(Ch.4)The other two

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You wake up to the beautiful sound of what seems to be a ringing phone... Wait... That's my phone. Who could be calling now? You get up and rub your eyes picking up your phone.

"Heyyyyyyyy (F/n)-channnnnn." You narrow your eyes annoyed realizing instantly its, bum bum bum, the mystical magical Tendou!

"Tendou... Why the heck are you calling me so early in the morning? My alarm hasn't even gone off yet..."

"But (F/n)-chan, I wanted to see how you were doing!" You sigh,

"That's nice Tendou but it's too early..." You can hear him laugh softly as you get up and start getting ready for the rest of the day.

"I was just wondering if this weekend you would like to watch us play against a college team!" You have a confused look on your face but Tendou seems to know this and begins to brag about his cough amazing cough team.

"Since we're too good now, we can't even play against any of the other high school teams in the prefecture!" You smile at the boy's words laughing

"That's cool Tendou. I gotta go. I have to get ready for school. Bye bye"

"Bye (F/n)-chan!" You hang up and begin to get ready for school.

When you leave your house you instantly see Hinata on his bike.

"HEY (L/N)-SAN!!!!" Your eyes widen as he makes an abrupt stop on his bike almost toppling forward.

"Hinata! Be careful! You almost fell!!!" He apologizes, breathing heavily asking if you would like to walk to school with him. Over the few weeks being at Karasuno you became very good friends with the volleyball club so of course you said yes, taking Hinata up on his offer.

Once you get to the school you turn to Hinata and hug him making him turn as red as a tomato.

"Thanks, Hinata-kun!" You smile sweetly at him and he just stutters out an, 'it's nothing!' and you both begin walking to your classes. You arrive at your class 1-4 and take a seat next to the four-eyed beanpole. Once you sat down he immediately turned to you and started teasing you.

"Wow, munchkin-chan you just keep getting shorter by the day!" You turn to him and stick your tongue out.

"Go pick on something your own size like the Tokyo Tower." Yamaguchi in the back trying to hold in his laughter. Tsukishima glares off to the side at Yamaguchi before turning to you and puts on another smirk.

"Ooh, the little kitten has claws." You scoff at Tsukishima as the class begins and of course, your luck puts you in one of the best situations, working with Tsukishima. It. Was. Torture. He kept teasing you for small things. Anything and everything he could find wrong with you at the moment.

You were so glad the school day was over. Now you just had to get through walking to practice with Tsukishima making fun of you and Yamaguchi trying to get him to be less harsh. Finally, you made your way to the gym. Today you had planned on helping everyone with receiving and helping with serves. Your volleyball team back in (country) were known for their insane defense skills and serves. (Yes, that is why when you saw Oikawa serve you thought you could do better because you can ;D) You go into the girls changing rooms and get changed into some typical spandex volleyball shorts (If you don't know what they look like, literally just look up volleyball shorts) and a comfy, loose fitting shirt.

When you walked out of the changing rooms everyone was looking at you. You were too clueless to notice and some of the boys kept elbowing each other while all of them were blushing. You walk over to Daichi and ask what the plan is for practice today.

"W-Well, I've got everything down here." He handed you a clipboard while blushing and you nod.

You get everyone sorted out and have people working on some things every time you go over to someone to either help them or tell them to do something else they blush and stutter a bit. Practice goes smoothly and everyone has improved quite a bit for only practicing for one day. Everyone gets ready to leave and you change back into your school uniform. You walk out the door and head home while most of the boys stand and look at the very same door.

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