A Fairytale - Matsuri Mizusawa

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Trigger Warnings: None

Extra: Masturi is 15 in this. There will be no lime or lemon. It will be similar to the Emma oneshot--in terms of physical interaction.

Bad Ending (?)
3rd Person POV

"I'm sorry, but, I don't feel the same way." She turned to leave.

"W-Wait!" She froze and turned around. "I have only one question left..."

"Mm." She mumbled, signaling for him to go on. "Do- ... Do you love Matsuri Mizusawa?" He looked nervous, uncertain if he should continue.


She turned back around. "No." She walked off.

He stood there for a few moments before walking away as well.


"Another one?" Matsuri raised a brow—looking up from her phone—as she glanced up at (Y/n). "I could say the same thing to you too." Matsuri replies from the bench she's sitting on. The pink haired girl tosses her strawberry milk carton in the trash can next to her.

"So, who was it this time?" Matsuri said, leaning back on her arms and kicking her legs. (Y/n) looked at her before taking a seat next to her.

"Takahito Shirabe." (Y/n) dully answered. "Seriously? Class 2-C? Black hair, blue eyes, mullet?" Matsuri's detailed answer made (Y/n) feel.. off.

"Mm." The (h/c) haired girl nodded.

"Hm, he has a girlfriend already. I saw them arguing while walking home a few days ago. Apparently he cheated on her with a girl in the class next door. 'You idiot! You think I wouldn't find out that you were cheating with Sono! It's Class 2-D!! We're Class 2-C! You dumbass! I'm offended that you thought I was so dense. Takahito- just.. I'm done.' then that's it." Matsuri shrugged as she finished.

(Y/n) looked forward at the school gates. The sun was high in the sky, making it around lunch.

"Did your mom pack your lunch today?" Matsuri breaks the silence. (Y/n) nodded and took out two bento boxes from her school bag.

"Here's yours." She handed Matsuri the yellow bento while (Y/n) hung onto the red one.

This was how the two typically spent their time together.

Matsuri the laid back gamer girl. (L/n) the quiet, popular, pretty girl with amazing grades.

Even though (Y/n) never did much with her appearance—nor ever talked to anyone except Matsuri—she would constantly get confessions by everyone of every gender.

She would reject them all. It didn't matter how pretty they were, what their social standing was, how rich they were, and how kind they seemed; (Y/n) would deny each of and every one.

Matsuri was the one person (Y/n) would talk to. Of course other students would talk to her, but most had given up due to (Y/n)'s short reply's and cold-like nature. They simply admired her from afar.

(Y/n) knew perfectly well of what Matsuri's past 'job' was. Most would tell her and try to convince her to ditch the pink haired girl, yet she wouldn't budge and stuck to Matsuri, like glue.

She's met Yuzu and Mei before. They got along 'okay'. It was a bit awkward at first—due to (Y/n)'s quiet personality—but in the end, they all had a fun time.

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