hey Danny! Yes you got my email? Perfect! Yes... Yes... Awesome... I'll look at them and tell you if I'm interested. Yes. Oh really? Thank you thank you so much!" I hang up and smile. "Who was that?" Riker asked with a little jealousy in hit tone and I smile "that was our old real estate agent. We're going house hunting on Wednesday." "Okay." "How about we all go to dinner tonight and ease you into the idea of your baby sister becoming a Lee Ratliff" "it's just Ratliff." "I know but just imagine it Rydel Mary Ratliff!" He laughs "Ew!" "Very mature! But seriously Riker I need a date night! no kids!" "Who'll babysit?" "We have Trish and Austin. And Nash take your pick." "We should ask Trish to join. And Austin can babysit." "You don't know if he got a girlfriend." I suggest and he laughs "Good one what has it been an hour?" "Hey we have Stormie. She'll be happy to babysit." "True. She'd be more happier to know that your mine and all mine." He kisses my neck and hugs me.
Later that night "Have fun!" Stormie yells from the house and we leave "Where are we going?" Rydel asked "Um Bella Notte. I believe Riker made the reservations." "Oh Bella Notte how romantic!" Trish says flirty. "Yeah yeah. It's just nice to go on a date just like old times." I say and smile "hey, come to think of it you and Austin never went on a TRUE first date..." Riker looks at me and I open my mouth to speak but Rydel beats me to it. "Let's not thank about that right now let's just focus on the positive like that Ally's going to be a Lynch again!" "Again! Like that went well the first time..." "TRISH! Can you not!" Riker stops the car and I look outside. "Riker what the hell is this? I am not dressed for this!" The girls look outside at the sign that read "spring masquerade ball" I shove Riker a little "I am not dressed for this!" He laughs "there's a boutique not far from here. You girls are fine." "You could have warned me!" Rydel yells and hits the back of his head "I had a gown for this." She says and flips her hair "we don't have time to go back!" "But but- fine. But we're paying with Rikers credit card!" "No- bu-" "please Riky!" "Fine. For you." The girls and I walk to the store. An hour later Riker texts me and I walk out in beautiful long dresses, trish in this short pastel yellow dress and we looks normal and very spring inspired except Rydel, she bought a wedding dress in pink. "why?" I ask and she sighs and smiles "Ellington won't let me wear pink on out wedding day." "What?" "Why not?" "He said I have to wear white. Sometimes I want to call this whole wedding off! But then I look at my hand." We smiles and shake our heads. We walk to the ball. When we get to the entrance we give Rikers names and they hand us maskes. I get a shiny dark purple one to match my dress. I walk to the dance floor and a guy bumps in to me. "May I have this dance?" He asked and I smiled. "I'm looking for my fiancé." I tell him "I'm sure one dance won't hurt." He replies and I take his hand. He's way to good of a dancer. There's only one person that can dance like that. I take his hand and walk to the corner "I know who you are." I tell him "Can I know who you are?" He answers and smiles I reach for his masks and he pulls away. "Not until midnight." I see a blonde guy dancing with a petite brunette girl. He was tall and I know who he was. "Austin take off your mask I know it's you." I say and rip his mask off. "Hey! How'd you know it was me? Who are you?" "Ally. The mother of your children." I take my mask off. "Oh. Hey." "And because you didn't know who I was I don't think Riker knows either he's dancing with a girl who looks kinda like me." "How do you know that's Riker?" "His smile." Austin puts my mask on and then his "then go get him." I sigh and walk up to him. "Can I interrupt?" I ask and he looks at me. "I'm sorry we're in a middle of a dance Mme.." I smile and pull him to a corner. "I'm sorry. For interrupting but-" he looks at me "do I know you?" I grab him by the collar and kiss him. He pushes me off and I take of his mask. "What the heck!" "Your an idiot you know that?" I ask and he crosses his arms "you have no right to kiss me! I'm engaged, just because your a fan doesn't mean you have the right to do that!" I take my masks off and he steps back "I- what? Why did you kiss me you could have been wrong! What if you kissed a random dude!" "I knew it was you. Your one of a kind. And apparently I'm not. Because you didn't even know who I was." I walk away and he runs after Me. "Ally!" Austin runs to me "what's wrong?" "Take me home. Please?" "My cars this way." We get to the parking lot and I stop when I see Austin's car. "What? What's wrong?" I look at him and shake my head. "I can't do this. I can't leave." "Ally. I love you." "I love you too. You were my first kiss, my first time." "Your first love?" He asks and I shake my head "No. Riker was my first love. He was there when you couldn't be. And I found someone that I can't live without. I'm sorry Austin." I hug him and he hugs me back. I smile. "Do you want me to take you home? I promise I won't try anything." I nod and get in his car
Riker POV
I ran after Ally and saw her talking to a man then she hugged him and left with him. Where could she possibly be going with that dude?
