Chapter 26- quidditch cup 2

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Mention of blood and cuts

Y/N's pov:
"VIC!" I ran towards the boy in the room and embraced him with a hug.
"I've missed you too Y/N." He says not pulling back.
"Hey boys, missed me?" I laughed at the other Bulgarians in the room.
They wrapped me in hugs and said their hellos.
"Right anyway, I'd like you to meet the Weasley family. Fred, my boyfriend, Bill, Charlie, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Percy and Harry." I pointed to each one.

"Oooo a boyfriend." One of the boys said, making the room crack into laughter, "I thought you said you'd done with men Wood?"
"And I thought you said you'd win the cup Jack and look how that turned out." I fire back receiving smirks from the room at the boy.

"So England's captain then?" Vic turns to me.
"Well I couldn't just leave last years victory now could I? I thought you said that you'd get revenge on me?" I laugh.
"Well, now your in the game again I'll just have to whoop your ass next year." He said to me.
"Oh it's on! And I do believe that I was the won to kick ass, literally." I say, pointing towards one of the boys.

"That was one time Wood!" He screamed.
"I still put a bludger to your ass!" I laughed.
"Anyway, I really must be going now Vic. It was lovely to see you again, all of you. And well. I guess I'll see you next season." I hug him goodbye before walking out of the room with the others.

We begin a steady walk back to the tents, Fred by my side. I had multiple people swarm me but I just shrugged them all off.

Freds pov:
"What was that about?" George asked me.
"What?" I ask.
"That face you were pulling when we met Victor."
"There was no face."
"There definitely was. Your jealous mate! But you know that Y/N only has eyes for you, don't you?"
"Of course." I say.

I couldn't deny it, I was jealous at their little interaction they'd just had. She seemed to know all of them. We were walking back to the tent and despite Y/N's best efforts to hide her face, she was bombarded by people. She often muttered simple hellos before continuing her walk.

We arrived at the tent and was sat around in a circle.
"There's no one like Krum! He's an artist." Exclaimed Ron.
"Aww Ronnikins is in love." Y/N laughed.
"Victor I love you.
Victor I do
When we're apart my heart beats only for you..."

The whole room teases Ron.
"Looks like the Irish have got their pride on." I laugh, indicating to the loud noises outside.

Just then dad pops his head around the tent. "Stop, stop it! It's not the Irish! We need to leave. NOW!" He screams.

"FRED, GEORGE, Ginny and Y/N are your responsibilities! The others, stick together."
I immediately grab Y/N's hand as we start to run. We run as fast as we can into the woods, followed closely behind by George and Ginny.

Y/N's pov:
We sit against the trees huddled close together, me and Ginny in the middle, surrounded by the two boys. Fred had one arm around me, and the other held his wand out ready, I did the same.

I noticed that Ginny was shivering like mad, so performed a quick heating spell around the area were sat it. The loud screams and crowds had passed leaving us in total silence, no one dared move.

"Well well, what do we have here. A black?" A man had appeared in front of us, a black mask covering his face. He knew who I was that's for sure. We jumped to our feet and Fred tried to get in front of me, but I pulled the three behind. "Oh how you look so much like your mother."

"What do you want?" I asked, pointing my wand out ready.
"For you to join us, it's simple, join your mother on the right side, or die. Your choice."
Fred winced at the mans words, but I quickly replied, "then I guess I choose death."

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