Chapter 59- the future

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Warning: under aged drinking.

Y/N pov:

Months had passed since the second task, my bruises had fully healed, and I was feeling better than ever. My classes were going well, really well, and my relationship with Freddie was stronger than ever. Gryffindor was in the lead, with the quidditch cup, and England were playing really successfully. Of course, I had my moments, many broken bones, and falls as per usual, but we were winning, so it was fine.

The final task was only a couple of days away, and as it approached nearer, the more I felt the panic start to rise. We hadn't been given any clues to what the final task would be, so simply because I had no other idea to prepare, me and Fred had decided that we would practise our defensive spells, just incase I need to use them. It was planned for tomorrow, after class, where we would both head down to the courtyard and work on them together.

Currently, me, Fred, George, Lee, and the other Gryffindors in our year, were lined up outside Minnies Transfigurations classroom, something about future career advice. I hadn't really thought about it, to be honest. There was so many things that I had considered, that all I really wanted to do was let the future decide it. It all depended on the circumstances in which I live with in the future. For example, I had considered a range of options that were local, and a range of options that were stationed in other counties. That's where the future comes in, if I have a husband and family, which I plan to someday have, I don't want to be working away, and like Charlie, never see my family, I'd want to stay in the area, where the people I love are, but that means, ruling out potential jobs, such as studying dragons in Romania with Charlie, I'd love to do that, but if I was still with Fred (which I hope I am) I couldn't bare to leave him. So the results are, I have no idea.

Lee had just exited the room, after speaking with Minnie, a rather happy look on his face. "What's got you so happy?" I questioned, as he sat down next to me.
"Oh nothing. I've just decided that I want to do something in commentating when I leave here." He said.
"Lee! That would be perfect for you! It suits you 100% go for it!" I encouraged.
"Thanks Y/N." He smiled. "What are you thinking of doing?"
"To tell you the truth, I'm not sure. I've been thinking about a range of different things. Whether to continue playing quidditch, it's always been my dream after all, become an auror maybe? But then there's something that makes me what to head to Romania, Charlie mentioned taking me. Maybe I could do something there? With this dragon ability thing I've got going." I shrugged.
"Romania." Fred butted in, looking a little down, "like actually go and live there?"
"Fred," Warned George. It was obvious that he was a little hurt by the thought.
"It's only a thought Freddie. I haven't decided yet, and to be honest, I'm leading more towards the other two options at the minute. Although, if Charlie let's me, I will be going to have a look at the dragons, I've always wanted to." I say, happily, but picking my words carefully.

He just nods, before I'm called into the classroom.

"Y/N. How are you?" Minnie asks.
"I'm fine Minnie. What about you?"
"Perfect. How's the nerves?" She asks, referring to the task in only two days time.
"A little nervous, but I'll be fine. I'm trying to stay positive." I laugh.
She nods approvingly,  "alright then, what are you thinking about when you leave here?"
"I'm not sure Minnie, I have thought about either staying in quidditch, becoming an auror, or even going to Romania with Charlie. I've also thought about teaching." I spoke quickly.

She flipped over a few pieces of paper, "well, looking at your owl grades, luckily we have something to go off here, unlike the others. We can predict now, that you will have good newt grades, luckily, you got all O's, which means you can take any NEWT you like, even Professor Snape's. So you should get the grades for all of those. You don't need any grades for quidditch, Or helloing Charlie in Romania. But if you are going to become a professor, it depends what you want to teach. What are you thinking?"
"I'm not sure, maybe defence against the dark arts?" I offered.
She nodded, "in which case then, i advice taking potions, obviously defence against the dark arts, and possibly a choice between Herbology or Transfiguration."
I nodded along as she spoke, until she continued, "and as for an auror. It is a high level skill to require. You'd need top grades in Potions, Defence against the dark arts, Transfiguration, care of magical creatures, and even Herbology. It's a lot of classes, and a lot of hard work, but having these grades and qualifications, will put you up on a much higher level for you to be selected. I don't want to scare you Y/N, but they do, only take the best. The best of the best, so you'd need to work hard."
"Thank you Professor."

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