Tape #1

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"You got the gig?! Oh my god!"

Courtney Cortez flopped onto her bed, corded landline pressed against her ear, electrified excitement racing through her veins.

"Not to say 'I told you so', but... I knew you would."

She clutched a strand of her hair as she listened to the boy's voice on the other end.

"It was crazy: like something from a movie! We got the call about six minutes ago. I still can't believe it!"

Her voice was elevated. "That's amazing. Oh, I'm so happy for you!"

"You're literally the first person I've called. We're celebrating at Lascari's - come join us! Reggie just challenged the guy who did our soundcheck to a round of darts. You've gotta be there for that, at least."

Courtney laughed, a hand to her mouth. "I can't. Luke, it's 11:30. I'd get busted before I even reached the front door."

"Please, Love. For me. Just this once?"

"I wish I could. Look, I'll see you tomorrow at school."

He sounded dispirited, and she felt a little guilty. "But I wanted you here tonight."

"I know." She sat up again, running a hand through the short mess of brunette locks that framed her face. Her eyes surveyed the room, finally landing on the project she had open on her desk. This made her smile, and she eagerly anticipated Luke's reaction. "But I'll bring the vinyl cover."

"You finished it?! No way!" He spoke fast, hopped up on adrenaline and enthusiasm. "Alex, get over here!" Courtney found herself listening in, but she couldn't hear the conversation between the two bandmates. When Luke addressed her again, she took the vinyl cover from her desk, phone cord stretching. She turned the cover over in her hands, admiring it.

"What does it look like? Is it cool? Are we on it? When did you finish it?"

She laughed again, louder this time. "Slow your roll, Cobain. And stop trying to change the subject. I have way more questions for you about your gig."

"And I'm gonna answer them! But you gotta tell me about this album cover. Can we really use it?"

"Of course, dummy. I made it for you."

There was a pause before Luke spoke again. "Are you sure you can't come out tonight? I'm buying the ginger ale."

"My parents would literally kill me. They've only just started letting Rebecca go to parties, and she's still fifteen. But if I ever snuck out in the middle of the night to have drinks with my favorite band, I'd definitely be grounded till college."

She could practically feel Luke smiling. "We're your favorite band?"

"Obviously." Courtney leaned against her bedframe, the purple cord of her phone wrapped around one finger.

"Just for that, I'm driving by your house on the way home - just to see you. And maybe that album cover."


"Oh, yeah. I'll bring you some soda, we'll talk gigs on your roof. Whole deal." He paused. "You'll wait up for me, won't you?"

Courtney smiled, nodding slowly. "I will."

Her mother's sharp voice rang out, breaking the peaceful bubble around her bedroom. "Courtney! Off the phone now and get to bed! You have school tomorrow!"

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