A Cruel Neverland - Emma

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Anime: The Promised Neverland

Trigger Warning: SPOILERS, Self Harm, Self Hate

Happy Ending (?)


I stare at Don and Gilda as they tell us about the secret room. I'm currently standing next to Norman as he starts to tell them about the farm and demons.

My name is (Y/n) and my number is 56194. I'm known as a creative person- I can make anything with spare parts and cloth so to speak. I care- okay fine I have a crush on Emma. I know Norman likes her too so that's why I keep quiet. I'm known as the cold one in the group besides Ray. I don't talk much and usually have a angry aura around me.

I was surprised when the three of them told me all of this first. I don't know why me, but they did. I hated keeping it a secret from Don and Gilda but it's not like I could do much. I'm not a mastermind or pro game solver. I just make things and follow along. I've been told I care for people—mostly Emma—a lot more than myself. I don't mind though, being the sidekick is just what I was born to be I guess.

Don and Gilda mutter a few words of fear and shock as they take in what Norman told them.

Don stands up and starts to talk about Ray being a spy. He seems to be getting agitated.

When I learned all of these things, I didn't really know how to take it well so I... well.. I'm not proud of it but I scraped up my skin a bit on my upper arms. I don't know how to let out my emotions well in general and.. being told that I'm only being raised to be eaten is a lot to take in.

I pass a hand over my left arm and roll my shoulder.

Don starts to talk about how Ray knew about Conny. He then goes onto talking to Emma and Norman. He gets to me, "And you went along with it all? You didn't try and tell us?" I just stare.

Don makes a face of defeat as he looks down. Don starts to chuckle, then laugh. It creeps me out slightly but I don't let it show.

I take my arm off my shoulder. I want to slap him to knock some sense into him but I decide against it. Violence won't solve anything.

Gilda stares in shock with her hands over her mouth.

We all stare at Don as he laughs.

He suddenly punches Norman.

"You're kidding me!" I shove him to try and get him away from Norman.

"Hey! What's up with- !" He punches me next sending me toppling to the ground. I hit the ground headfirst which gives me a headache.

"Hey, Don!" Ray shouts as he tries to reach out for him. Don punches him and sends him to the ground as well.

He goes for Emma next which makes me get back up and push Emma out of the way. He's holding my collar this time as I hold his.

He stares at me, ready to punch me again as I feel a liquid trickle down the side of my head. I don't pay any attention to it as we have a stalemate.

He slowly lets go of me and I let go of him. He sets me down as I back up slowly into Emma.

"Don..." Emma stares at Don.

"Are we that much of a burden?" He mutters. I raise a brow at his words.

He goes on, "Are we that weak and useless to you that you feel you need to protect us?" Emma gasps.

Don goes on about his feelings as everyone stares and listens.

Norman is sitting on the ground while Ray is already standing up.

"We're not as smart as you four." He continues, "We're not, but still..." He takes his hand off his face, "Aren't we family?"

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