Chapter 5

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Kibum was sitting on the couch in the living room, in his comfy clothes, watching some fashion show, however his thoughts were someplace else, today he almost lost his cool, he really hope everything went back to normal, he didn't want anyone to know what happened, it would create a huge mess.

There was click and beep heard, snapping Kibum out of his thoughts, he turned to look at the door, Minho entered the house,"I am home." Kibum turned the TV off.

Minho came inside the house, he placed his bag on the sofa, they both shared a small eye contact, no one saying anything, they both didn't know what to say.

Silence was suffocating and Kibum decided to break it,"How was your day?" Minho propped besides Kibum, their arms touched and they both moved a bit away,"Tiring. The practice got extended. Someone on my team kept messing up. The coach got annoyed and gave us punishment drills.  How was yor day?"

Kibum yawned,"Tiring. I forgot there was only one lecture today, then I met with you in the canteen after that jonghyun dragged me around together with his boyfriend. I had to do third wheeling."

Minho clicked his tongue,"That must be tough."

Once again silence took over, they couldn't make a conversation, minho hesitated before speaking," you like that guy from earlier? What was his name? Jonghyun?"

Kibum's eyes widened, "How do you know?"

Minho  scratched the back of his neck,"From the way you look at him."

kibum let out a long sigh, yes today was too tiring, he just wanted to go to his bed and sleep,"Yeah I like him but he sees me as a friend and has a boyfriend."

Minho didn't know how to comfort using words, he was never in an unrequited love so he doesn't know what to say, he nervously placed his hand on Kibum's that was on the couch,"If not him, you would find someone else, I am sure about this."

Kibum looked in Minho's eyes, then at their hands, the warm feeling felt really good,"Thanks." Minho retracted his hand back,"I will go take a shower."

Minho couldn't help but notice how soft kibum's hands were and how warm they felt, however the next second he pushed the thought back. Minho was walking towards the washroom when Kibum asked,"What do you want to eat for dinner? I'll cook."

Minho answered without looking back,"Anything is fine."

Kibum let out a another sigh as he got up and made his way to the kitchen, he felt a bit happy that things are not as awkward as it was a few hours ago, he liked it this way, he couldn't believe he told Minho that he likes  Jonghyun, he was the first one to know, Kibum hoped that minho's words are true and he would find someone he loves and that person would reciprocate his feelings.

Kibum was busy making the dinner, he doesn't know exactly what minho likes to eat but he knows that Minho is the type that loves to eat, so he cooked a nice dinner.

After a while Minho came out of shower, his hair dripping wet, the savory smell of the food made his stomach growl, it aroused his hunger, Minho walked in the kitchen, Kibum looked at Minho then noticed his wet hair,"Minho you should dry your hair otherwise you will catch a fever.

When Minho heard this, his hand travelled to wet hair,"Yeah thanks for reminding me." Kibum smiled,"Dry it and come to the dining table, I am almost done here." Minho walked up towards his room,"Okay!"

Kibum started placing the dishes on the dining table, by the time he was done Minho came back, he awkwardly said,"Sorry I went a bit oveboard." Minho shook his head,"No I can finish all of these. It's look delicious."

Kibum grinned,"Then let's eat."

Minho sat down, he made a smal eye contact and they both started eating. Minho complimented,"It not only looks delicious but taste delicious too. Thanks for the food"

Kibum just smiled,"Thanks."

Soon they both finished eating, Kibum got up and was going to do the dishes however Minho stopped him,"Last time I cooked and you did the dishes so this time let me do it."

Kibum nodded and moved away,"Then I am going to sleep. Goodnight Minho~"

Minho hummed,"Goodnight Kibum~"
Author's Note:

Now I am hungry and sleepy. 

Finally  they both stopped acting so awkward. You know I have a general idea of how the plot should go but I don't have time. So annoying.

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