I'm Still Here! - Ryuu

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Anime: Danmachi/Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?

( Some Spoilers Ahead, Some may not be accurate )

Trigger Warnings: Blood

Bad Ending ?

(Y/n) POV


'It... hurts.. what-what happened? Everything.. feels numb. Ryuu.. Ryuu-Ryuu! What happened to her?! Is she okay?! I hope so... I have to try... to open my eyes..' I slowly pry my heavy eyes open.

They are barely open which makes things harder to see. I can hear yelling, 'That's... Ryuu's voice..' Is she crying? I can't tell, it all hurts.. so, so much.

From what I can see, it was probably a trap. There's rubble everywhere. Ryuu is.. holding someone.. it's Alise. Alise Lovell, our captain.

She's covered in blood. That horrid crimson color, yet who am I to talk when I am just the same as her. Ryuu's crying over her.. I wonder if she'll find me.

I don't know how long I can keep my eyes open.. I'm tired. Can't I sleep?

I shut my eyes. I hear Ryuu calling out everyone's name that's here. Gojouno, Lyra, Iska, Maryuu, Nion, Neze, Asta, Ryana, Celty and finally me.. (Y/n).

While she spoke out everyone's name, she checked under the rubble. I know because I could hear the movement and gasps that erupted from her. Her sobs echoing in my mind.

"(Y/n)!" I hear her call my name, oh how I wish I could call back but.. I feel so drained. I can't even keep my eyes open.

"(Y/N)! Please just answer me!!" She sobs. I feel the rocks being lifted from my body- but it still can't stop the aching pain in my side. This pain is familiar, bad familiar. I've been stabbed- by what? I don't know, but I have been.

"(Y/N)!!" She cry's out. Please... don't be sad..

Me and her.. have been close. She was always cold when I gave her a hug. Apparently Alise told me I'm special or something since I can touch her. I don't know if I believe it..

"(Y/n).. please not you not you.." She muttered, "I was never able to even confess my feelings to you.." The way she speaks makes her sound as if she's in disbelief. "Come on.. just open your eyes and I can tell you I love you. So we can share precious moments together- with-with everyone else. Alise and Gojouno and-and Lyra."

I hate hearing her sound so sad, but I'm overjoyed that she loves me back.

I'm sorry though.. I don't have enough strength to say I love you back.. I don't even have the strength to hug you back. That's unfortunate.. I'm going to die. I'm going to die and I can't do anything- wait.

I think I dropped my necklace around here, it's (F/C) and in the shape of a sword with angel wings on each side of the sword. I fangirled so hard when I got it. I ordered it to be made like that because I was so happy that I was able to join the Astraea Familia with Astraea, the goddess of justice. Our symbol... that's our symbol, it's a righteous one.

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