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"Oi" Deidara said, now walking towards me, every step he took made my heart beat a little faster.

'What is it, come on what is it that you want Deidara? do you remember me? Please tell me you remember me' i thought as I saw the blonde boy making his way towards me.

"I don't remember much about my death, I only remember certain things..since you're my partner I want you to tell me more about what happened," Deidara said, demandingly. He stood in front of me and looked up, his eyes desperately looking for a piece of information that will make his entire existence click, I'm sure it's hard to process when you've come back from the dead. I nervously chuckled as I placed my hand on my neck, my hands feeling cold all of a sudden.

"Well...." I started, now looking into Deidara's eyes, his blue eyes, although now different, still look as lively as ever. I looked away nervously, intending to avoid getting lost in those eyes of his. "You detonated yourself at a very crucial moment during a fight-" I got cut off by Deidara chuckling, even his chuckle held a hint of pride within them. "My ultimate" Deidara said under his breath, his eyes now glittering with passion. I find it adorable how he's so passionate about art, I don't mind if he puts his passion above me, looking at him talk about how art is an explosion is simply just everything. God how I wish I can just kiss him-

"Tobi CONTINUE.." Deidara said as he snaps his fingers in front of my face, getting a little irritated by me holding back. I gulped before I continued on.

"Well...I was your partner and.." I stopped and looked at Deidara, who is still looking at me very impatiently. "Just how much do you remember?" I asked as I looked back at him, his angry expression turned calm, then he looked a little disappointed.

"Actually...I only remember a few things, I remember my village and Ōniki Sensei..." he said as he looked down, his eyes now filled with conflict as he tries to remember what he has forgotten. "Then I stole the forbidden" he said as he raised his palm, looking at the mouths he has on them. He looked up to me and said "then all of a sudden I'm in the Akatsuki, I don't remember how I got in but... I got partnered with Sasori and then after he" He continued on, now his eyes met mine.

"I got partnered with you"

'So he does remember me, I'm so glad-' my thoughts get cut off as Deidara continued his next sentence. "But you're really annoying, I prefer Sasori over" Deidara said as he crossed his arms and looked away, looking a little more petty than he should. I let out a low chuckle as I scratch my head. Now I remember what it was like to get insulted by Deidara. I'm not against it though. It's painfully refreshing.

"Is that all you remember?" I asked as I watch him walk back to my bed, I could see him nod as he sat down, now resting on my bed. "Why do you think I came here to ask you, idiot?"

Another insult, I think I might have to get used to this. I let out a yet disappointing chuckle as Deidara looks back at me, still looking somewhat dissatisfied. "What was our relationship like before I died, hm..?" Deidara asked as he leaned on my wall, his blue eyes piercing through my soul.

Oh god, what do I say..oh fuck I didn't think this through, should I tell him the truth or...

"You know Tobi.." Deidara said getting up, his eyebrows furrowed as he walked towards me. "You look a little more nervous than" Deidara said as he got closer, the same angry expression showcased on his face. I looked as he moved closer, although he has to look up to face me that doesn't stop him from attempting to look intimidating. "What happened between us..." he asked, only inches away from my mask. I shuddered as I realized how close he is to my face, my mask is the only thing blocking this proper confrontation.

"W-we were just partners...Deidara Senpai..." I said as I tried my best to maintain my high pitched voice. Deidara placed his hands on the door behind me and looked at me seriously. He's so close, only inches away. I'm so tempted to take off my mask and kiss him, I held the urge back as I realized it probably isn't going to end well. "You can get rid of that stupid voice" Deidara said, rolling his eyes and our eyes met again. Why is he so close, I don't know if it's just me but the sexual tension is intense enough to make me sweat, the air is getting heavier by the second.

All of a sudden, I felt a light force against my back, someone was knocking on the door. I turned my face to the side, breaking the eye contact between me and Deidara for a split second.

"Tobi... it's time for the war meeting.." I heard a familiar voice from the other side of the door, dark, low and raspy. It was clearly Kakuzu.

I looked back at Deidara who still had his hands at each side of me, he leaned back and put his hands down. He looked at me angrily, obviously unsatisfied that he still had not learned more about what happened prior to his death. "Our conversation does not end" Deidara said harshly, as he gestured me to move aside. I noticed this and stepped away, the smaller blonde grabbed the door and pushed it open.

He stopped at the frame of the door and looks back at me, his blue eyes, welcoming yet so cold. "I just want to know more, please tell me anything...anything at" Deidara said, his voice slightly breaking.

That's when I realized, aside from being mad, he was also scared. Fear was very clearly seen in his eyes. His angry expression calmed down after his comment as if finally letting out the bottled frustration that he had long held inside of him ever since the second he got reanimated. His hand trembles a little as he grabbed the door handle and closes it, leaving me alone in my room.

I looked up and let out a sigh of relief, before panicking again as I realized I have two choices, either to tell Deidara the truth or keep the truth away from him. Telling him the truth means he will probably not believe me. But if I lie about it then everything will be simple. No, that's not it. Either way, it will be difficult. I groaned as I placed my hand on my head, I stood there quietly for a few minutes.

What have I gotten myself into.

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