An hour later:
I was laying down in my room when I hear the door open. "Riker, she's okay her phone probably died." I get up and go downstairs "You guys are back already?" I ask "Ally!" He picks me up and spins me around. "I thought you left me." "No, Austin drove me home. I just needed time to cool down." "He JUST dropped you off?" "Yep. Riker I love you and I have to learn to not let my anger get the better of me." "You really do." Rydel says. And I smiles "Come on I was looking at wedding dresses!" I grab her hand and pull he upstairs. "Riker, congratulations." Stormie says and Riker looks baffled. "Why?" He asks and Stormie smiles "You never let her go. And now... She's not gone let you go. You found a girl who loves you." Riker nodes.
With Dell and Ally:
"I was thinking of using my moms." Rydel says "Just take a look at it." I say showing her my laptop her mouth dropped and her eyes widen. "It's..." "Pink?" "Yes!" The dress was a white princess with a pink lace sash around the waist. "You can use my moms this ones mine!" She yells "we can go try it on on Friday." She jumps on me hugging me and I hug back. The door opens and Stormie walks in. "There you are my little monkeys." I smiles and lay down on the floor looking up at Stormie Rydel lays her head on my stomach. "Oh we're getting to old for this." I say and Rydel smiles. "Maybe you are..." "Your older then me!" I exclaim and Rydel laughs. "Girls." "Yes?" We reply at the same time. "Wedding." "Oh. Yeah." We stand up and sit next to her. "Rydel." "Mom." "Get a new dress." "Yes ma'am. I'm getting the pink one!" Rydel yells falling back kicking her feet back. I smile at her. "Ally." I look at her with a smile. "I'd be honored." I say she kisses my forehead. "Welcome back to the family." "It like I never left." I say and she chuckles a little. "Double wedding?". Rydel stops jumping and looks at me with hopeful eyes. "I would love to get married the same day as Rydel." Rydel yet again attacks me making both of us fall down. "But then how will we be each others maid of honors?" Rydel looks at me "We co-plan the bachelorette party, spread the word of where were registered gift wise, You keep a record of my gifts and me of yours, we pick bridesmaid we both want and like and agree on a color for dresses, we co-schedule and co-plan everything!, I'll be there for you and you'll be there for me and we give some hell of a speech to each other!" I think "But a maid of honor is supposed to be there for the bride make her life easier." Stormie says. I grin and hug Rydel "You and me. Nothing's gonna separate us. Be my maid of honor?" "Be mine?" She asks back and we hug it out. "Double wedding it is." I hear Riker and Ellington say. "No double honeymoon right?" Riker asks. "Ooh!" Rydel says but Riker rejects instantly. "But-" I start and Riker inturupts by picking me up "She's mine!" He says before running to my room and closing the door. "Riker-" he slams his lips into mine and I smile. I push him away and he sits on the corner of the bed taking off his shoes. I go up behind him and hug his waist. He smiles and looks at me. He placed his hands over mine and I place my face on the crook of his neck. "I love you." He says. And node. "I love you more." A few weeks later we send out our save the dates but I decided to personally give Austin his. I knock on the door and he opens it almost instantly. "Ally?" He looks and me and I smile "Hi. Can I come in?" I ask and he lets me in. "What are you doing here?" "I just wanted to give you this." I say handing him the envelope. "And this is?" "My save the date." "Oh. So it's. Official. Your getting re-married." I node with a smile. "I hope you can come." "I'll definitely... Think about it. But I don't promise anything." My smiles fades and I give a slit node. 8 months later were walking down the isle. Rydel on my left and me on her Right. "Are you ready?" She asks and I smiles. "I am. Are you?" She nodes. Ross comes up behind us carrying baby Isabelle who was our flower girl, with the escort of Audrey, . Rydel gave birth 2 months prier to the wedding. "Your bouquet!" I say. I hand her mine and walk to the brides room. "Bouquet where are you?" I start