Chapter 22- Fred likes someone?

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Your POV.....
It would soon be time to go back to Hogwarts. Things were different between me and Fred. He became really clingy and constantly tormented me. It seemed that he spent most of his time with me. Playing quidditch outside, more swimming in the pond, it was nice.

However, he became frequently frustrated when someone else wanted to join, mainly being George. I felt bad for George, Fred had been distant from him, being constantly around me, meant that he had less time around George. You could tell George was saddened by this, so I did my best to include him. Fred wasn't that happy about this but I didn't see what his problem was.

One night, Fred came into my room and asked me for advice. I was concerned at first, hoping that everything was alright. After explaining what he needed help with, I felt saddened, but wouldn't show it. I had to be there for my best friend, whether I liked it or not.
"Y/N, this is embarrassing for me to talk about but I can't go to George or anyone about this stuff as I don't feel comfortable knowing that he is going to make fun of me." Fred whispered.
"What is it Freddie?" I asked, I was sat on my bed reading so I peered over the top of my book to see a sad expression falling over his face, causing me to instantly snap the book shut.
"I like this girl" my heart dropped, I was gutted. I try to play it off. I could feel tears in the brim of my eyes, trying to force their way out.
"Ok what's wrong with that?" I asked.
"Well you see this girl is amazing! I want to be with her so badly, but I have the feeling that she doesn't like me. I want to ask her to he my girlfriend but I don't know how to ask. And since your a girl, I was hoping that maybe you'd be able to help me out, tell me what girls like?" He replied.

"Yeah sure." I said hesitantly. "So what's she like, does she like games, does she like makeup, is she a girl that wants to be taken out and have a romantic night or does she just like a quiet night that can be just the two of you?" I asked trying to force myself to help.
"So what your saying is, set up a night how I think she would like it and then just ask her?" Fred asked.
"Yes Freddie"
"Thanks Y/N!" He added running over to give me a hug.

He pulled away from the embrace and ran out of the room, and down the stairs singing to himself happily. Sighing I reopened my book, but without warning I began to swiftly dose off to sleep.

I woke up to a light tapping sound. I turned on my lamp at the side of the bed and looked over to where Hermione and Ginny were sleeping peacefully. I looked over to the clock, 2am. The tapping became louder so I walked over to the bedroom window pulling the curtains open. To my surprise I saw Fred, sat on his broom smiling, gesturing me to open the window.
"What is it Freddie?" I asked.

Instead of replying he took my hand and pulled me out of the window sitting me in front of him. He flew out across the fields, the huge moon shining on us as we flew through the fields, before landing on the grass. He took me hand to help me off the broom and laid down on the grass. I did the same.

"So what's up Freddie?" I asked him.
"Nothing, just wanted to spend some time with you before we go back to school that's all." He laughed.
"Fred all we've done is spend time together. Also that's what I want to talk to you about, George feels really left out recently. Why won't you let him come with us? Maybe we should go and get him and we can spend some time together the three of us?" I asked standing up.

As I stood Fred took my wrist and pulled me back to the ground. He laughed.
"God your perfect," he mumbled under his breath obviously not noticing I heard him.
He continued, "don't get me wrong I love my brother, but some times it's nice to spend some time just the two of us."
"Fred I love spending time with you! But poor Georgie, doesn't understand that you just want to spend some time with me. He thinks that we are leaving him! And I know for a fact it's been very hard for him, especially over the last couple of days." I sigh.

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