Nine: In Which One Boy Vanishes

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"So," Scorpius began, tapping his chin as he paced back and forth in the girls' bathroom. It was dim there, the only light coming from stubby candles that looked as if they had been there for ages. The floor was damp as well, making Scorpius' shoes make splashing sounds. "So let me get this right---the plan is Engorgement Charms?"

"Yeah," Albus replied from where he stood, leaning by the sink. "Hand me that soap, will you?" Scorpius did so, watching as Albus shouted, "Engorgio!" The soap grew four times its original size.

"Nice," Scorpius said with a slight grin. "Consider me engorgimpressed." He cringed at the stupid joke, feeling his neck flush when Albus chuckled. Scorpius cleared his throat, continuing with the new plan. "We use the charm on Cedric's head, right? He used the Bubble-Head Charm, so making the bubble huge will---"

"Make him float away from the task," Albus finished with certainty. "Now we just need---" he started, but a jet of water blasted from the sink Scorpius was standing closest to, soaking him in water, clanging against the wall as the pressure made it shake.

Scorpius covered his ears, attempting to block out some of the sound, when the ghost of a young girl with pigtails and large, watery eyes behind a pair of thick glasses flew up into the air, sniffling. "Oh. Boys, in my bathroom. It's been years since a boy has come in here."

"Moaning Myrtle?" Scorpius whispered.

She looked at Scorpius, whose hands had dropped to his sides. "Your father only came here a few times. And that was, what, twenty-seven years ago?" She sniffled again, turning to face Albus. "So did yours. But Harry Potter came much sooner than Draco Malfoy. I offered him to share my cubicle if he died during the tournament."

"The Triwizard Tournament?" Scorpius asked, making Myrtle sigh.

Albus said, "You were there, Myrtle. They wrote about you being in the lake during the second task." His voice turned solemn and Scorpius felt himself suck in a breath as he said, "Help us, Myrtle. We have to get into the lake."

"Why?" she asked, her eyes no longer watery, but wide and determined. "Why must you get into the lake?"

"Can you keep a secret?" Albus asked.

Myrtle clapped. "Oh, yes, I can. I just love secrets. Cross my heart and hope to die."

"But you're already---" Scorpius began, but Albus elbowed him. He nodded and Scorpius reached into his pocket, revealing the Time-Turner to Myrtle, who marvelled at it.

"We can save Cedric. Please, Myrtle."

"Well, that sounds like fun," Myrtle said with a grin. She pointed to the sink she had emerged from, saying, "This one. It leads straight to the lake."

Quickly, with no time to lose, Albus pulled himself into the sink, dumping his cloak as he did so. Scorpius did the same. Albus reached into his pocket, handing Scorpius a slimy green ball. "Some for me, some for you."

"Gillyweed?" Scorpius asked, frowning at Albus' grin. "This stuff looks disgusting, Albus."

"You ready?"

"You had this all planned out." Scorpius looked up from the Gillyweed, frown deepening. "You had this before you came and made up with me, didn't you? You made me forgive you and you knew I would!"

"Scorpius, we don't have time for this!" Albus snapped, snatching the Time-Turner away from the blonde. "I'm your friend, now come on."

"No, Albus!" Scorpius shouted, the anger coming fast and quick, shocking them both. "You're lying to me!"

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