~April Fools Special~

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(~Title updated for future readers~)

2nd Person:

It had been 3 months since you arrived to what you now call 'The (Y/N) BirchLands'. You got bored quickly over your houses design and decided to make it pop with (F/C) concrete and mini tree decorations to compliment the real ones. The best part was that you didn't have to break a sweat over it because Veronika requested that the TT's build it for you, which they enjoyed.

 The best part was that you didn't have to break a sweat over it because Veronika requested that the TT's build it for you, which they enjoyed

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The medium sized castle next to it stuck out like a sore thumb however, towering over your house in domination, but it wasn't that bad.

Things had been going well for Skeet, Star, and Neviz too. You managed to teach Skeet how to read which he was flustered about at first, Neviz acted as your mob mom, getting to know you better and being the first to treat any injuries you might have received. And Star? Star seemed to have gotten more confident the past few weeks. He hardly stuttered as much and delivered wittier responses when you made him blush instead of hissing & going silent. Ever since he met you, it felt like he could accomplish much more by meeting someone new. Like, he finally had expectations for meeting someone. Which is why, one night, he stayed out past his bedtime and met with his own kind.

Why he had never done it before? Who knows, maybe he feared what they'd think of him? Yet it turned out the mobs he met were actually friendly to him. You would've paid to see the look on his face when he got home, he was so happy.

So all of that lead up to today. Where you simply laid down on your bed collecting your thoughts, Eliot on your stomach purring for comfort.

You took this time to think about your family back home. Perhaps you should go back to visit them one day. Your father would be delighted to hear of your mining adventures and your mom would be proud of the friends you met along the way. Not as if there were many you'd met, but befriending multiple mobs would surely come as a surprise.

You were interrupted however by a knock at the door, and it would be rude not to answer it. Sliding Eliot off gently, you stood to your feet and made your way to the door. Maybe Star had come by to deliver a snack.

Instead, you were greeted by the sight of a skeleton. He was short with a blue jacket on, and he couldn't have been skeet because he didn't have the same crack in his eye. That's when it hit you.


"Uhuhuhuhuhuhhuhuh,uhuhuh uhuhuhuh".

Suddenly the memories came crashing in like the waves, and nearly knocking you off your surfboard entirely. Your childhood phase of sans undertale was just like any one's. Obsessed over the skeleton and in love with the game's quirky dialouge, the Oc's that you had created, oh and the fanfiction. Boy, all of the lemons you wrote.

You had gotten over him a long time ago, and were feeling yourself get riled up all over again. But no! You couldn't take him over your new love, and of course we know who that is. Our main character Star the creeper! You've realized your love for Star the creeper a LONG time ago, so you weren't going to let him down that easily!

Creeper x Reader {A Minecraft Lovey Dovey Story}Where stories live. Discover now