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My eyes were met with a blinding light shining through the glass windows of my hotel room when I woke up the next morning. I sat up to stretch and was met with a half naked blonde man standing in my room. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked around. I wasn't in my own hotel room. I gasped and looked to make sure I still had my clothes on.

The man, who had been looking at some papers turned to look at me after he heard me gasp. He chuckled before setting the papers down. When I really looked at him, I recognized him as the man I met while sitting at the bar yesterday.

"Don't worry, we didn't sleep together, I also check to make sure I had clothes on when I woke up as well," He told me, however he was just standing in his extremely tight boxers.

"Well I wouldn't really consider those boxers as having 'clothes on'," I muttered, using air quotes when I said 'clothes on'.

"Hey, all I know is they were in my body when I woke up this morning," He said raising his hands in defense.

I pressed my hand on my forehead, a killer headache was definitely heading in my direction. "No offense, but who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm Luke Hemmings and apparently I am your husband, may I ask your name as well?" he informed me as he lifted up the papers once again. My eyes widened and I held up my left hand, sure enough there was a ring with a generous sized diamond on my ring finger.

"I'm Adalyn Parker and how the hell did we end up getting married?" I asked as I threw the covers off of me and grabbed a shirt on the ground to put on, so I wasn't just standing in my bra and panties, which didn't cover much up to begin with. I grabbed the papers out of his hands and examined them myself. Both of our names and signatures were there, with two random witness names and the officiant's signature.

Shit... We were actually legally married at one of the casino chapels. At one AM that morning.

"Well, happy anniversary, can we maybe get an annulment or divorce or something?" I asked as I threw the papers down. I ran my hands through my knotted chocolate colored hair in frustration.

Luke hesitated, "Well, we may have a slight issue."

I crossed my arms over my chest, "What would that be exactly?" I asked impatiently.

"You see, I'm kinda in a famous band and if people found out I got married in Vegas and then got a divorce, my career would be over," He explained as he sat down in one of the chairs in the room.

"So, I'm married to you forever?" I asked as a plopped down in the chair next to his.

"Not forever, I already called my management team about the whole situation and they said that we can get divorced in a year or two, just not right away or else fans would know how we got married in the first place." He answered as he reached to grab my hands. I wanted to pull away, but his hands holding mine gave me an odd sense of comfort.

"How any I supposed to explain to my family that I got dumped three weeks ago and now am married to somebody else?" I inquired.

"My manager wants to sit down with us, so we can figure out all of the details, but we'll have to go to where I live in LA, please tell you live near LA as well?" He hoped.

I nodded, "I have an apartment in LA and my family live about an hour south of the city."

"Good, because I would feel awful moving you away from where you currently live if you lived on the east coast or something crazy like that."

"You'd feel about moving me across the country, but don't feel bad that I have to stay married to you for at least a year, maybe longer?" I spit as I yanked my hands out of his grasp. I stood up and walked to the TV stand where I had seen pain killers laying earlier, I grabbed two out of the jar and popped them into my mouth before swallowing them with a swig of water.

"Well, you already don't mind stealing my stuff, so I think we'll be able to manage just fine for a year," He commented.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"First of all you're in my hotel room, so none of this stuff is yours, so those pain killer and water were mine and you're wearing my t-shirt," He explained. I looked down and realized that I was wearing a rather large t-shirt. Looking at him, Luke had to be about seven or eight inches taller than me.

"Well, then maybe I'll go back to my hotel room then," I spit as I grabbed my dress off the floor. There was no way I would be putting that on to walk to my own room.

"I'm afraid you can't do that yet love, we need to figure out the details of getting back to LA," He reminded me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Out of everybody in Vegas, how did I accidentally marry an asshole?" I grumbled as I threw my dress on the bed.

"What was that?" He asked, his smirk only growing wider. I rolled my eyes at him before sitting down on the bed.


"Alright then, well I flew here," he informed me.

"Sucks for you, I drove." I smirked.

"Good, I was worried I was going to have to buy a car out here," he sighed.

"You wanted to drive back?" I asked, surprised.

"It would draw less attention to us, people would be less suspicious," He answered.

"Well, did anybody know you were coming to Vegas in the first place?"

"Just my band mates, nobody saw me on the plane, I flew first class and was under cover the whole time," His answers just seemed to roll off his tongue as soon as the questions would leave my mouth.

"Good, so at least we won't have to lie about our anniversary date," I huffed.

"I'll finish packing the rest of my stuff and then we'll head to your room, then back to LA."

"Breakfast first?" I pleaded.

"Fine, breakfast at the hotel before we depart," He confirmed. I beamed at the fact I would be able to eat, but only that, everything else about this morning had already been beyond shitty.


Hey guys! Well, what do we think so far? I hope all of you are enjoying reading this story as much as I am writing it! Thank you so much for reading and if you enjoys it, go ahead and vote for it!

xx - Sidney

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