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"He's asking me about everything.."

"Everything? Like absolutely all of it?" Zetsu asked, looking conflicted himself. I sighed as I rested my head on my pillow, Zetsu let out a cough as he leaned back against the wall. "He doesn't need to know, he's only a weapon to the-" I cut Black Zetsu before he went on any further.

"How many times..." I said as I raised my head, I turned to look at black Zetsu, feeling annoyed and angry. I felt enraged that anyone would weaponize Deidara. " not a weapon..of this many times should I repeat this"

"Okay, alright, cut it off," White Zetsu said, putting out the heat of the tension. I shot Black Zetsu a dirty look before I laid down again.

Where do I even begin, how do I tell him. Telling him would be such a bad idea, not to mention how fucked up it might sound to him.

We were in love and we were secretly going out on dates and we also did smash few times while we went on missions and when we were alone at the hideout.

"Tobi, I'm going to go keep an eye on him.." Zetsu said quietly, referring to Kabuto. I've had my suspicions about him from the start and It's not my trust issues haunting me, but it is simply a gut feeling for me. The uneasiness I feel seems to be taking over me, but I took precautions by asking Zetsu to watch over Kabuto, making sure he doesn't have any other motives aside from helping me in this war. I watched as Zetsu seeped into the ground, his body soon disappearing.

All of a sudden, the door flung open and I turned to find Sasori. The small red-haired looked at me, his emotionless eyes showing no expression. "Tobi...right? whatever your name is.." He said as he leaned on the door frame. "Can you take Deidara off my hands? You seem like you're the only one that can distract him.." he said turning away, probably feeling kind of embarrassed that he has to ask for a favour. "I'm rebuilding my puppets and Deidara..won't stop...following me, I just need to concentrate.." Sasori said as he turned to face me, his voice almost begging me to take Deidara off his hands. I looked at the puppet boy's hands, he gripped onto the tools that he uses to craft puppets. "So? will you do it or not?" Sasori asked, his voice a little louder as he looked at me, tilting his head.

"I'll ask Zetsu to-"

"No listen, he's asking about his, I could occupy him by telling him whatever he wants to hear," Sasori said, crossing his arms. I should've known Sasori is the kind to be very demanding and preserves his demands. This is getting a little too difficult even for me to handle. Sasori noticed the doubtful expression I had on and let out a soft groan, he got impatient before continuing."Tobi, I hate waiting..." Sasori said as his hand grabbed the door handle, ready to close the door and walk away.

"Call him in here.." I said, just before the door closed. The door moved back forward into my room, Sasori looked back at me, a proud smirk forming on his face. This puppet knows how to pressure people and get things going his way. Why does Deidara like him so much? Talk about being manipulative.

He gave me a small nod before walking away. As his footsteps faded, I realized that I have to distract Deidara.

'what to do what to do..' i thought as I looked up at my ceiling. Then my mind clicked, it's as if I just got the best idea ever.

I got up and just seconds later, my door flung open. "I'm not your slave for you to call here, Tobi," Deidara said, his head tilted back as he glares at me. "My room isn't that far, come by-"

I cut Deidara off by grabbing his hand, pulling him out of my room. "T-Tobi..let go of my hand," Deidara said as he struggled to pull back, however, he was completely defeated from my strength.

I kept quiet as I continued to pull on him, my steps became faster as soon as I spotted Itachi and Nagato. Trying to avoid any questions or the growing awkwardness in the air, I decided to say something. "We'll be back..." I said to them, both of them had confused looks on their faces, but they nodded anyway. I looked back at Deidara, whose expression almost pleaded to Itachi and Nagato to save him. Unfortunately, he was ignored.

As we walked out of the hideout, I let Deidara go. "Fucking finally.." Deidara said, his left arm finally free from my grip. He looked around, as he moved his hair out of his face. "Why are we here?" He asked, looking a whole lot confused. I looked at the smaller boy, I knew he was hiding the fact that he was scared, confused and most of all, desperate to know about his past.

"Close your eyes..." I said to Deidara as I stepped away. He looked at me, a confused look formed on his face before he goes into stubborn mode. "Why should I listen to you?"

As expected.

"Do you want to know more about your past?" I asked Deidara, whose face suddenly softens. As much as he wishes to deny me, it's difficult for him to admit that he does indeed want to know about his past. I have the advantage of knowing his past. He nodded, finally agreeing. Without further discussions or denial, his eyes closed. I used my Kamui to transport Deidara and myself to a very familiar place. A place where I envision would awaken a few pieces of his lost memory,it is just as I planned in my head. Deidara's memory right now is a puzzle picture filled with missing puzzle pieces, I can't just walk up to him and tell him that we are lovers, it is simply shocking and with no one to support my statement; Deidara will just brush it off. Hopefully, this place will bring back a few memories.

As I felt the pressure of the ground underneath my feet, I look up to see Deidara slightly panic. Oh yes, I almost forgot, he doesn't know my powers.

"What happened? Where are we.." Deidara asked as i noticed his eyelids slightly fluttering, almost as if adjusting his sight. I guess travelling in my Kamui can make some people light headed.

However, before he could open his eyes, I walked closer to Deidara and placed my hand on Deidara's face, covering his eyes. He looked up to me, obviously kind of taken aback. "What are you doing? Where are we?" He asked as his hand reaches for mine, which are covering his eyes. "When you open your eyes, stare at the view and try to remember something..." I told him as I slowly lift my hand up. "I'll take your hand off my face, Tobi.." Deidara said as he started to sound annoyed. What a short-tempered one we have here. I stepped back, keeping a distance between me and Deidara, trying to avoid making him feel uncomfortable.

As the sound of water flowing fills my ears, I took a deep breath and looked at Deidara, studying his reaction. I observed as he opened his eyes and looked at the magnificent view in front of him. This was the waterfall I took him to.

"" Deidara said, I watched as he turned to me, it is almost as if his eyes were showing flashbacks of his past.

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