Part Sixteen- Siva.

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 Just a day after his first excruciating dose of chemotherapy, Nathan has an interview with us. It’s not ideal, to be honest. But because he’s ill, instead of us travelling out, the interviewer is coming round ours. It’s for Bliss, a big teenage girl’s magazine, so he doesn’t want to miss it.

 "We’ve got an interview aswell later!” Ella, Laura, Gracie, Reena and Isabelle come careering downstairs. “For Teen Now, though. Can’t wait!”

“Neithers!” The other girls smile too.

 Our reporter, Lucy, soon gets here.

“So boys,” She begins, “It’s been fair to say you haven’t had an easy month.”

 “Not by any means.” I speak up first.

 “But we’ll come to that later. So Tom, is it true your girlfriend is pregnant?”

 "It is! Ella had actually been keeping it a secret from me for two weeks. I’m chuffed to bits though. I can’t wait to be a dad.”

 “Have you got any names in mind?”

“Not yet. We’re still too shocked to really think about names.”

“Okay. Max, you’re popular amongst the older fans. Why do you think this is?”

 "Well I look old, don’t I!” Max’s blunt sense of humour makes us all laugh. “But yeah, all the mums tend to like me, while their daughters like Nath and Tom. It’s pretty awkward.”

 "How fascinating! Jay, we heard you went Alton Towers the other day. What was your favourite ride?”

“I have to say… you know what? I can’t pick. I went on Nemesis, Air and Rita. They’re all cool. Rita’s dead fast, Air is cool because it’s like you’re flying, and Nemesis is really intense, which is awesome.”

 "Haha! Siva, you and Reena have been dating for a good while now, do you think you’ll ever settle down?”

 “Oh I think we will. When the time feels right, though.” I nod. “There’s a lot of stress at the moment.”

 “I know what you mean!” She chuckles. “But on a much more serious note now, and I think you know what I’m coming to. Nathan, is it true? Have you really got leukaemia?”

“Yes.” He takes a big breath. “I tweeted it the morning after I found out.”

“What state of mind were you in when you heard those words?”

 “I was shaking. I’ve never cried so much in my life, not even when I moved to London, and left my girlfriend Gracie behind. Just terrified.”

 “Speaking of Gracie, how was she with the news?”

“I’ll tell you the full version, shall I. I walked out the room crying, I found her, and straightaway she knew something was wrong. She came towards me and I told her I loved her, and she meant everything to me. She asked me why, then I told her. I tried to keep it in, but then she brought me into this beautiful hug and I couldn’t after that. I’d never cried so much.”

 “That’s awful. You had your first chemotherapy yesterday, and as a result, lost all your hair. How was that? Have you lost your confidence?”

“I have lost my confidence. It’s hard for me to even go anywhere- I’m scared people will say something. It’s horrible.”

 “How did you four react, then?”

“Seev was crying.” Tom jumps at the opportunity to embarrass me.

 “Yeah, and I’m not afraid to admit it.” I hit back at him.

 "Ooooh!” Max tries to lighten the mood. He fails to.

 “Max.” Jay stops him. “Yeah, I had tears in my eyes as well. Max and Tom just sat there in shock really.”

“Aww. Well let’s try and finish this interview on a bit of a high shall we? When will you be releasing your next single?”

“Fairly soon, next month.” Tom says. “But we won’t be shooting a video for it.”

“No.” I shake my head. “All that matters is that Nath is okay.”

 “You boys are lovely. Thank you for your time.” She leaves.

 “Thank blummin god for that.” Nathan says. “Don’t think I’ve ever been so quiet in an interview.”

“You weren’t that quiet! You did well mate.” At that moment we all have a group hug around Nathan, which is really sweet but doesn’t defend our manlihood too well. Jayne takes a picture and she sends it to the interviewer. Awkward much!

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