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I slowly walked into the room with tears building up. I sat in the chair next to her, hearing the monitors beeping, I touched her hand, it was as cold as ice, her skin was pale, she looked..dead. Seeing her like this completely broke me.


I took her hand and held it. I kissed her hand and rested my other hand on top and rested my head on them.

"Ma, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't say I love you back, I love you with everything in me. I can't do this without you, I need you. Coming home to you makes my day 100x better, I can't lose you to this shit. You've been fighting this since you were 3, I know you can get pass this. WE..can get pass this. All you have to do is wake up..."

Y/n's pov:

I can hear mohenny talking to me and I wanna just wake up but I can't, I try to squeeze his hand but I couldn't move it at all. I felt bad and I just wanted to hug him and be there for him but I can't move. Why can't I move!?

"All you have to do is wake up" he lightly shook me
'I trying'
"Wake up Y/n!"
'I'm trying, I'm trying really hard"
"WAKE UP!!" I can tell he was sobbing, I can hear the sniffles. He release the grip he had on my hand and I felt it fall back onto the bed
'I can't mohenny, I can't! Im trying I can't move!"
' I can't, im sorry. I give up'
I stopped trying to wake up and my body relaxed for a quick second and then started shaking uncontrollably. I can hear the monitor start to beep faster and people running in.
"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you need to lea-"

"NO! I'm not leaving her again. I'm the reason this happened I have to be here!"

"You can't be in here right now you have to leave."

"I need to be here, I need to stay with her, please!!"

"I'm sorry sir, we can't do that."

"Is she gonna die?"


"IS SHE GONNA DIE?!" He cried

"We don't know the answer to that question yet"

Then I heard more footsteps

"NO PLEASE! I CANT LEAVE HER, SHE CANT DIE!" His screaming and cries became faint and I got weaker

Mohenny's pov:

I got dragged out of the room by security. I'm the reason this happened. She was stressed and I just left her there, I feel so fucking guilty.

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