The Taste of Cherry & Tobacco - Rosaria

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(3rd Person POV)

"So, basically, Hu Tao wanted to pull a prank on Xinyan. Yoimiya decided to help out by bringing up the eraser above the door idea."

(Y/n) took a moment to drink some of the strawberry milk that sat beside her on the bench.

"They set it up, but instead of Xinyan walking in first, it was Shinobu." (Y/n) kept in a laugh as she continued. "Itto cackled so hard behind her, and I think that triggered her fight or flight instinct because she ended up tackling Hu Tao and Yoimiya to the ground!"

Rosaria let out a breathy chuckle as she took a bite of her sandwich, continuing to stand on the other side of her.

"Then! Shinobu reverse mugged Hu Tao and dangled her lunch money above her just to hear her beg! Yoimiya was fortunate enough to be rescued by Ayaka." (Y/n) laughed, finishing off her small carton of milk and standing up to throw it away.

"And the teacher had no idea this happened?" Rosaria asked, cracking her knuckles with her fingers.

(Y/n) walked back to her seat, shaking her head. "Nope! Itto and Shinobu came back at the beginning of lunch and invited the two to have lunch with them, much to Shinobu's dislike."

"You hang out with those second years too much." Rosaria hummed, taking another bite of her sandwich and glancing down towards (Y/n). "ChapStick." She held out her hand.

"Everyone in that class is fun! This just reminds me that I've got to buy more soon."

"Make sure it's cherry," Rosaria adds, setting down her lunch and popping off the lid of the cherry-flavored ChapStick.

"I know, I know. It's ironic knowing how much you like the flavor of cherry."

"And why's that?" Rosaria says as she applies it.

(Y/n) stares up at Rosaria, nibbling at her bottom lip. "Uh– Oh, just because..."

"Huh?" Rosaria looks down at the (h/c)-haired girl with a raised brow.

(Y/n) immediately turns away, attempting to hide her reddened face. "Nothing! Any--Anyway, what's your class planning on doing for the school festival?"

"That's one piece of information that I purposely leave unknown." Rosaria scoffs as she picks up her sandwich.

(Y/n) gave a nervous chuckle. "You should come to check out my class!" She smiled up at her.

"Why should I?" Rosaria finished off her sandwich and began digging through her school bag.

"We're doing a reverse maid cafe! So, boys will be dressing up as maids, and girls will be dressing up as butlers!"

Rosaria snickered under her breath. "Whose grand idea was this?"

"Venti and Lisa's. Since Jean is the class rep, and Lisa's girlfriend, they had no choice but to accept the idea."

"Jean doesn't seem like the type to accept an idea like that just because her partner suggested it." Rosaria stood back up with a cigarette and lighter in hand.

(Y/n) watched Rosaria with a neutral expression. "She's not, but the first time she denied Lisa her idea, the entire class was subjected to Lisa's sex insinuations and having to not stare at Jean's 'mosquito bites." She shivered at the memories.

Rosaria made a face of disgust as she placed the cigarette between her lips. "Another reason to not go to class: potential sit-ins for couple's sex talks." She huffed, taking a drag and slowly relaxing against the wall.

(Y/n) ignored her friend's--crush's--bad habits and looked down at her lap. She'd tried stopping Rosaria on multiple occasions, using a multitude of differing tactics, but it never worked.

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