Arkham Asylum

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Arkham is just about the same, except it's inherit emptiness. Most of my patients escaped during the incident within the Narrows, but a few are here. I'm sure most were transported to Black Gate where they really belonged.

"Jonathon Crane."
Commissioner Gordon sits inside my inpatient room, he is in a cream trench coat with his glasses pressed onto nose. I'm tied down, semi groggy from a syringe of ketamine one of my old employees stuffed into my neck. He has been in my room for about an hour, asking me about Ra's Al Ghul and the 'attack' on the narrows. I don't wish to incriminate myself any further than the obvious so I keep my mouth shut.

"You just couldn't lay low for a while huh?"
He asks, his tone flat. He's been quite frustrated with me throughout our conversation.

I look at him and raise my brows.

"But it's pretty funny that you're now stuck in the hell you created."
He says, believing he's clever.

"Oh no commissioner- this isn't hell."
I smile.

He takes a deep breath.

"Alright Crane."
He sounds so tired. His new title as commissioner must be exhausting.

"This is Officer Dane."
He motions towards the door as a tall black men enters with a sour look on his face.

"He'll be your personal guard here in Arkham."

I say.

Commissioner Gordon shakes his head and leaves without another word. On his way out he nods to the tall guard. Officer Dane steps into my cell wearily, his chest held high and his chin up. He's fronting.

"Officer- Dane?"
I ask cooley.

He growls.

"How in the world did you get stuck with a job like this? Watching some B grade criminal lay in a hospital bed all day? Sounds like a shitty assignment."

Underestimate me. Let me get under your skin Dane.

He doesn't say a word.

"You know- you look familiar."
I begin, he really does.

"Do you happen to have a sister who stayed in Arkham? Maybe a woman by the name Maisy Dane?"

I watch the sound of her name register on his cold face, for a moment his features soften but soon give way to the usual frigidity.

"It's unusual that  Arkham would allow guards with ties to the patients. Unless- they don't know?"
I say with a smile.

He shoots me a warning glare.

"Well of course they don't. So you took the position discreetly to seek revenge on Maisy's torturers?"
I stare through him.

He takes a steadying breath and goes to speak. I shut him down.

" I'm assuming you know where she is now?"
I ask, my tone sharp.

He looks at me, a blaze of fire igniting in his brown eyes.

"You see, I had another patient here in Arkham who really took a shine to her-"
I lie.

"His name was Jack Napier."

He swallows hard and his jaw clenches.

"Now the word on the street is that Jack Napier has been going by another alias. The joker."
I whisper as if it's a secret.

"Now I have reason to believe that your precious Maisy is holed up with our good old friend 'Jack.' The most deranged man I have ever met."
I lie.

"And that means a lot coming from me."
I smile, attempting to look much crazier than I am.

He's breathing heavier now, and I watch his fists clench.

"If I were you i wouldn't try to imagine what sort of situation your darling Maisy is in right now. Not when you're so helpless."
I prod.

His clenched fist begin to shake by his side, his other hand reaches for his gun.

"Shut up."
He barks.

"Listen, I'm giving you the inside scoop Dane. I'm helping you out."
I lean back into my too-soft pillow.

"You don't know he has her. She could be anywhere!"
He yells, but it's almost as if it's a question.

"Could she?"

"Shut up!"
He tells me, drawing his gun and pointing it at me from across the room.

I laugh, a deep low laugh.

"Gonna kill the only man who can save your sister huh?"

The Skin That Crawls From You  [A Jonathan Crane Fan-fiction]Where stories live. Discover now