Eleven: In Which There is Betrayal

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The tension between Harry and Albus was awkward. It made Albus' skin crawl, the way it settled over the both of them. Albus could tell his dad was angry, but that he was being cautious not to let it show. He obviously didn't want to start another fight between them. Albus was cautious too, not wanting to accidentally say the wrong thing.

"No luck yet, with the Time-Turner searching." Harry sighed, looking at Albus, who had his head turned away. He sat beside him, uncomfortable as he looked around the dormitory the boys would now be sharing in the dungeons with other Slytherin boys. Albus was the only one there, besides Harry. "This is a nice room."

Albus shrugged. "Green is a soothing colour. Much better than that horrid red all over the Gryffindor house. It's said to send you a little mad, not that I'm insinuating." He glanced at his dad quickly, looking away when Harry caught his eyes.

"Can you explain why you tried to do this, Al?"

"Albus," he corrected, licking his lips. "I---I thought I could change something. Cedric. . .it was unfair."

Harry said, "Of course it's unfair, Albus, don't you think I know that? I was there. I saw him die. But to do this and risk it all. . ."

"I know," Albus muttered, taking a deep breath.

Harry clenched his jaw, failing to contain his anger. "If you were trying to do as I did, you went the wrong way about it. I didn't volunteer for adventure, I was forced into it. You did something reckless, stupid, dangerous and something that could have destroyed everything---"

"I know," Albus snapped, his voice shaking. "Okay? I know." He wiped away a tear that had trailed down his cheek and Harry took a breath.

"I was wrong, too, thinking Scorpius Malfoy was Voldemort's son."

"No, he isn't," Albus replied, thinking of Scorpius shouting "Fuck you, Albus Potter!" and just how much he deserved it. He needed to apologize to him, but this time he would absolutely mean it. No more time turning.

"Why did you do it, Albus?" Harry asked softly, making Albus' stomach churn. When he didn't answer, Harry continued. "You scared us, your mother and me."

Albus scoffed. "Scared your reputation, you mean." He stood, facing Harry. "Don't think I'm stupid. It would have been detrimental for others to hear that your problem child ran away and went to save the life of another spare."

"Another?" Harry repeated, frowning as Albus glanced away. "Albus---"

"The reporters would have a field day writing about it. That's why no one knows but you, Aunt Hermione, Uncle Ron, and McGonagall. And Draco Malfoy."


"It's not like it's my house that's the problem, though," Albus sighed. "Scorpius didn't say, but the first time we tried, we came back and I was in Gryffindor. Nothing was better between us then, though. So it's not the fact that I'm in Slytherin."

He turned away again, biting his lip as he made for the door. "And, Dad, just so you know, I was the one who made Scorpius come along. It was all my idea. He just. . .followed."

Harry said, "I know that now."

"Good," Albus said. "He's my best friend. I wouldn't want you thinking he's a horrible person."


Scorpius leaned over Albus' sleeping face, studying it thoughtfully. Usually, Albus had a crease between his eyebrows, but it was gone then, making his face look younger along with his black, somewhat curly hair spread around his head on his pillow. Scorpius saw how his mouth was just the tiniest bit open, stomach rising and falling with silent breaths.

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