looking for it. "Found it." I hear someone say. I turn around and see Austin. I haven't seen him sense I gave him his save the date. He didn't respond to his RSVP. What's he doing here? "What are you doing here? I didn't think you'd come." I say. He smiles. "You look beautiful." Was his only response. I put a hand on my hip "Austin." I say firmly. "I just came to give you your wedding present." He places the bouquet on the table and hands me a box. I start to open it and he stops me "Open it when I leave." He says. I node. I take the bouquet from the table. "Thank you. Rydel would have had a fit." He smiles and leans in. I don't move. He kisses my cheek softly. "Austin." "Good luck. With. Everything." I node. He gives me a slight hug and then walks away. I open the box and see an envelope. I open it and read it. "Ally, I'm happy that you found your true love. That's all I ever wanted for you. I don't care it isn't me. Riker should know he's a lucky man. Treasure you each and everyday. While your reading this I'm gonna be on my way to the airport, I'm gonna continue my music career. That's what makes me happy. I'm sorry I couldn't stay for the wedding. It would just hurt me to much. I added a little something in the box for you. In case you need something old, or blue. It belonged to my mom. Even thought she didn't show it, she loved you very much. Attached to this letter is the adoption papers. I signed them. When Riker signs them James and Audrey will be officially yours and only yours. I still love them very much. But I just cause problems in there life. Give them a life they deserve, they've been though a lot. Especially Audrey. Give the motherly love that she so desperately needs. She's a trouper like you. And if you and Riker have kids of your own which I really hope you do. Don't forget about Audrey and James. I'll stay in touch but I won't be there all the time anymore. Don't be a stranger. I'd love for you guys to came visit uncle Austin some time. I love you guys. I hope you guys live a happy and long life together. I love you Ally. Thank you for everything you gave me." I look at the box and find a blue butterfly hair pin. Rydel walks in "Did you find it?" I wipe my tears away. "Ally? Are you okay?" I node. She sees the pin and puts it on me. "Come on its almost time." I put the card down and hug her. We pull away and I hand her the bouquet. We walk to the doors of the church ready to walk. The groomsmen start off then the brides maid. And then me and Rydel accompanied my Mark. My dad couldn't be here. He has work and that man does not take a day off for anything. But I still love him. I look at Riker who has tears in his eyes. As I get to the alter Ellington whispers in my ear "You look amazing." I smile and hug him. "Thank you." I say and hold Riker's hand. Who's looking at Rydel in Ah. "Take care of her." He says to Ellington and Ellington nodes. The ceremony goes on and we exchange our vows. Rydel and Ellington were beautiful and romantic. "Riker, your vows." The priest says and Riker smiles at me. "Allison Sofia Dawson, Life has given us a second chance at happiness. I come today to give you my love, to give you my heart and my hope for our future together. I promise to bring you joy, to be at home with your spirit, and to learn to love you more each day, through all the days of our lives. My love for you is endless and eternal." He says and I smile at him wanting to kiss him and hug him. "Ally?" The priest says and i clear my throat "We have been through this once before. Yet, no matter how many times I say it, I can't stop. It wasn't that the first time was not enough. It is not out of fame or fortune, lust or greed. It is not because we need to rekindle our love. It is because I want the expression. I want to relive a moment in my life that I will always be proud of. A moment that was never too dull or grand.
It was just right.
I loved you then,
I loved you through,
I love you now,
I Always DO.
Since I have found you, A- Riker, have found a new life. The decision to commit to share that life with you is one I make happily and with full confidence in our love, secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love.
