Part One- Isabelle.

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You’d guess it was always meant to be. Love at first sight. First impressions that last forever.

Yet somehow it wasn’t. It happened completely by chance. Our fate, our destiny. It was never supposed to occur, it just did.

 I think all the way back to when we found love. The day we got created as a pair. The day when all of our emotions collided and caused this fantasy world that was in a matter of fact, reality.

 The day I met Jay McGuiness…

 …It’s a normal day for me really. I wake up at 7 and get ready for work. Do my makeup, all that. Just ordinary things that I do. I leave out the door and unlock Birdy, the Mini Cooper car that I am so proud of. She’s called that because of her number plate, which reads B1RD as the last four characters. There’s another reason, but I’m getting to that…

 It’s a freezing cold day in mid-March, despite the weather reports. In fact, it looks close to snowing. I flick the irritating side fringe out of my eyes; the hairdresser cut into my brunette locks a bit too much so now it is more of a sweep fringe- I feel like Justin Bieber. I stop at a building that resembles TGI Friday’s, the place I work. I love it there. Every single one of my colleagues moans except me. I love meeting new people and serving them. I even love the smell.

 I am a massive fan of them, I’m not going to lie. I saw them live twice in concert and have both of their cd’s and shed loads of merchandise. The guys and girls I work with think it’s adorable, but they don’t understand it really. I’m 18 now, and I’m still obsessed by a teeny-bopper boyband, as they say. But I’m not changing for no one.

 I’m a particular fan of one member, Jay. He has a pale complexion with cute blue eyes and brown hair so curly you could lose your fingers. (Not that I would mind, of course.) He never really gets as much credit as the so-called ‘heart throbs’ of the band, i.e Max, Nathan and Tom. Jay and Siva are kind of just their for decoration sometimes, which is a real shame as their so talented.

 “Think we’ll let you serve the next lot.” The manager winks at me. I squeal with excitement as the boys and their security guard show up through the door.

 Hiya!” I smile friendlily at them.

“Hey!” They all grin at me. My eyes automatically, as if on cue, swerve to Jay. He looks so hot in a checked shirt, jeans and vans. “You’re a fan then!” I blush as Tom notices the necklace and badges I’ve worn specially.

 “Yeah, everyone jokes that I’m too old.”

“You’re never too old.” I smile as Nathan winks at me. You’d think he’s be the one I’d fancy, but he’s a tad too perfect for me. I like my men rough and ready, so Jay’s just the ticket.

 “Sorry, I’d better sit you at a table. How many?”


  Oh yeah, I’m such a ditz today! Sorry, come down to this table over here.” I sit them down at a six seater table and hand them three menus between them.

 “I’ll be back in a few ticks.” I cheekily wink at Jay but he doesn’t notice, damn!

  I come back soon enough and they order their drinks. Keep it together now Rach. I try and concentrate, but I’ve already forgot what they said. Luckily I wrote it down on the notepad: A Mudslide for Siva, a Bailey’s Comet for Max, a GoldMine for Tom, and a bottle of coke for Nathan (he’s a lightweight like me so doesn’t want alcohol before a show, aww.). And of course, a Sunset Boulevard for Jay. How could I forget that?

  I serve them their drinks almost straightaway, and each one smiles and says thanks, except for Jay. He looks as if he’s hiding something.

“Here you are, sir.” I give him his drink.

 “Thanks.” He blushes a bit. “Can you show me to the gent’s toilets please?”

“Ooooh!” Tom and Max wolf whistle.

 “Shut it you two.” Jay laughs as I show him there.

  “Thanks, but I don’t really need to go, haha.”

“Then why did you ask?” My heart starts pumping.

“Because… well, I’ll just say it. I really like you erm, Isabelle.” He looks at my name badge. “My dream was to date a fan. I think I’ve found that fan.”

“Oh my gosh. I really like you too Jay. Wait, forget that. I love you.”

 “I love you too.” He smiles adoringly at me. “Hey, what’s that over there?” I pretend to fall for his joke and he kisses my cheek. “Will you be my girlfriend, please?”

 “Oh Jay.” I blush a beetroot red. “Yes, I will.” His lips touch mine and we have the softest, sweetest kiss of all. His lips, two blushing pilgrims, against my face, a pale porcelain doll…

 …And we’ve been devoted to each other ever since.

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