Chapter 94- ministry part 2

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Warnings: Mention of blood. 

"My sweet daughter......." A dull tone to the voice rings through my ears, making me want to rip them off. "Come to see me again."
Her snake-like laugh echoed the room, causing me to roll my eyes dramatically, I guess I got that one from my dad. 
I look up slowly, meeting the grey eyes of what were once my mother. 
"I'd say it's a pleasure, but I'm not really feeling it." I replied bored out of my mind, wondering when that clown would come back into the room. Why he'd left I didn't know, but I couldn't act bothered. He has my friends, or so he says, and my gut feeling is that he's not lying. 
And you never ignore your gut feeling.

A loud bang caught my attention, emphasising the entrance of the dark 'lord'. Pathetic excuse for a super villain name if you ask me. No where near enough thought gone into that one. 
"So?" I asked, standing up from where I was seated on the floor. "You gonna show me where my friends are? Or are we gonna stand here all day and have a catch-up?" 
He gritted his teeth, so tight that I thought they might snap. He didn't answer my question, only began to exit the room, so of course I followed him. I gave my 'mother' a deadly look. staring straight into her eyes, and even though her face didn't alter, I could detect the fear that was rushing through her veins. 

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy, Hoggy Hogwarts! Teach us something please!" I chanted on the top of my lungs, aiming to piss him off as much as I possibly could. After a couple of verses I could see that he was beginning to become agitated, my great plan was working. 
"Shut up! Or you won't even make it to seeing your friends!" 
I rolled my eyes at the rubbish threat, "Come on Tom. I've been told that you loved the chants. Oh, how you would sit at the Slytherin table, a huge smile on your face as you joined in with the song. How cute." 
He ignored me once again, as I continued to sing, nothing happening until I finally felt myself fly backwards, my arse hitting a stone cold surface, and my wrists suddenly restrained. 
"Salazar, what is it with dark wizards and kinks." 
Voldie growled under his breath, turning to face me, which made me raise my hands up in surrender, well, raise them as much as I could, "I'm not judging. I get the impression that Freddie's into that too." 
He pulled a face of both disgust and anger, turning away from me once more as if I were a pain to look at." 
I only laughed under my breath as he paced the room. 


Fred's pov: 
"She'll be alright Freddie." I felt a hand on my back, causing me to spin around. 
Remus had been first to follow me through the fireplace, as he looked around the mysterious, dark room. I noticed his wand gripped tightly in his hand, as he pointed it to the four corners of the room, ready for some sort of attack to occur. I copied his actions, whilst a small smile spread to my face when my brother tumbled out of the fire place.

"I think we might be in for a bit of trouble when we get back Freddie." He tried to light up the situation, "Mums not very happy with us..... Or dad."
"Dad?" I questioned. 
On cue another ginger toppled out of the fire place, dusting himself off from the floor. 
"Well boys, I'll be dead tonight one way or another. If these deatheaters don't kill me, I have my bets that your mother will. And even you can't win that bet against me." 
"Dad!" I yelled, "You should have stayed behind!" 
He walked towards me, pulling me into a hug, "She's my daughter Fred." 
I didn't say anything, only shot him a grateful smile as members of the order started to topple out from different fire places. 
I noticed Moody who seemed most angry, his face screwed up as he looked hurriedly around the room. 

"No hesitation!" He warned, "You see a deatheater, you blast them. Our mission is to get Y/N back, and get the other kids away from the ministry!" 
I sucked in a deep breath, lining up behind the aurors as I prepared to fight. 
"You don't have to do this boys." Sirius came up towards me and George, looking way too murderous for my liking, I was glad it wasn't towards me this time. 
"I love her." I said flatly, "She means everything to me, and I'm not going to lose her." 

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