On this special day, I give to you, in the presence of God and all these witnesses, my pledge to stay by your side, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live." "Do you take this man as your husband to have and to hold in sickness and in health, for richer or poor, as long as you both shall live?" "I do." Me and Rydel say. "Do you take this woman as your wife to have and to hold in sickness and in Health, for richer or poor, as long as you both as you both shall live?" Ellington and Riker say I do "I pronounce you husband and wife, You may now kiss the bride." Riker kisses me tenderly. And all our friends and family clap. Trumpets by Jason Derulo plays as we walk down the isle. As requested by Riker and Rydel. After the party Riker and I drive to Vegas, we stay at the Paris Las Vegas hotel. We go up to the hotel room and Riker stops me before I walk in "Wait!" I look at him. "What? Now? You stopped to take a picture carrying me like a trophy now what?" He smiles at me and carries me bridal style. "I have to carry the bride though the threshold." I giggle. "What?" "Its tradition and I'm nothing if not traditional." I smile and node. He opens the door and carries me in. "Okay, tradition complete." Later that night Riker's sitting in a balcony, I go up behind him hugging him. "I almost forgot. Here." I say handing him the papers Austin gave me. "What is this?" "Austin stopped by before the ceremony. He legally signed his right to you. All you have to do is sign them and Audrey and James are officially ours." He grins at me. "Seriously?" I node and hand him a pen. He signs them and I take them and seal them in an envelope. "I'll send them to the lawyer." I say smiling at him. He takes my hands and kisses them. "I love you" "I love you more." I say and he smiles at me.
•2 months later•
We're all around the table for thanksgiving; Me, Isabelle, Audrey, Rydel, Courtney, Alexa, Savannah,  Stormie, James, Ross, Ryland, Ellington, Riker, Rocky, Brandon and Austin. We go around the table giving thanks and then it's my turn. "Okay, I'm thankful for our family, our friends, the food on this table, thank you girls for helping me out, all the memories we made this year, Rydellington, oh, and on more little thing...." Everyone lookes at me and I hold my stomach "Our new little baby." I say and everyone looks happily surprised. "Really?" Riker asks and I node. He stands up and kisses me. "To Rallison." Rydel puts her cup up and everyone follows. "And to my new grandchild!" Stormie adds. Austin smiles at us. I smile back. "Is it Riker's?" He asks and I laugh "Yes it is! I'll do any tests you guys want." I yell at him and Riker hugs me. "I believe you." I hug him back "I love you." He grins "I'm gonna be a dad!" He says placing a hand on my stomach. "Hey!" Audrey says with a little hurt in her voice. Riker looks at her and smiles "Again." She smiles back at him and I look at them. I love my life.
•8 Years Later•
We walk into build a bear. Audrey who is now 20. James who is 12 and our little baby Roxanne who isn't a baby anymore. Anyway, Audrey's making us proud by going to college she got into Stanford. Me and Riker are so proud of her she went in for pre-law. As a tradition we come to Build a bear every Christmas year as a family before we cook Christmas Eve dinner for everyone. It's our turn to host the party, Savannah and Ryland threw it las year. "Dad!" I hear Roxanne yell and for Riker. Audrey goes up to me placing her elbow on my shoulder "So mom, you never told me, why Roxanne?" I look at her raising an eyebrow "What do you mean?" "Why the name?" I node "Oh, Roxy to keep the R going in the Lynch Family and Anne to keep the A going in the Dawson's. Audrey." Audrey smiles "Did Uncle Austin reply to the dinner invitation?" "No. But he's busy with his work." "To busy for his only daughter and Son? I haven't seen him sense my highschool graduation." She says and I hug her "You know he cares about you. But you know how he's been sense Roxanne was born." "He still had hope." "But I love Riker." "I do too. He's a good man. And I always knew that he was the one for you mom." I smile at her. "So is David coming to dinner?" I ask her and she blushes smiling "Yes mom, he is. Oh I can't wait for you to meet him! I think he might be the one!" "Thanks great sweetheart." "As much as I love yours and Dad's love story. I feel like we might have the love you guys have... Except without he drama." We laugh. "Where's James? James!" James runs in "I want that one!" He says pointing at a motorcycle for a bear. "Audrey?" "I'll help him" she tells him and holds James hand as they walk to the accessories. I see Roxanne run to the Christmas section he long blonde curls bouncing and Riker behind her. "Making a holiday Reindeer is my favorite Christmas thing!" "Oh yeah? Because you get to choose it?" Riker asks and she shakes her head taking the reindeer to the stuffing area. "Because you have a collection and you want to expand it!" She shakes her head again. "Nope!" "Well is it because you get to make it soft and cuddly?" She violently shakes her head as he hugs her reindeer and walks to the clothing area. Audrey and James meet us there and were helping James dress his. "Then it's when you get to dress them right?" Riker asks holding up purple boots. Roxanne shakes her head and looks up and him with a smile "No, 'cause I get to make it with you Daddy." Riker looks at her surprised, picks her up and hugs her tightly. I smile as I look at them. Audrey puts her head on my shoulder and smiles.
