Ch. 12: Train Me

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(Welcome to ~"Nyan tries to accent"~
also small blood warning)

1st Person:

     You know, I thought that maybe after getting through such a hectic week, things would go back to normal. As in before I met.. anyone here actually. I could be huddled up in my house with my adorable lap cat, drinking hot chocolate and reading fairy tales. I understand the entire point of me coming out here was to explore the big blocky terrain, but no one told me it could be so tiring. Maybe my adrenaline is running out? I was so excited when my parents finally sent me off to do my own thing, yet now, going back doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'm sure they would miss me, and gladly shelter me back in. I think I'm getting older, and less fun.

     But no, the universe wasn't done with me just yet. Things were great for a few hours until I heard something outside my window. I can't even really describe the sound, but it was definitely some sort of animal. Also adding on to the fact that Eliot was kneading my chest, the world was becoming my alarm clock. So what do you do with alarm clocks? You hit snooze.


Aka I may or may not have pushed my cat off the bed.


I. Cannot. With that noise. Anymore.

     I tried covering my ears, covering my head with a pillow, I even had Eliot laying on said pillow on said head. That weird animal noise has not left. There's even a new sound now, and I would swear it was a villager but why would it be a villager.

     With a long groan I forced my body out of my bed and I went outside, still in my pajamas. Would you believe me if I told you that there was somehow a villager in my animal pen? He, or it, had two loud llamas that looked at me with their derpy faces. At least I found the source of the noise. The villager noticed me and hummed. I obviously didn't speak that language, so I just did the same noise back and opened the fence for it to get out. He seemed pleased.

     The villager wore blue robes instead of typical brown ones, leading me to believe that he was a wanderer. And when there's a wanderer, there's some goodies. The only problem is how do I ask about what he has? Did that rhyme-

      Thankfully, I didn't have to ponder that for long as the wandering trader opened one side of his robe, showing the things he had to offer. There wasn't too much of interest, a lilypad, some regular books, a dead bush. Who would buy those? One thing caught my eye though, a golden apple. It glimmered with magic and I could smell the sweetness just from this distance. I pointed at the apple and the trader looked at me.

     "3 emeralds", it said. I'msorryexcusemehowmanyemeralds. Okay okay, I'm not poor, but I don't have three emeralds. I have two but I'm saving those for something special, not to blow it on a fruit. I sighed, "Buy later?". He understood me and crossed his arms, tending to his llamas. I decided to walk my broke self to Skeet's place. He's gotta have emeralds.


"I ain't giving you three emeralds."

"Skeet please, you can get more anytime you want!"

"(Y/N) how old are you."

"...19, why?"

"Eh, you're grown enough to get yer own emeralds", the skeleton put up the helmet he was shining.

     I shivered at the thought of going into the mines. Some iron and coal? No big deal chief, but emeralds are on like diamond level! "You know what happened last time I tried mining.."

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