Time flies

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I went upstairs and knocked on naya's door to go apologize
N: if your name is mommy then you can't come in
Y: okay
I opened the door
N: I said you couldn't come in
Y: but my name isn't mommy
N: but that's what I call you
Y: but it's not my name
N: but I don't know your name
Y: well then that's just too bad ain't it
N: ughhhh when is daddy getting here
Y: okay okay I'm sorry for laughing at what happened earlier I was just laughing because who the heck would fan girl over Mohenny
N: I know right! It was so awkward
She laughed
M: I heard that!!!
We both laughed
Y: so we good?
N: yes and I'm sorry for saying that I hated you. I love you and daddy equally
She hugged me so I hugged her back
N: can we get ice cream
She smiled at me
Y: yea sure
After ice cream
We got back to the house and I got a call from Angel

Y: hello?
A: how is she?
Y: she's fine
A: should I come get her or no?
Y: if you want you can
A: Aii I'm on my way
End of call😎

Y: Naya!!!!
N: yes mommy

She came into the kitchen

Y: daddy's coming to get you
N: but it's not Friday
Y: I know. Let's go find some clothes
N: okay

September 15th

🔴Therealy/n started a live video.
Derektrendz, Vallyk and 1,267 others began watching

User hey y/n
User where's Mike?
User why haven't any of you been active
User how are you, mentally?

Y: hey guys
I smiled weakly at the camera
Y: how are you mentally? Umm mentally, I'm broken
Y: why haven't any of you been active? Right now we're going through a tough time and we're trying to recover

User what's wrong? (It's okay if you don't wanna tell us)
User I hope you get better
User is Mike with you?
User I feel like this is about Mike

Y: what's wrong? A lot to be honest but um
Where's Mike? That's what I went live to talk about. It took me a lot to go live and talk about this and I should've done it sooner but I couldn't

User I knew it
User did they break up?
Derektrendz you got this y/n/n
Vallyk pls don't cry b, your gonna make us cry

Y: did they- no we didn't break up well technically- idk but no we didn't umm about 4 months a- ago Mike had a seizure at target and h- he

I couldn't finish my sentence because I started crying then Derek and Vallyk ran to my room hugging me

D: it's okay we gotchu
V: you don't have to finish this we can end it here if you want
Y: no I wanna tell them, they're his supporters they deserve to know
D: you want us to stay in here with you or you good by yourself?
Y: can you guys stay pls
V: ofc we can

User what's going on
User he had a what?
User I feel like I know what she's about to say
User pls don't tell me he's gone

Y: pls don't tell me- yea Mike passed away that day, umm it was very traumatizing especially for Naya and Mj

User wait who's Mj?
User what about Amor and Amador?

Y: what about amor and Amador? They were a year old they didn't know what was going on
Y: who's Mj? Mj is Mikes other son

User he had another son-
User chile what-
User did I hear that right?

Y: okay I'm gonna end the live here, we'll get active as soon as possible. Stay safe I love y'all, bye!

Live video ended.
2,300 viewers

3 months later

Derek & Jasmine are back together and planned a baby shower so thats where we goin right now

Y: Naya!!
N: yes?
Y: are you ready?
N: umm
Y: umm what?
N: where's my necklace?

Her voice cracked like she was about to start crying

Y: which necklace? You have like 2 dozen
N: the one that papa got for me
Y: you left it in the bathroom
N: it's not in there
Y: did you check your jewelry box?
N: no it's gone

She started crying and I went upstairs to her room

Y: ny don't cry it's okay, we'll find it when we come back
N: no I wanna wear papa's necklace
Y: I get that but we-
Ma: is this what you're looking for?

Mohenny came through the door with the necklace Mike got for Naya when she was 2

Y: yes yes yes, thank you mohenny

She ran downstairs putting on her shoes

Y: thank you so much
I sighed
Ma: no problem
He kissed me and we went downstairs

4 year later:
There was a knock at my door

Y: come in
N: hi mommy and Mohenny
M: hey ny ny
N: mommy would you be mad if I wanted to live with daddy?
Y: like forever?
N: yea
Y: umm no I wouldn't be mad
N: sooo can I go?
Y: I'll call him and ask him for you
N: okay thank you bye!

She ran out the room. I laid back down and sighed

M: are you okay?
Y: no I'm not fucking okay mohenny, why does she wanna leave me
M: you told her you wouldn't be mad
Y: I'm not mad I'm sad and miserable. What am I supposed to do with her room?
M: give it to Amor
Y: she 8 years old and she's already leaving home, I feel like I'm doin sum wrong
M: you aren't do anything wrong she probably just wants to settle down somewhere
Y: umm she can settle down here
M: maybe she wants to live with Angel. Just talk to her and see what she sa-

His sentence was interrupted by Angel calling me

A: bro y/n!!!!
Y: yes?
A: Naya wanna live wit meeee ahhhhh
Y: you sound pretty excited
A: duh my daughter wants to live with me why wouldn't I be?
Y: no reason anyways I'll start packing her things
A: okay be done by like 6:30
Y: okay
I hung up

Y: am I a good parent?
M: of course you are
Y: I feel like you're lying to me
M: I'm not I promise
Y: should I let her go?
M: if that's what makes her happy then I say yes

Hey Trimmy Turner, Flo or and of my other friends reading this 😐☝🏽

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