•Back Home•
Everyone around the fireplace taking "Where's David?" Riker asks Audrey. "He's parking the car dad." The door bell rings and Audrey runs to answer it. "Uncle Austin." She says and James runs to hug him. Austin picks him up and hugs him. I stand up and Austin walks in "Hey guys!" He smiles at us. He puts James down and opens his arms to me. I run into them and hug him tightly "Where the hell have you been the past 8 years?" Riker walks up to us "Did it really take you 8 years to get over ally?" He asks Austin lets go of me and smiles "No, It only took me like 2." He answer "Where have you been for the other 6?" Audrey asks with her hands on her hips. "Audrey? Wow, I haven't seen you sense your graduation." Audrey rolls her yes "Yeah, I saw you and you disappeared." "I'm sorry, I was busy." "Busy with what?" The door bell rings and Austin open it. A tall brunette walks in and takes her place next to Austin. "Who's this?" I ask my eyeballs almost popping out of my head "this is Heather." He says with a smile "My fiancée." I extend my hand and she hugs me "Ally! I've heard so much about you!" I hug back. "I wish I could say the same." I say under my breath. We pull away and she shakes Riker's hand. She catches a glimpse of James and Audrey. "You must be Audrey, and James." The kids look at me and I shrug. "You're Austin's-" "yeah." Audrey says looking down "Niece." I looks at Austin. And he grabs my arm and takes me to the kitchen. "She doesn't know!?" I say and he shushes me. "No, you want to know what I was doing those 6 years?" He asks and I node "I was with her. Building trust falling in love. And I did. We did. She's, perfect." He says while smiling "what does she think we are?" I ask "Friends, best friends." I node he hugs me and kisses the top of my head. "Please don't tell her. I don't want to add drama to our life's. The kids are yours and I want to start a new life. Please." He says and I node. We pull away and walk back to the living room. "Oh! David this is my mom. And My uncle Austin." Audrey says with I guy next to her. "Who's this?" Austin asks a little pissed off. "Uncle Austin, this is my boyfriend. David." David shakes mine and Austin's hand "Mrs.Lynch it's an honor to meet you." He says with a smile. Audrey did well. I get to know Heather and we really get along. Isabelle and Roxanne come from downstairs "Mom!" Roxanne calls out to me and we all turn around and Isabelle and Roxanne come down from my room with all the stuffed animals and Fluffy runs down also. Heather yells and puts her feet up. "Heather it's a puppy." Austin says and I pick fluffy up. "Austin, this is Isabelle and Roxanne." Austin extends his hand and Roxanne hugs him. "Nice to meet you uncle Austin." Austin hugs back and smiles at us. "She looks like Riker." He says to us and Riker hugs us. "When did you guys get a dog?" Rydel asks and I smile. "Roxanne was sick and wouldn't get better." "So we bought her a little motivation." We stay up till midnight and the kids go to bed at 9. "So how did you and Ally?" Heather asks Austin. We smile at each other "We've been best friends. Forever." He answered. "Speaking of bestfriends where's trish?" Brandon asks. I shrug "I don't know. Ever sense we moved to Cali, she hasn't answered any calls. Dez too. But it doesn't matter. I have my family." I say and hug Rydel. "I love you boo!" "I love you too boo!" Austin smiles. "We'll get out of your hair. Goodnight and merry Christmas. I left somethings for the kids under the tree." Austin says and I stand up and hug him. "Merry Christmas. You are always welcome here Austin. You both are." I kiss his cheek and smile at him. Riker and Austin say there goodbyes and Heather thanks us and follows Austin. "That wasn't so bad." Riker says and I smile "No. No it wasn't." I sit in the middle of Courtney and Rydel. "Merry Christmas guys." "Merry Christmas." They say back. "You guys know where the guest rooms are. I'm gonna go sleep." I take Riker's hand and intertwine out fingers. We walk upstairs together. "I love you." He says and I Kiss him. "I love you more." We hug and he kisses the top of my head. "I'm happy we ended up together." I smile "I'm happy too. Best decision I've ever made. Was not giving up on us." We kiss and I rest my head on his chest. I love him so much! I know that we're gonna be together. Forever.

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