(Ch.22)Yamagucci flip flops

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(guess who's back -back- back again -again- ITS ME BITCHES AND IM STILL TRASH AT WRITING. THANK YOU AND YOU'RE WELCOME LOVLIES <3 This was put on hold for a while, and I definitely won't be consistently updating, but it feels shitty to completely abandon this and I feel a lil motivated again :D I'm hoping to make this less- well- gross LOL I hope the quality of writing and everything is better but its been a while so I might fudge some details up accidentally)

Your arms reach above your head as you attempt to pull loose a tight muscle in your back, your eyes squinting at the ever-so-slight rays of sunlight piercing through your blinds. You bring your a softly closed fist to rub the sleep out of your eyes and you look around to see a load of people passed out across the room using the blankets and pillows you set out for everyone.

Somehow Tanaka has ended up falling asleep with his lets in the air and his head hanging off of the seat of your couch. You cringe ever so slightly at the thought of the neck cramps he'll probably have when he wakes up. Everyone else is either curled up across the floor or in the extra seats across the couch. You look to your right and realize the weight against the top of your head as a certain raven haired boy completely covers your vision. 

Kageyama's head rests against your own and for some reason you're left speechless as you try to take in his features out of the corner of your eye as best you can. His usually scary expression is completely relaxed and he seems almost serene. His chest lightly rises and falls with each breath and you almost feel cozy with him resting his weight against you ever so slightly.

You squint your eyes slightly as you think back to the night before and for some reason you vividly remember dreaming about Kageyama hoping you don't have lice. What a weird dream, but the though of lice makes your head itch ever so slightly.

While you're lost in thought, a couple of your friends begin to stir awake, including Kageyama. Once his blue irises come into view, you snap back to reality, their cool tone causing you to stare directly into them.

A light blush grows on his face that you catch out of your peripheral, to which you unknowingly mirror. Subconsciously, your hand moves up to brush Kageyama's surprisingly gentle features in his tired state, earning a deeper blush from the usually angry setter and he stays frozen in place. You open your mouth, your soft voice coming out in a whisper so as to not wake the other sleeping people,

"You have pretty eyes, Kageyama. I also have a weird feeling that I need to let you know that I don't have lice." You pull your hands away before he can say anything and hop around the sleeping figures as some of them sit up and stretch. The feeling of Kageyama's sharp eyes trained on the back of your head follows you until you reach the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

After 30 minutes of getting things together to make food for so many people, everyone starts to filter in and out of the bathroom, helping you prepare food as they're waiting for someone or just wanting to hang out.

Everyone eats and your old volleyball friends begin to gather their things to leave back to (insert country). Tears are shed and you take time to say goodbye to each one of them, giving them all a group hug that turns into a huddle of sobbing morons as a certain blonde giraffe would say. (sorry not sorry:D)

"I'm gonna miss you guys. I love you" You creak out between sobs. You wave to your friends as they begin to walk towards a taxi nearby, Daichi rubbing your back comfortingly.

You love your friends and you'll miss them to death, but it will be refreshing to have the house to yourself again. 

You look back to everyone as soon as your friends have disappeared out of sight, signaling that you're going back to your house. As soon as you step in you sweat drop and the jumbled furniture and strewn about blankets and pillows. You hadn't noticed the mess was as bad as it was since  there were a lot of people here, but the emptiness of the room as you first enter emphasizes the disheveled room.

You place your hand on your chin thinking as everyone begins to file in your house. A lightbulb goes off in your head and a smile spreads across your face as you turn to the boys.

"Hey! I just remembered; About a block from here there's a park with a sand volleyball court. Wanna go play a game? Don't worry, they keep the sand clean." The boys look at each other before giving a huge thumbs up.

"Alrighty! If you go down to the corner of the street on the left, then take another left and walk a few minutes the park will be there, I'm gonna clean up around here a bit." The team nods, all except the third years who seem a bit guilty to make you clean up, but you quickly wave off their guilt and tell them to go enjoy the weekend.

Suga and Daichi reluctantly head to catch up to the rest of the group, but Asahi doesn't move, earning a confused gaze from you. His friendly voice meets your ears,

"You should also be able to enjoy your weekend. I'll help. You'll finish cleaning up faster with someone else helping." His hand reaches up to the back of his neck, rubbing it a bit with a closed eye smile. You return the smile and nod.

The two of you begin working quickly, laughing as you stand in the hallway next to the closet you keep extra pillows and blankets as he throws said items your way and you try to catch them before they hit the floor, getting hit in the face by an unexpected pillow as you don't turn around as quickly as Asahi had expected in turn knocking you off balance and causing you to hit the floor with a 'thud.'

"(Y/N)! Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I should have paid more attention." Your eyes meet Asahi's worried gaze, laughing.

"I'm fine! It's just a pillow."

"Are you sure? You hit the floor. I feel awful." His worried expression doesn't fade and you hop up quickly,

"See," you spin on one foot, "I'm alright!"

Asahi and you finish leaning up, this time he makes sure to be more careful. You stand near the door, looking at your hard work. You turn, beaming at Asahi, pulling him in for a hug. He takes a second to return it, but gives you a comforting bear hug.

"Thanks! You're the best, Asahi" you pull away and give him two thumbs up before skipping out the door, holding it for him as you exit.

The two of you head towards the park, joking with each other along the way. You reach the court and see Yamaguchi kicking off flip flops as he swaps with someone on the court

"Asahi- Asahi. Yamaguchi has flip flops. Yamagucci flip flops." You hop in front of Asahi, his eyes staring almost disappointed at you, but he laughs at your awful joke anyways because he just nice like that.

Everyone takes turns swapping on and off of the court to play some friendly volleyball, of course the competition gets a bit more aggressive than it was at first, but everyone has fun and laughs about it in the end.

After everyone tired themselves out, except Hint who insists you continue playing, the team eventually heading to their respective homes and you head back to yours to get ready for school the next morning. Ew :(

(I've written this update, and I'm sorry guys :') I really hate the previous updates I've done and I barely have the motivation to go back through and fix it. I hate the cliches and typical "that's so y/n" moments it makes me sad that I had so little creativity :') I honestly wish I could rewrite this from the beginning and make everything more, well, not trash but ykyk Thanks anyways for all of the support guys and sorry for rambling :))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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