~Thanksgiving Special~

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     (So basically my definition of a special is a story that doesn't happen canonly in the story narrative ATM, but if the holiday were to occur during the setting, this is how it would go. I hope that makes sense. One side note I have is that this may or may not contain details from the upcoming chapter(s). Enjoy the quick story and Happy Thanksgiving!!)

3rd Person:

     On Thanksgiving day, Star had planned something special. It wasn't everyday that Skeet, (Y/N) and him would be in the same setting, but today was a good occasion. He set up a small picnic area, surrounded by roses he planted with the help of Neviz. She would be preparing the meal while he kept the other two busy.

     He hurried Skeet along and grabbed a basket on the way out, smiling out of pure excitement. The four of them would all be together like a family, happily eating and laughing. Gosh he did that every darn day but with (Y/N) it would seem brand new.

     Once arriving at the base, Star motioned for Skeet to knock on the door politely. He did so and the two waited in silence. Distant ladder climbing could be heard and some scurrying before the door opened.

     "For the last time NO I will not be buying your pumpkin themed cookies, how many times do I have to-", the girl was cut off when she noticed it was just her two friends at the door.

"Pumpkin cookies?", Skeet scratched his head.

"Um yeah... Anyway hi Star, Sebastian, how are you guys?"

     "We're doing fine, the kid right here wanted to invite you out on a picnic today. He seemed really ecstatic about seeing you", he replied while petting Star's head like a child. All he did was nod in response, furthering his grip on the basket.

     "Oh well isn't that nice? That's one thing I'm thankful for today, thought I'd just be sitting here alone all day with that little monster", she said gesturing behind her at the feline digging through her chest, "I'd love to come"

     A happy hiss left Star's throat as he continued on his path deeper into the forest. Skeet just told (Y/N) that that meant to follow him. She picked Eliot up against his will and followed the men into the forest. She decided to make small talk on the way, not really knowing how far Star was planning to go.

     "Sooooo.... is your girlfriend coming or..?", an awesome sentence I quote from (Y/N) herself. This is definitely how you bring up the subject of another man's gf, oui oui.

     "Ah.. yeah she is. She's gonna finish up on the baking and she'll meet us here. Not everyday you get to see her, huh?"

     "Nope, every moment we have though I'm gonna remember. Nice to have some girly talk with another comrade", she pictured the previous encounters with the humble skeleton.

"I feel you on that one"


     After more pointless jibber-jabber Star had eaves dropped on, they made it. A cleared out spot between the birch trees, sparkling with roses and daisys. The soft buzzing of bees could be heard as they whirled around in a search for honey and the quiet whispers of the wind made everything seem to good to be true. The creeper set down the basket and took deep breaths out his mouth, able to speak again. "I got it from here bud", the skeleton muttered to him. He nodded at him and watched him take out the diamond patterned blanket, laying it on the fuzzy grass.

"So um... you don't like pumpkins?", Star questioned, finally able to speak.

     "Well no not really", she admitted. "I mean decorations sure but I don't eat anything with the flavor". (Sorry if you actually like pumpkin but pumpkin is ✨~n a s t y~✨)

     "Okay, I'll make note of that for the future", he just smiled to himself. He knew Neviz was going to bring a pumpkin pie, which was Sebastian's fav, so next time he'll just ask her to make something else like apple.

     "You got everything planned out don't ya? You think I'd be here until next Thanksgiving?", the cutie asked, not realizing how that sentence could be interpreted under a wrong light.

     This made Star tense up lightly. He had never even thought of how long (Y/N) would be staying, he thought that she would just be there forever, she lived there. He couldn't even begin to imagine what life would be like without... no.. he wouldn't let bad thoughts like that ruin his day. "I-I mean.. I would hope so..", was all he responded with.

     (Y/N) was going to say something to justify what she meant before Skeet's voice filled their ears, "Alright you two lovebirds, picnics' ready". Star happily flopped down onto the comfortable blanket, leaving Baby behind to shake off her blush at the 'lovebird' comment. Eliot curled himself up next to Star and he sat up straight, fur rising at the sudden contact with the beast. The cutie took her seat and Sebastian reached into the basket, pulling out a box of Uno.

"When and why", she blankly asked staring at the box.

"Because", he shrugged "Furball's idea. Plus we should wait 'til Nev gets here to start eatin'".

"But how... is he.."

"Don't worry about me Baby, worry about losing to me in this game!"


"Okay lets just get this over with-", she quickly spoke, face turning pink.


     It had been a long time of only one round. How? Star had seemed to be rather fond of the reverse cards, and Skeet had his ups and downs of lucky cards. There game came to a pause once another skeleton strolled toward them. It wore a long 'Kiss the Cook' yellow apron and an iron helmet on their head with a flower attached. The three of them recognized this mob to be Neviz, carrying a bag supposedly with her baked goodies inside.

"Neviz, good to see you!", (Y/N) was the first one to speak.

     "Back at ya. Hope I didn't interrupt your game", she said placing the goodie bag next to the basket.

"Nope. I'll admit it, Star won"

"Told you, I'm the Uno Master", he said with a smirk.

     Neviz pulled a speaker looking device from the bag and placed it in the dirt. She set it up playing calm, classical music, saying its nice to eat along to tunes.

     There were all kinds of things to munch on that day. Pies, steak, sweet & mashed potatoes. A special snack was included for each person, Star got his sweet berries, Skeet got his 'adult juice', Nev her chocolate-chip cookies and (Y/N) a simple cupcake. They conversated and discussed what they were each thankful for. Everything was going just how Star envisioned and more.



"You guys hear that?", Baby spoke mid-chew.

"Tsk?", the creeper hissed making the feline in his lap lift his head up.

It was true. In the distance (Y/N) could hear something, like clucking..


of clucking...

     Out of the blue a chicken appeared from the trees, tilting its head to the side. The four of them watched as it stepped onto the picnic blanket. In front of it was a plate of cooked chicken drowned in gravy. The sight was almost sad to see.

     Then another chicken came from the shadows.. then another.. and the cycle continued until the ground was covered in clucking snow. Everyone jumped up and Neviz quickly grabbed the bag and basket, unable to save the meal she worked oh so hard on. Speaking of it, the herd of chickens carried it away with them on their backs, distraught about their dead brethren. It reminded the cutie of a certain prank played on her in the past. If one of them were to tell this story, no one would believe them unless they saw it themselves. It was an experience. The experiences were one of the only reasons why (Y/N) still stayed.

The memories were worth it.

(~Happy Thanksgiving~)
💙~The Picture is Made by Me~💙

Creeper x Reader {A Minecraft Lovey Dovey Story}Where stories live. Discover now