(Ch.10)The Spine, Heart, and Brain

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  You sit next to Kiyoko and Coahc Ukai and watch true boys get into their starting positions. You bloom over to Ukai and realize he's glaring off somewhere. You follow the gaze and reach Coach Nekomata. You giggle to yourself and turn back to the volleyball court. The whistle is blown and the server gets ready to hit the ball over the net. The match begins but you feel uneasy about it.

Karasuno is currently in the lead and Nekoma calls a timeout. You sigh. Karasuno has such a big lead, however that number 7 is almost touching the ball. I don't think we'll be able to win this... You shake your head and turn back to the boys. Daichi puts down his water bottle and looks at you. You give him a concerned look and he nods slightly in understanding. The game continues and Nekoma gains points with Karasuno hovering around the same points. You can see Karasuno's confusion and then realization after they gain the point. This slightly annoys you. After all you are a national volleyball player and you can see through their attacks and defenses. You soon decide that once this game is over and the next practice begins you will help them build their defenses and Hinata and Kageyama's attack power and skill. You turn to Coach Ukai and tell him what you plan to do with Karasuno in the future and he agrees that it would be good for the team. You're pulled from your conversation at Kageyama calling for a toss from Nishinoya. You and the boys on the sideline are definitely confused. You watch him jump up and complete a perfect straight attack. This annoys a lot of the boys on the team, but for you, it makes you smirk. You can evolve that attack and make it more dangerous. You giggles slightly as you realize all that you can do with the team. You watch in defeat as you realize that Karasuno doesn't have a chance at winning. This REALLLLLY makes you mad... Just being in doubt of your team, yes YOUR team. You're still a part of it and you realize that you've never helped them before by teaching them new skills and helping them strengthen the other ones.

As time passes by with you stuck in thought you hear a loud smack. You look up and see Hinata looking up at Inouka (you learned was his name) and the ball bounce away.

"Yes! I've finally caught you!" You look down and clench your teeth together and make fists with your hand. Honestly, You're fuming right now you know that because you haven't been helping them they went without a coach until about a week ago and all that time you could've been helping them. Hinata wouldn't be feeling the pain of being completely shut down right now. The team wouldn't be feeling the pain of losing right now.

Coach Ukai grabs your attention away from your thoughts,

"Hey... (Y/n) Do you need to cool down..?" You looks down at your fists that have turned white from you squeezing them so tightly. You look up and shake your head with a small smile. You return to your normal Completely adorable<3 self. It's the end of the set and Karasuno lost by 3 points. They get a break and walk over to the benches as you and Kiyoko hand them their water bottles. After they get their water you immediately start telling them your plan. They all get a little happier and pumped up. They start pulling on you and hugging you. When they all pull you into hugs you can see Nekoma's team staring in envy of the team. We finish the break by the team giving each other small advice and pep talks and they go back to the game.

Inouka stops Hinata again, and again, and again. You know you cant get mad because Coach Ukai would try to get you to go outside again but it really does make you mad and its hard to hide it. You watch helplessly as a fatigued Hinata runs back and forth trying to evade but to no avail. You almost want to give him a hug and give him a pick-me-up pep talk but when everyone stands there looking at Hinata surprised to the point of almost looking scared, it confuses you.

"H-He's smiling..." You smile too knowing exactly how he's feeling, you felt the same way when you played games. Just the feeling of being out on the court and being able to play with the team. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. You win as a team and you lose as one just the same. But you learn about how to grow as partners, teammates, and friends even if there are some disagreements.

The game continues and when Kageyama passes the ball to Hinata, he looks at the ball. He's NEVER done that before. He's learning. Of course he misses it and falls down but he's learning that he neads to pinpoint his attacks to a certain area. Coach Ukai calls a time out and everyone walks back. Ukai tells Kageyama to give Hinata a weaker toss and explain what he means to Hinata, then they go back. Hinata only touches the ball for the next few cough like 10 points and a time is called once again. Karasuno gives Hinata a small pep talk telling him to calm down. You watch as you expect the same outcome as the last few attacks done by Hinata. When you see the toss gives to him it looks perfect. He slams the ball down and it cant be received.....

It was out.

FFFF IT WAS OUT WHATTTTTT WOW THIS IS JUST... THIS IS JUST WOW. GOD DAMMIT.... WHYYYYYYYYY!!! MAN IT WAS ALMOST SO PERFECT!!! You sigh and sit back down realizing you stood up for your whole in-your-head rant. You watch Taketora break through triple blockers and sigh. You want to run out on the court and play the game with them. The longing for playing a game really takes a toll. No one here has ever seen me play a game, at least I think. Man that's how long I've been out of practice.... Wooooow... You get so lost in thought that the whistle that calls for the ending game is blown. Karasuno loses.

"One more time!" You look up

"One more game please!" Hinata asks Coach Nekomata. You smile at his enthusiasm.

They lose... Once again.... Nekoma and Karasuno's teams are both collapsed on the floor.

"ONE MORE TIMEEEEE!" You look at Hinata terrified. This boy is a monster.... They gather around both coaches and have a little speech from each and you head with away Karasuno waving at Nekoma.

"WAITTTT!!! (Y/N)!!" You turn around to see Taketora running and yelling at you to stop. He stops in front of you.

"I...hyhgggrksalrsaeg...." You stare at him for a minute. "What...?"

"jghrbeuakerlgdf...." He repeats.

"Taketora I can't understand you..." Kenma walks up

"He wants a hug." You look at Kenma then back at Taketora and he bows and apologizes. You place your hand on his shoulder making him stand up straight. when he looks back at you you give him a hug. He hugs back, picks you up, throws you over his shoulder and runs back to Nekoma's gym.

"WAI-WAIT-WAIT NO I'M BEING KIDNAPPED HELPPPPPPP!!!!" You scream and Karasuno looks back and they all burst out laughing with a slight jealous feeling. You're put down and Nekoma Makes Taketora apologize. You wave your hand in the air saying that it wasn't any trouble and that it honestly brightened your day. You bow and say goodbye to Nekoma and they watch you turn and run back to Karasuno as you board the bus waving through the window at the other team as you're driven away from Tokyo and back to your highschool.


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