Part Eleven- Tom.

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I feel so under pressure. I have to make a snap decision very very soon. And it’s such a big one, too. It could either save or kill Nathan Sykes.

 I’m not in the best of moods today, to be honest. I only had a needle the other week, when we went out to South Africa. And it killed me. It still hurts a bit now.

  But then I turn and see poor Nath in the hospital bed, having allsorts of tubes stuck into him to keep him alive. Despite all the pain he must be going through, he smiles up at me. That smile speaks a thousand words. Please Tom, it says to me. Please, I will be so grateful.

There’s also another big factor in all of this. If it gets out that I gave blood to Nathan, people will think me a heroine. The person that saved him, who kept him going. Those last two reasons alone twist my decision. That’s it, I think to myself. I’m doing this, I’m doing it for Nath.

  I ask the doctor whether it’d be okay for Nathan to use my blood. He says as long as you’re healthy, which I am. “Then I’m gonna do it.” Nathan is overcome with happiness, you can see it in his eyes. In fact, he’s close to tears. He smiles so gratefully at me, and I give him a big hug. “I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to you mate.” I carry on hugging him. I may not look at my manliest, but for once I don’t care. I’m with my best friend, who truly inspires me.

 “It’s okay Tom.” He hugs me back from his bed. “Thanks so much for doing this. It really does mean everything.”

 “I know it does mate.” I finally stop hugging him. “And I’m off to do it right now.” I walk off to the room, waving.

  I get in there and the nurse gasps. “Oh my god, it’s Tom Parker.”

 “It is!” I smile.

 “Can you sign something for my daughter please? She’s a huge fan.”

 “Yeah, of course!” I sign her daughter’s phone case and then she prepares the needle for me. “Just look down, okay?” The needle pierces in and my arm flops, throbbing. I’d forgotten how much they hurt. But it’s nothing really. And just thinking of how much this is going to help Nath makes the pain go instantly.

  Right, so I’m now gonna take this blood down to Dr. Cox, and he’ll get it transferred into Nathan.”

 “Okay.” I grin.

  Ella?” I ring my girlfriend. “Sorry I’ve been ages, I had to donate some blood for Nath cuz he’s having a transfusion.”

 Aww, okay. Me and Grace are driving Max home now. We’re having a bit of a Saturday night in tonight, we’ve ordered some pizzas and that, we’ll just watch the Voice and Britain's Got Talent. Could you bring Gracie back from the stables?”

 “Yeah, sure. Bye babes.” I blow kisses down the phone. I get in Jayne’s car and start up the engine. I speed up down the lane and into the countryside. I pull up outside the stables and watch as a magnificent black stallion is being jumped around a course.

 “Come on Indie.” The girl urges him on as she pops him over a huge fence with ease. “Tom?” She pulls the horse to a halt. I realise then it was Gracie riding him. “What are you doing here?”

 "I’m driving you back today.”

 “Okay! You alright helping me untack him?”

 “Yeah sure. Cmon then.” She dismounts and joins me on the ground.

“Hiya Indie.” I stroke his nose and he blows a raspberry.

 “He likes you Tom.” She grins. She passes me the saddle and I carry it to the tack room for her. She takes the bridle off while I put Indie’s rug on.

 "You’re dead good at this! Better than Nath…” Her smile turns to a concerned expression. “Oh Nath. How is he?”

 “He seemed okay the last time I spoke to him. That was before the transfusion, though.”

 “Okay. Thanks a million though. I mean it.”

 “Aww, I’d do it for anyone. Anyway, was your ride good?”

 “Yeah! Indie’s jumping so well, I might be entering him into the Country fair in Gloucester!”

 "We’re playing there! Aww, wicked! C’mon then, I’ll take you home now.”

 "What time is Nath gonna come back?” She asks.

 “Jayne’s bringing him home about five.”

 “Yay!” She grins. “Not long then, only another hour.”

 “Yeah, but…”

“But what?” She looks at me.

 “He’s not going to be better. He’ll probably sleep most of the night, Jayne says.”

 “Oh.” She goes a bit quiet after that.

  I drive her back to the house where everyone is waiting. Well, apart from Jayne and Nath, obviously. Ella runs into my arms and kisses my cheek. “Missed you today.” She says. Gracie runs upstairs to get a quick shower and comes down in her pajamas, like you do, at 4.45pm. She switches the telly on and starts watching You’ve Been Framed with the girls, Seev and Jay. They laugh at all the wedding fails and have their own jokes together. Max is texting his mate while I’m just watching them, laughing too.

 “We’re back!” Jayne comes in with a heap of pizzas. She plonks them down on the table.

“Where’s Nathan?” Rachael asks.

 “Is he still in the car?” Reena looks out the window.

 “Just coming!” At last the Gloucester accent we all know and love says. He’s carrying another four pizzas so he’s careful not to drop them. He puts them with the others and collapses on the sofa next to Gracie. “Come here gorgeous, I’ve missed you loads.” He puts his arm round her shoulder and kisses her lips passionately yet gently.

 “Arrr!” Everyone goes at the same time. I take a photo of them both on my BlackBerry and save it as Nathan’s contact picture. I then twit pic it, with the caption: @NathanTheWanted having a tender moment with his girl after a hard day in hospital.

  We eat the pizza and start watching the Voice. Laura, Isabelle, Reena and Ella all start fangirling over Danny O’Donaghue instantly. I sigh and laugh at them. Max, Seev and Jay are all having a drinking contest with shots. I look at Gracie, who is having yet another cuddle with her boyfriend on the sofa. I watch in awe as they fall asleep in each other’s arms, on each other’s laps.

 “Right guys, I can’t be bothered to watch BGT, so I’m off home.” Isabelle turns to get her coat.

 “Nooooo, stay!” Me and Jay beg. “We’ll do something else.”

 "Like what?” Max asks.

 “We’ll get pissed.” I wink at her.

 “But what about Nath and Gracie? Surely they’re not feeling up to it. And Max probably won’t either.”

 “Nah, I’m off bed guys.” Max goes upstairs.

 “You up for getting a bit tipsy, girls?” I ask Ella, Laura and Reena.

 "You bet!”

 “Fine, I’ll stay. Let’s get the two lovebirds to bed then.” Isabelle and Laura carry Gracie upstairs while me, Jay and Reena carry Nathan to his bed. We put them side by side and place Gracie’s arm over Nathan’s tummy. We leave them in peace and shut the door, then we go back downstairs.

 “Right, let’s get partying!” I stick some music on while us lot down some drinks. “Yeah, keep it going!”

 “Tom, this is so boring. I’m a wild one, me.” Ella sighs.

 “Hey, I can do wild.” I strip off naked and run off with her and the others outside. They all strip off too and we all cannonball into the humongous swimming pool. We have a nice time skinny dipping and hmm, other things besides…

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