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The two young men indulge each other all night long: naked bodies entangled in white sheets as the frame holding the bed gently knocks against the wall. Louis bites one pillow, another stuffed underneath his hips to cushion the blow from Harry's thrusts. He moans lowly, trying to conceal his pleasure as Harry's mouth and hands roam his body.

When the sun comes up, and the early workers set off to the port or ride away in carriages outside, they decide to stop. Both of them are breathing heavily, they're sweaty and hot, and they're too tired to move. Harry kicks the covers to the floor, and lays on his back. Louis moves to lay on his lover's chest, closing his eyes as he listens to Harry's rushed heartbeat.

"I think I've been inspired." Harry whispers, and Louis breathlessly laughs. "That stone is going to be famous after I finish with it."

The sculptor massages his muse's scalp with his fingers, and kisses Louis' forehead lovingly. They stay cuddled together for about another hour, the shutters still shut as the city quickly wakes up. Louis decides to get up at the sound of the first import, and he looks to see Harry peacefully resting. Love bites, and scratches scatter his lover's body and Louis amuses himself with the thought that he's made his own piece of art. He dresses in the clothes from yesterday, the articles of clothing scattering the floor, and he leaves the room after scribbling his affectionate good morning on a piece of ripped paper.

Down the hall at his room's door stood his personal butler, Mr. Rodgerick. The man is tall, broad, older in age, and graying at the roots of his hair. His eyes show no emotion, and he's never mixed personal business with his professional life in all the years that he's served Louis. His wife, who passed when Louis was five, was Louis' nursing maid and the muse likes to believe that Mr. Rodgerick has treated him as a son and hidden his most 'devious' behavior because his wife asked him to protect Louis from the wrath of Mr. Tomlinson. Many times, such as during his etiquette classes, Louis would drift in his mind or fail a simple quiz and Mr. Rodgerick would take any beating he could in Louis' place.

The young man holds a lot of endearment, and respect for his butler— so much so that the older male is viewed as a role model and father figure rather than a server. This is why, when Mr. Rodgerick turns to look at him with an exhausted and slightly upset expression, Louis stutters in his steps before stopping altogether. His palms instantly become sweaty, and he bites his lip. Mr. Rodgerick clears his throat, moves from the door, and bows.

"Young Master," he mumbles, "good morning. I came to prepare you for your morning with Ms. Williams. You're just in time to get properly washed and dressed."

"I apologize for keeping you waiting." Louis opens the already unlocked door, and Mr. Rodgerick follows him inside. As the butler works out what to put Louis in, the muse undresses himself and sits at the vanity to examine his face and skin. "Mr. Rodgerick, what do you think of Mr. Styles?"

The older man stops, and meets Louis' nervous stare through the mirror. Both know the real question weighing on Louis' mind: is Mr. Rodgerick someone to be cautious of?

Mr. Rodgerick looks at the jacket on the untouched bed, and pats it slightly before taking a deep breath. He clears his throat before standing straight. "I've always been told that a dog who brings a bone, carries a bone. I am not a dog, Young Master."

Louis relaxes, and breaks their stare to look at his hands. "Thank you."

Louis removes his hat as he walks towards the gazebo. Alexandra's family is a home name in Port City, and her father is a man of massive wealth due to his monopoly at the city's docks. While where Louis, and Harry stay is cramped and other parts of the city are further impoverished, the Williams live across the way, more inland away from the worst parts of the storms and waves, and own acres of land. The back yard of the estate is the entertainment area with multiple gazebos, and picnic areas built on it. The weather is cool, but not too cold like the sea breeze. It's a perfect medium.

Alexandra is indeed beautiful, matching the scenery surrounding them. She's dressed in the finest wear, her makeup is light and adds to her youth rather than raising her age, and her eyes are a bit wide like a dolls but they're offset by a sleek nose, high cheek bones, and small yet plump lips. Her hair is thick, long, and darker than Louis'. She's thin, slightly busty, and her neck is long. Every inch of her body is covered to protect her maiden reputation, and mystic charm. Despite her perfect looks, her eyes shined with curiosity and intrigue. Louis never saw someone with such pool besides Harry.

"Good morning, Mr. Tomlinson." She motions to the seat across from her. "I hope Port City has been treating you well."

"It's a beautiful city." He sits, and excuses himself as he removes his jacket. Mr. Rodgerick takes it as Alexandra's maid pours Louis a cup of tea. He thanks her, and picks it up for sip. He hums at the sweet taste, and picks up a small biscuit to eat. "Thank you for letting me visit. I haven't seen much, but your estate is gorgeous."

"Thank you for coming." She gives him a tight grin, and uses her small fan to cool herself. While the temperature is nice, ladies are dressed in heavy clothes and could easily become over heated. "My father says your family has a wonderful reputation. I don't wish to walk on thin ice with you, Mr. Tomlinson, as we both know where these meetings will lead."

"A woman with such a blunt attitude." Louis uses the napkin to clean crumbs from his lips. "Your gentle, doe-like reputation precedes you."

"Even a doe must be fierce with her business." She sips her tea, and watches him. "Tell me: are you a man with many... fancies?"

"My past before you is simple, Ms. Williams." He folds his hands in his lap. "No woman is claiming me as a lover."

"Good. I don't want a man who's affections can be well mapped." Alexandra smiles brightly, and looks out the land before them. Louis follows her gaze, and watches the trees dance and sway to the rhythm of the breeze. The sky goes beyond their view, and clouds peak out from behind the forest. The grass is green, and healthy as birds swoop down from one spot to another. "I know neither of us asked for this, but I hope you can keep me good company."

Louis looks to see her watching nature with an uncertain yet resolute eyes. She, too, feels scared of the idea of marrying a stranger but has determined that this is best for her. Louis thinks of Harry, who also is clearly torn about Louis' arrangement but urges the older male to see it through for the sake of his livelihood, and clears his throat.

"We will make the best of the situation at hand, Ms. Williams." She looks at him, and he smiles reassuringly. "Good company, fond memories, and even greater adventures are ahead for us. We're young, after all."

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