Twenty-Five: In Which One Celebrates Cristmas

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The food was the most delicious Scorpius had eaten in forever; mashed potatoes topped with a thick gravy, a perfectly roasted turkey and an equally perfect ham, yams, something fluffy and sweet, miniature steak and kidney pies, and loads more. Scorpius tried his best to get a bit of everything, but there was so much. Beside him, Albus had piled his plate with what he liked, looking at the table.

Even outside, he could tell there was some sort of charm, keeping it warm for them and the food, even clearing the snow away from around the table.

All around them, the family spoke to each other; Percy and Oliver had Grady seated between them, trying to figure out what he liked and what he wouldn't eat. James was talking up a storm about Quidditch to Charlie and Ginny as well as anyone else who would listen. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were talking about Ministry matters and Scorpius longed to join them.

"Dad?" Scorpius said, looking at Draco's nearly empty plate. "Aren't you hungry?"

"Er, yes, but im taking it slow."

"Mr Malfoy, have you tried the candied yams? They're amazing!" Albus said, handing him the bowl.

Draco took them, putting a few on his plate and thanking Albus. The dark-haired boy winked at Scorpius, who smiled gratefully. Scorpius knew that he was still upset about the conversation with Fred Weasley, and so was he. But he was determined to not let it ruin his afternoon.

Scorpius wasn't in too much pain, but he knew next week he would be, and he would miss the first couple days of the new term. He was very excited about the gift exchange, though. He never had enough people in the Manor to do a white elephant. He hoped whoever got the present he bought liked it.

He didn't talk much throughout the duration of the Christmas meal, mostly just whispering to Albus and asking his dad if he wanted any more of a dish. Hermione got to talking to Draco, turning his attention away from his son, who turned to Albus.

"Thanks for inviting us."

"Anytime," Albus said with his smile. Scorpius felt his heart hammering and his smile became so bright. "After the gift exchange, I'll walk you around and show you the chickens, sound fun? There's gnomes somewhere too."

"That sounds like fun."

When the family all finished their food, the adults waved their wands and the plates all became clean and stacked and they carried them in, everyone else decided to go back inside and get ready for the gift exchange. Draco, unsure of what to do, stood in the corner, drinking a glass of Firewhiskey. He swirled his cup for a moment before taking another sip.

"Can I have some, Dad?"

"What? No, you have Butter Beer if you're that thirsty."

Snickering, Albus went into the kitchen, followed closely by Scorpius. The bottle of Firewhiskey was opened, sitting on the counter. Scorpius grabbed himself a Butter Beer, saying, "I hope they like what I brought."

"They will. Go find us a seat, yeah?"

Nodding, Scorpius left and Albus turned back to the bottle. He had always wanted to try it, but his parents would never until he was of age. It's just one more year. Albus tipped some into a glass, quickly pouring it into his mouth. Swallowing, he shuddered. It burned going down, yet tasted like cinnamon. It wasn't that bad, but Albus would surely prefer Butter Beer.

He tipped some more into his glass, quickly drinking it as he heard the click of James' tongue. "Wow, such a rule breaker."

"Shut up."

"Needing some extra courage for tonight?"

"Get away from me," he whispered. "And shut up."

James smirked, giving Albus a bow. "Want me to do it for you? I'll tell him if you want, but I'm not kissing a sixteen-year-old."

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