Physics bitch

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Charles and Hank wanted to talk to me alone. So all the kids were asked to leave the kitchen for a bit. Which I spent that time making my toast.

"Your clothes are back in your room," Charles said firstly while I started on my toast.

"There was no radiation on them," Hank added to which I nodded down as my food.

"You said that you were in another dimension, how do you know that?" Charles asked and I gulped down a mouthful of bread.

"You read my mind. What do you think?" Charles raised an eyebrow waiting for me to continue. "None of you know the Stark name, mutation is a thing here and history is different."

"There's no mutants where you come from?" Hank said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Not to this extent. People like me were made by accident." The pair glanced at one another.  Clearly, I'd need to explain more. "My mother was a one night stand with my dad. He did that a lot back in the day. Mum raised me, she was a scientist and one day something went wrong. She died and the explosion somehow it gave me powers." Biting into the last piece of toast I clapped both hands together to clean off the crumbs.

"And you don't know a way back?" Hank said. Swallowing then licking my teeth I gazed off to the side.

"Not at the moment. But if there's a way here. There's a way back."

Charles had read my mind. Very detailed information was described about me. For now, I wasn't allowed in the lab since Hank was working on a ship. Even when I said I could help it turns out I've been forced to stay outside. Fucking old-timers.  I've never been forced to get sun in my life. Listening to some music on my phone in the shade I had originally sat watching the kids kick around a ball before class was called and I was alone. Until someone came walking over a few trees down. Gene. Sighing not wanting to start a scene I turned up the volume. This worked until more people came around, do they really want me to piss off that badly? Standing up not saying anything my hands went into my pockets.

A least I had my clothes back again. Heading up for the roof for someplace quiet.

"Ah (y/n) I've been looking for you." Frowning when seeing the professor coming around a corner I saw a few books on his lap.

"Yeah? What is it now? Need a blood sample." He smiled softly although be the look on his face he thought it was a good idea.

"Classes have started and I noticed in your memories you were attending school." shifting some hair out of my face my arms crossed.

"Not willingly. I'm smart enough to be at Harvard or any university but dad wants me to have a somewhat normal life."

"Well, this is as normal as it will get. If you'd like you can head into the advanced Physics class." clicking the roof of my mouth I glanced over seeing the class in session.

"If I go to this class can I go down to the lab?" He nodded and I snatched the three books in his lap before handing two back. Leaving me with a notebook. "Read them both." Walking in the teacher stopped talking for a moment.

"Just find a seat dear." heading to the back and slouching in the seat I half-listened while looking out at the group of girls out with Gene. At least this physics teacher is getting everything right. Drawing in the notebook I was given every now and again someone was asked to answer something on the board.

"(y/n) was it?" Lazily rolling my head up the teacher was looking directly at me.

"Yep." She stepped aside and the board was cleaned for me to write.

"A commercial jet needs to reach 180 knots before it can take off, if a plane spends 30 s on the runway estimate its acceleration." She held out a piece of chalk but I didn't move.

"Its acceleration equals 3 m/s2 ~ 1/3 g." she blinked at me and peoples heads turned.

"I didn't know you'd be so confident in motion physics. Why not try this." She pulled down a screen and it was an equation. "I've got everyone try this one but no one can answer it for me. Could you try?" Standing up I went over taking the chalk.

"From hamiltonian charge and 3-momentum operators, one might guess that dirac spin in QFT would be...." writing across the board for the first line I went on to say once finished. "For simplicity, we will restrict ourselves to c type particles only and expand to types d." letting out a sigh going on I heard the heels of the teacher walking out of the classroom. " the expectation value of what we would measure for spin in z-direction for the given state of a spin would be." She came back with someone else Hank from the shoes I could see out of the corner of my eye. "Hence the only way to measure anything is when r=s so we can drop terms 4-112 that result in zero expectation values leaving us with..." Putting a thick line under the answer I turned back around hands going back into my pockets. Hank and the teacher had mouths almost hung open and Hank already saw my work downstairs.

"How did you...." My eyebrows knitted together and I went over tapping his shoulder.

"I have an IQ over 200 mate, I'll just leave now." Going to my original destination this time I wasn't interrupted. Letting out a sigh sitting on the ground half in the shade I scribbled and jotted down both notes to work out a way home but also sketches. "I've got a huge IQ and here I am stumped ." Hitting my head on my knees my breath was shaky.

"You alright?" Peters appearance suddenly being here made me shoot up looking at him.

"I'm fantastic, just brilliant." Sniffling he rubbing the back of his neck for a moment. "My whole life I've had people who could give me answers. Dad, pepper or Nat but now I'm alone suck in a place I don't know if I can get out of." Peter moved next to me and pat my shoulder. Not the most comforting thing ever, so I leant my head onto his shoulder crying quietly as he listened to my ranting.

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