Happy birthday?!

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I fell asleep but I heard some people walk in. It was probably the doctors tho so I didn't wake-

?: why are we here if we can't celebrate with her?
?: because she can hear us and even a little happy birthday song would please her

It's my birthday?!

?: so can we sing and leave?
A female voice said

?: why you got an attitude, Amanda?
Am: because ion wanna be here and you always here. You never wanna just stay away for at least a week
?: what do you mean nobody came to see her for almost a month, everyone came back last week
?: Brian had a point earlier, why are we singing to her if she can't hear us?

Bitch my nose is itching but ion want them fools to know I'm awake yet omggggg

?: she can hear us and she can hear this whole conversation
?: it's not like any of us really like her. I mean mohenny is her boyfriend he's barley even here he's not even here right now, neither are her kids. Y'all haven't come to see her in a month like y'all obviously don't care about her as much as y'all want her to think
Mo: umm we're right here we got stuck in traffic you coon
Y: y'all don't have to be here, I didn't even know it was my birthday
Mo: mamas!!

He ran over to me and hugged me, kissing all over my face

Y: hey bebe
V: when did you wake up?!
Y: a little after you left
Ad: and we didn't get a call from the hospital?!
Y: I told them not to call because Vallyk said yall was coming back and wasn't you here earlier??
Ad: me?
Y: yes dummy
Ad: no why?
Y: because someone came to my room and asked if I was awake and when the doctor said yes they left and they said their name was Adonis Chong ?
B: he wasn't here he been at my house since yesterday
J: my bitchhhhh
Y: hey Jess!!
J: I missed youuuu, you had a bad bitch cryin n shittt
Y: I know I hearddddd

I kept glancing at Derek who wouldn't take his eyes off me.. I guess he was debating on if he should actually kiss me or not. Which he shouldn't because Amanda will beat my ass and then beat his. I looked at him and shook my head no but I shouldn't have done that because he came up to the bed while Jess was laying on me

J: Derek wait your turnnnn!

He didn't say anything back he just leaned in and kissed me, while everyone was watching just like he said he would. I kissed back, like a dumbass. Then he pulled away putting his hands on each sides of my face and connecting out foreheads

D: I love you mama, so much. Don't ever fucking scare me like that again, I thought I was gonna lose you
Y: you will never lose me

Everyone's mouths were hung open

Mo: what the fuck bruh?!
A: did y'all really just kiss in front of everyone?
Mo: y/n I've been by your side this whole time and before you even say thank you, you kiss my friend?
D: it was completely my fault so don't blame her
Y: nah I kissed back ion really care tho because every time you come here you don't stay for more than 5 minutes then you just up and disappear. You've barley came to see me and if you're so pressed about it then just kiss Amanda
Mo: yea cause Derek has been here for you more than me right
Y: yes actually, but how do I know you're not cheating on me?! Everyone here has their own personal lives and still managed to come see me more than you have
Mo: why would you think I'm cheating?
Y: because I don't fucking trust you mohenny you've been everywhere but here
Mo: that's them damn trust issues mike brought on you, don't accuse me of shit. I signed all those consent forms and moved you to my insurance plan because yours didn't cover your surgery and this is how you repay me? Accuse me of cheating wow
Y: nobody ever said you had to do all that Mauricio you didn't have to do shit
Mo: a thank you would be fucking nice at least

By now everyone else that was in the room was gone, they left to give us privacy I guess but I know they nosy assess still listening from the outside

Y: you know I'm starting to wish I actually died mid surgery. I knew some fucked up shit would happen and the fact that you're so pressed about it is blowin my shit
Mo: oh now she's suicidal get a grip bruh stop craving attention
Y: here we go again bruh. Who's attention am I craving now?
Mo: Dereks
Y: when have you seen me talk to Derek? When did I get the time to talk to him I was in a FUCKING COMA MAURICIO!
Mo: maybe you weren't actually in a coma you just paid off the doctors so that you could talk to him without me knowing
Y: you literally seen the x-ray, you seen how big the tumor was and yet you still insist that I'm lying, I can't with you bruh. I'm done
Mo: done with what?
Y: this, you, us. I'm done I'm tired of your bullshit it's an everyday thing! I literally just woke up from a fucking coma and your accusing me of doing a number of things that I don't even remember the half of. You sicken my fucking stomach Mauricio
Mo: you don't actually mean that, you're just mad

I stayed silent

Mo: are you serious? This had to be your plan all along. You wanted to break up with me but didn't have a reason so you did all this
Y: Mauricio, I fucking love you I'm in love with you but I can't function like this anymore. You always say some hurtful shit and you don't apologize for it until I defend myself. You can't push me around anymore
Mo: man, fuck you!!

He said in tears, he was actually crying.. all because of this kiss?!

Am: you're not going in there!
V: just let him go in bruh
Am: no he's not your boyfriend or hers
D: just let go!
Am: if you walk in that room you let go of this relationship and your kids

There was a long ass pause

D: I can't bruh, I love my kids

It sounded like he was crying?

A: Amanda you can't do that, those his seeds
Am: i don't care
V: Amanda-
Ja: shush Vallyk this isn't our argument
V: that's my best friend
A: fuck it, I'll go in there. Jess do you trust me mamas?
J: of course I do
A: okay then ima go in

Someone finally opens the door after that argument

A: hey bitchhh. Bad bitches don't cry so wipe your tears
Y: they're not even sad tears bruh I'm so pissed
A: I know like off the wake he started an argument didn't even give you no time to breath
Y: it was lowkey my fault tho because I kissed back
A: I meannn, he did say he was gonna kiss you when you wake up and he don't care who's watching
Y: he told you?!
A: no but I heard him talking to you that day we was all here
Y: and you didn't tell him not to?
A: oh I did, he loves Amanda but he's in love with you
Y: why me?! I've basically been dead for I don't even know how long
A: he always has, since junior year.. before he took your virginity. You were his first
Y: what?!!
A: yup he just fingered them or they sucked his dick
Y: how do you even know this you never went to our school
A: we were internet friends and he would always tell me about you. He ain't let Mike or Brian hear him tho
Y: oh wow.. well that sucks.

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