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Mr. Payne stares at Harry as the carriage departs from his estate. The cane in his hand, meant only for decoration since he walks perfectly fine, intimidates the sculptor. "You better behave while you're there. I'm getting lots of money for you, and you're going with my name attached."

"Yes, Master Payne. I understand." Harry resists the urge to clenches his hands, not wanting to damage what makes him so valuable. Mr. Payne sighs as the boy stares out the window, and silence falls between them once more.

Today is Harry's final day at the Payne's estate. He'll now be spending the rest of his days, hopefully in peace, with the Tomlinson's. His luggage, a mere bag of five outfits and a smaller bag of sculpting tools, sits next to him. He's wearing his Sunday's Best on a Wednesday to make a good impression, and is already attempting to formulate ideas for his statues. From what he's heard, he'll need five pieces to make one cohesive scene. It's ambitious, and he's never done it before. However, much like Niall painting for museums or royals, a time would come where Harry would be put to the test and under immense pressure. What's important is that he doesn't lose his focus.

"Mr. Tomlinson has a boy that's two years older than you." Mr. Payne informs him. "He'll be the subject of your project since the event is being held in his honor. He has five siblings, and two more on the way. They're all women and girls of mixed ages, and you'll do best to stay away."

"Yes, Master Payne." Harry nods slightly.

"If this goes well, Liam may even be seen as a possible match for the eldest sister. I have plenty of plans depending on your success," Mr. Payne admits halfheartedly, "so I hope you know that I am in your corner. Not for your sake, but for my own."

"I understand, Master Payne." Harry mumbles again. It's an hour later when they finally reach the Tomlinson's home. While it's larger than what Harry imagined, it surely is no estate. The sculptor almost doubts the family's wealth, and their higher status over Mr. Payne until he spots the expensive horses grazing far off in the field. Ah, so that is where they choose to invest.

Clearly more than work horses, these muscular stallions are bred to race— Harry knows that much. Their coats are shinier than field horses, and they're well-groomed.

"Beautiful." Harry whispers, and Mr. Payne searches to find what caught his eye. The man chuckles, and adjusts his hat.

"Those studs are not to be touched by careless hands like ours." Mr. Payne advices. "Appreciate them while you can, boy. You'll never get any closer than this."

Harry says nothing else, and grabs his two bags. He follows Mr. Payne to the door where a man, heavily pregnant woman, and six young'ins stand. They're dressed well, better than Harry, and every child bears an uncanny resemblance to their mother. The son, the only boy in the group of girls, stares at Harry the entire time.

"Mr. Payne. Welcome to our home." The man smiles, and the woman curtsies the best she can with a hanging stomach. Mr. Payne shakes his hand, shakes the son's hand, and bows to each female.

"Good morning, Mr. Tomlinson, the pleasure is all mine."  He lifts his hand to motion to Harry, and the sculptor bows with as much composure as he can muster. "This is Mr. Harry Styles. As I've mentioned, he will be doing your project for the party."

"As agreed upon." Mr. Tomlinson nods in his direction, and Harry notes that he doesn't reach out to shake his hand. As expected of an upperclassman.  "This is my wife, Mrs. Tomlinson. As you can see, we are due soon."

"Congratulations." Harry mumbles, and the woman rubs her bump with a genuine kindness in her eyes. She thanks him quietly as Mr. Tomlinson goes on to introduce his children.

"The eldest is my son, Louis Tomlinson. He's the one who will be the focus of the party." Mr. Tomlinson explains. Unlike his father, everything about Louis screams uncertainty and insecurity. His eyes are wavering, his lips are pursed slightly in anxiousness, and his hands remain restless as he wrings his fingers. At the sound of his introduction, Louis steps forward slightly with a hand reached out.

Mr. Payne, and Mr. Tomlinson look appalled. Harry, however, would be in the most wrong to deny the handshake. So, he meets the son halfway and gives a firm shake.

"A pleasure to meet you." Louis clears his throat.

"The pleasure is mine. Thank you all for having me." Harry smiles softly, and releases his hand. The rest of the introductions are blur after that, but Harry bows and acknowledges each daughter nonetheless.

They follow the family inside, and Mrs. Tomlinson is sent back to her room to rest. The girls are sent to another room, leaving the four men by themselves in the entertainment room. Mr. Tomlinson motions for Mr. Payne, and Harry to sit across from him and Louis. Tea, and small sandwiches are set on the table. The windows are closed, but the curtains are drawn back to reveal the beautiful landscape outside. Harry can't help but think that Niall would love to draw it.

The furniture is as pristine as Mr. Payne's, hardly used and firm, and the polish on the wood is well kept. Harry lifts his eyes away from his surroundings, and looks at Louis. The son is already watching him. Whether it be that Louis is closeted from lower society or if he finds something about Harry odd, the sculptor doesn't know, but there's curiosity and intrigue dancing in the blue irises.

The artist clears his throat quietly, and Louis blinks a few times before turning away with a slight blush. Mr. Payne is discussing the negotiations with Mr. Tomlinson, things neither of the young men are interested in, but Harry gives his attention when Mr. Payne waves a hand to gesture to him.

"The two will be spending all of Mr. Louis' free time together. Sculptors must know their subjects proportions, and find the most pleasing pose." Mr. Payne explains. "I hope you can understand that, Mr. Tomlinson."

"Of course." Mr. Tomlinson nods, and turns his attention to his new worker. "If you don't mind, Mr. Styles, I would like to hear from you."

"Yes, Mr. Tomlinson." Harry sits straighter subconsciously, and Louis examines his posture before quirking an eyebrow. "What can I answer for you?"

"Oh, you have such good manners... for an apprentice. I see Mr. Payne trained you well." The back-handed compliment almost catches Harry and Mr. Payne off guard, but Harry recovers smoothly with a thanks. "Do you have any ideas on what sculptures you will be doing?"

"Well, I have a few." Harry admits. "I can do one of Mr. Louis, and one of you. As a sign of passage between father, and son. The next three would be the rest of family. Mrs. Tomlinson with the eldest girl, the eldest twins together, and the two middle siblings together. I'm very capable of doing two bodies in one statue, and I think this idea would showcase not only the men in the family but the Tomlinson's as a whole."

Mr. Tomlinson nods slightly, seeming to imagine the work in his mind, and he reaches for his cup of tea. "If I may," Harry continues before reaching into his bag to take our his sketches, "I also have the idea to make one large statue of Mr. Louis."

"I asked for five." Mr. Tomlinson mumbles in a displeased tone with a less-than-impressed face.

Harry swallows hard. "Well, Mr. Tomlinson, I understand that. However, what better way to showcase your son's accomplishment than to have a statue made of the most expensive, exported material possible? This way, Mr. Payne keeps the same amount of money promised to him and you can boast to your guests."

Mr. Tomlinson ponders his words. "Wealth isn't an issue, and I do like to display my success..."

"A statue made of the finest material with exotic techniques will surely be a source of pride for you," Harry turns slightly to Louis, "and Mr. Louis."

Mr. Tomlinson hums, and sets his cup down. "Alright. I think we'll go with the second idea. Surely, you know the material you want?"

"I do." Harry writes it down, and rips the corner off his paper to hand it to Mr. Tomlinson. Mr. Payne gently smacks his hand as a butler comes to collect the small piece. Harry realizes his mistakes, and the smile falls from his face. "My apologies. I got ahead of myself."

"Yes, well," Mr. Tomlinson mumbles as Louis continues to watch Harry, "let's not make it a habit."

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