Chapter 99- Georgie

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Today was the day that we'd be trusting George with one of the biggest secrets of our lives. How that would turn out? No idea.

But George was trustworthy. He'd been my best friend for over 3 years, and let's not forget the fact that he's dealt with Fred's shit for 18.

I was adamant that he would be the first we would be telling.

We arrived back at the house after my doctors appointment. I was smiling from ear to ear, and Fred copied my actions. It was obvious that his protective instincts had already kicked in, as he was following me all over the place as if I couldn't stay on my own two feet.

"Fred ." I laughed as I felt his arms wrap themselves around my waist, his hands reaching up to rest on my stomach under my shirt. "I'm washing the pots."
"Just use magic." He said as if it were obvious, taking me by the hand and spinning me around so that I was facing him.
I rolled my eyes, "Yes and that's how we become lazy."

He sighed, "when are we telling George?"
"About what?" I acted oblivious.
He sent me a look as if to say 'are you serious?'
"Our little bean."
I laughed, "it's up to you how you want to tell him. But I think it'll be fucking hilarious if we give him the stick I peed on."
"Y/N that's just gross." He scrunched up his face.
"It's covered by a lid, you dipshit." I laughed, "but he won't know that." I added cheekily.

Freds grin matched mine, as he pulled me into another hug. After a few moments I felt him gulp, "what's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm fine." He insisted.
I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness, "Fred come on. What's really wrong? You can tell me anything remember."
"Nothing. It's just I'm a bit nervous that's all." He said timidly, scratching the back of his head.
"And you think I'm not?..... Freddie it's alright to be nervous. It's a big deal. But I guarantee that George will be the happiest out of everyone. Especially him being a soon to be godfather."

"You want him to be godfather?" Fred asked, a big smile on his face.
"What? Don't you?" I said, scrunching up my eyebrows, "who else would it be?"
"Well, what about your brother?" Fred wondered.
"Harry can be godfather for our next child."
"There's going to be another?" Fred replied cheekily.
"Well do you want another?" I ran my fingers through his hair.
"I want lots of little gingers running around." He joked, "but I wasn't on about Harry. Wouldn't you want Oliver to be godfather?"

"When was the last time I saw him?" I asked, frowning at the memories of the brother I hadn't seen in years. "And when was the last time he replied to one of my letters? I'll answer that for you- over a year!"
Noticing the touchy subject and the look on my face, Fred only nodded and quickly changed the subject.
"Well I guess we've got a future godfather to tell." He winked.
"Here goes nothing."


I'd tried to cook the best meal I could. One of George's favourites to be precise. He'd always eat the left over lasagna I'd make so it gave me a hint.
As if on cue, the ginger boy entered the kitchen after a long day at work by his self. But his face instantly lit up when he noticed what I was making, he was quick to join his brother at the table.

"Y/N? Have I ever told you how much I fucking love you?"
I laughed whilst Fred let out a "hey! Eyes off."
"Oh lay off Fred. We all know that she would have picked me over you if I'd been there first."
I rolled my eyes at the two's dramatics.

I took the lasagna out of the oven carefully, not failing to notice how Fred continued to watch my every move with a frown on his face.

This really would be a long pregnancy.

"And here we go! Dinner is served."
The boys were quick to dig into the meal, as I waited to fill my plate last. In all honesty, I didn't feel like eating much, I think that the nerves were getting to me.

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now