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"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Luuuukkkkeeee! Happy Birthday to YOU!" All of the crew sang as the waiters at the restaurant brought out birthday dessert for us.

Luke couldn't stop laughing as he blew out the candle on his cupcake, "For being in a famous band, you all suck at singing!" He chuckled pointing between Calum, Ashton, and Michael.

"Oh shut up princess, we sounded amazing," Michael responded before taking a bite out of his dessert.

Luke gave him a face before he also started to enjoy his cupcake, which he finished in a total of three bites.

I laughed as he tried to lick the frosting off of the corners of his mouth, "Let me help," I told him as I brought a napkin to his lips and wiped off all the spots he couldn't reach.

"Thank you, love," He thanked me, giving me a cheeky grin.

"You're always welcome," I smiled, leaning in to give him a kiss on the lips.

"You all ready to head back to the bus? There are still presents to open there," Ashton asked everyone.

"I am definitely ready!" I exclaimed, standing up from my seat, pulling my jacket over my shoulders. Everyone else followed suit and we all made our way out of the restaurant and back to the bus that was parked a few blocks away.

"How has your birthday been so far?" I asked Luke as we walked hand in hand.

He smiled, "Amazing."

"I'm glad, you definitely deserve it," I told him, wrapped my hand around his arm and pressing my head against his bicep.

"I'm so happy that I'm celebrating this birthday with you, Addy. I honestly couldn't ask for a better person in my life," He smiled leaning down to kiss the top of my head.

"Oh stop it, you're gonna make me cry," I told him, swatting his arm lightly.

"Happy tears right?" He questioned.

"Of course happy tears," I answered.

We arrived back at the bus shortly after and all of us piled inside, heading in different directions to find where we had all his our gifts for Luke. I pulled my presents for him out of my luggage and also grabbed a sweatshirt out of my bag and carried everything back into the living space before taking a seat next to Luke on the couch. I pulled the sweatshirt over my head before laying my head on Luke's lap.

"I'm tired," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"You just have to keep your eyes open for like ten more minutes, and then you can go to bed," Luke promised me, running his thumb across my cheek.

"Okay," I mumbled placing my hand over his hand.

"Open my gift first!" Michael yelled as he tossed his gift at Luke. Luke caught it with easy before it had the chance the fall on my face.

"And that is my cue to sit up," I said as I pulled my head off of Luke's lap and laying it on his shoulder instead.

Luke started to tear open Michael and Crystals gift and he pulled out a pack of customized guitar picks and a new hoodie that looked very comfy. Next, he opened the gift Calum and Ashton got him, they had both pitched in to buy him a signed Nirvana album that had been framed, and then he opened my gifts. I had gotten him and I matching necklaces, mine had an L on it and was a classic necklace, while his had an A on it and was more of a rope type pendant necklace, plus I had gotten tickets to see a show when we were back in LA.

"Thank you guys," Luke smiled after opening all of his gifts, "I have no idea what I would do without all of you."

"Don't get get all sentimental on us man, you're gonna make me feel like I have to cry," Ashton told Luke before pulling him into a hug.

Luke laughed, "I won't man, I promise."

"Who's up for some gaming?" Michael asked, holding his Nintendo Switch up in the air.

"I'm in!" The other three boys said at practically the same time.

"I would, but I'm exhausted, so I'm going to head to bed," I told them.

Luke pulled me into him and pressed a quick kiss on my lips, "Goodnight darling."

"Goodnight Lu," I smiled before retreating into the bunk room. I changed into actual pajamas and washed my face before cuddling into the blankets on Luke's bed. The day had been so full of festivities that as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out, the only time I stirred was when Luke crawled into bed next to me.

Until— I woke up with the sudden urge to throw up. I pushed Luke's arms off of me as fast as possible before pulling the bathroom door open and leaning over the toilet, spilling the contents of my dinner into the toilet.

I heard footsteps follow me and Luke sat down next to me to hold my hair back, "Shit Adalyn, are you okay?" he asked me, rubbing my back in soothing motions.

"Not really," I mumbled, spitting into the toilet and flushing it before sinking into Luke's chest. He wrapped his arms loosely around me and kissed the top of my head as I wiped my mouth with a tissue.

"Hey, are you two good in here?" Crystal asked, as she leaned on the doorframe, rubbing her eyes.

I sighed, "Yeah Crys, sorry for waking you up I probably just ate something bad or have a stomach bug."

Luke's body suddenly tensed as he spoke, "Adalyn, you don't think you're pregnant, do you?"

I turned my head to look at him, "I don't think so Lu. I'm on birth control and we always use protection. Plus, it's not like we've had sex a million times."

Crystal raised her eyebrows at the two of us, "You can't just rule out the possibility."

I groaned as I leaned my head onto Luke's chest, "I guess I should take a test."

"I always carry one on me just in case, I'll go get it," Crystal said.

"Can you try not to wake the others, Crys? I'd rather not have everyone in on the Adalyn might be pregnant thing," Luke asked her.

She nodded before heading back to the bunks. She came back a minute later with a pregnancy test box in hand. I grabbed the test from her and looked at it with dread.

"I'll meet you back out there after I pee on this dumb thing," I told Luke. He nodded and quietly slid out the door, shutting it behind him. 

"Let's get this over with."


YesI know I left you on a cliff hanger and I'm sorry! Next update will be coming soon, before then, what is your prediction of what the results are going to be? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the chapter!

xx - Sidney

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