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"They don't hate us!" I cried, holding Luke as tight as I possibly could.

"They could never hate you, Addy, you're the kindest soul on this planet," Luke promised me, holding me close.

"Looks like the statement worked, everyone believes it was sincere and are just happy that you didn't try to cover up the truth like many other celebrities would have done," Calum noted, continuing to scroll through the plethora of comments.

So many of the comments were positive. Many fans were appreciative that we had just decided to come forward and tell the truth, others were happy that Luke had found someone that made him truly happy.

If course there were still some negative comments, but I wasn't going to let those get me down. I was happy with my life and knew they were only trying to bring us down because they were not happy with the way their own life was going.

"I'm just so happy to have you all in my life and I'm so glad things turned out the way they did!" I smiled, giving everyone an individual hug.

"We can't thank you enough for rescuing our poor lost soul of a friend over there," Ashton thanked me as he pulled me in for another hug.

"Well, we'll leave you two be now that all of us can relax. How about celebratory drinks tomorrow night?" Michael suggested.

We all nodded in agreement, knowing we needed it.

We said our goodbyes to all of our friends and I watched them leave before settling in on the couch.

"You know, our life is kinda crazy," I told Luke, resting my head in his shoulder.

He chuckled, "Yeah, but it's definitely a good kind of crazy."

"If you had told me the first day we met that I would fall in love with you this hard, I'm not sure if I would have believed you," I confessed.

"Me either. All I know is that you looked beautiful and that troubled look in your face drew me in to you because I had seen that look on someone else before."

I gave Luke a questioning look, "Who?"

"Me," he started, "and I knew that look would be followed by months of heartache and pain and I didn't want to see anybody else go through it like I had."

Tears welled in my eyes as I held him close, "You're the best man any girl could ever ask for. I'm so grateful for everything I have experienced since knowing you."

"And you showed me what a real, healthy relationship looks like, Adalyn. You reminded me that it's not all of the fancy and expensive things that matter in life, but the connections you make. I wish I would have met you sooner, but I'm just glad I was able to meet you, you're the light of my life and I love you more than I ever could have imagined," Luke smiled.

My eyes began to well with so many tears, "Oh my God, now I'm actually sobbing."

Luke gave me a kiss before standing up, "I'll be right back okay, don't move."

I nodded and wiped my eyes, trying to make myself not look like a complete emotional mess.

Luke returned in a few minutes and grabbed my hands and pulled me off the couch. I rifled around in his pocket and pulled out a box.

My hands flew to my mouth as I knew exactly what was coming. As soon as Luke got down on one knee, uncontrollable tears began to stream down my face.

"Now I know that we are already married, but I never got to do this properly the first time and I wanted to make the moment memorable for the both of us," He started, tears welling in his own eyes, "Adalyn, I love to the moon and back and seriously never want to go back to the life I had before meeting you. You're my rock, you keep me grounded and remind me that there is always something to look forward to. Adalyn, I knew early in our relationship that I want to grow old with you and start a family with you because I love you unconditionally. That ring that's currently on your hand symbolizes our beginning, but this one symbolizes our forever."

Luke cracked open the box and inside was a perfect ring with a little gem, exactly like the ring I had always wanted, "So Adalyn Hemmings, will you spend forever with me?" He asked.

I nodded, "One million times yes, Luke!"

A smile broke out on his face as he stood up and slid off the ring that was currently in my finger and replaced it with the new one. I wrapped my arm around Luke's neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

"You're my forever, Adalyn," he whispered.

"And you're my always," I whispered to him before closing the gap between our lips once again.



And there is it, just like that, The Vegas Secret it complete. There is an epilogue that you can also check out! I hope all of you loved this story and thank you for sticking with me for the two years it took me to finish this. I love all of you so so much!

xx - Sidney

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