3) Tom Hiddleston

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Slight triggers, not a whole lot, but if you have helped a friend who has suffered su!c!de or have suffered yourself, just ask and i'll put an overview of the chapter in the comments. 

                                                                   3rd P.O.V

It was the end of a long Monday, and she already met two of her charges, not bad, but she'll have to move fast to find the others. It's nice that there running into me so far, makes my job easier....

The sun was setting, so she decided to stop by the bridge to watch the colors dance across the water. The setting sun felt warm as her eyes gazed to her surroundings.... until they stopped cold.

A tall man stood over the rail and was staring at the water. Not out but down. She could feel the despair radiating off him, and knew he was in danger.

She calmly and slowly approached him. Through the sun's last bits of light, she can see soft blond curls and broad shoulders.

She's an arms length away when she smells mint, a smell that seems to be attached to him whenever she was around him.

Her heart stops, and she feel like she is going to break. "Lo-Tom? Tom, please look at me", she jumps over the rail to stand next to him, a step from certain death.

"Tom? Tom, I need you to listen to me, there are things going on that you don't know of, and I need you to be strong". She said, grasping his hand slightly, receiving a small gasp from Tom.

"But if you can't be strong any longer, let me be strong for you". She takes her other hand to cradle his face, and he leans into her touch, staring deep into her eyes. 

"I need you to step over the rail, I'll follow you, okay? I want you to be safe". Tom nods slowly and steps over the rail, not letting go of her hand. I'm not letting go of her again......what tha- where did that come from...

She stepped over and leads him away from the bridge. Once a safe distance away, she checks Tom to see if he has any injuries. No scraps or bruises... he looked like he had a panic attack though, he looks exhausted, and his eyes are too unfocused. He's not going to be able to think properly for a few hours. 

"I'm going to take you back to my apartment, so you can actually sleep". She said calmly, not expecting a response from the man.

She got him to her apartment, gave him some baggy clothes, hoping to God he had enough brain power to at least change himself.

15 minutes go by, and her door opens again. Tom had used the bathroom connected to her room to wash his face and get changed.

He walked out into the living room, but she turned him about face and nudged him into her room. He stood there, staring into space, Probably used his leftover mental capacity... i'll have to ask him what happened tomorrow. 

She sighed deeply, pulling back the covers of her bed and laid him down. His eyes still had that glazed look, but they flickered in recognition, then plunged back to glassy pools.

Beth, not noticing this, tucked him in under the blankets and turned off the bedside lamp. She turned to walk out the door, as she heard his breathing deepen.

She sat on the couch, fully alert and tense, her body at the perfect angle to see the front door, back door and the bedroom. She didn't need sleep, however, if she wanted to she could sleep for maybe 10 minutes. 

But with one of her charges, no, one of her close charges under her roof, there was no way in Valhalla that she was going to sleep. During those hours, her gaze would flicker to and from the exits to her door. 

When Tom woke up up, he woke feeling at peace, more peace than he's felt in a long time. What changed? wait............ he looked around, finding himself in a new place, not knowing where he was. 

Pulling the covers off, he stood and swayed...Probably from.....oh...the stunts...., Tom remembers the bridge, the sun setting and a woman... He tiptoed to the door and quietly opened it.

There sitting on the couch was a gorgeous young woman with deep brown hair and green eyes. There are layers of of green in her eyes...incre- "Tom? Are you feeling better?". Her question shook him from his thoughts, then it startled him.

No one really asked him how he was or if he was okay...not strangers at least, it was mostly what could they get from him. "I'll....I'll be okay".

A sad smile tugged on her face as she stood up, "Tom, I know you'll be okay, but i'm asking right now in this moment, so I know if I should make you some mint tea or not". Tom slightly chuckled at this woman, surprised on how well she could read him.

Must be emphatic, he mused. "I would love some mint, miss?" "Arc, Beth Arc". "After all, you'll probably want to post something on Instagram and sell the mug that Tom Hiddleston used", he said dryly. 

She turned from going into the kitchen and walked back over to him, and gave him a hug. "What... Why are you hugging me? Trying to sell your clothes now?" he asked tersely. 

Beth, trying to hold back tears at how much pain he must be in for him not to realize it. "I'm hugging you because your so bitter, and everyone needs hugs every once in a while. I'm just guessing you haven't had yours".

 He was taken aback by her bluntness, but eventually melted into the hug, both of them being around the same height. She releases him, but moves her hands to his shoulders, "Besides, no one knows your here, so I wanted to make sure your okay before you go. I don't want people to think your missing or something, okay Tom?", she said very softly. 

Tom looked at her with uncertainty, but then slowly nodded. She smiled slightly, but he could still see the sadness in her eyes, and almost see tears. She handed him the mint tea, to which he nodded his thanks and sipped slowly.

He finished and handed her back the mug, "I must be going, I have to rehearse my lines for Infinity War". He said, pulling a bluff, trying one final test to see her honesty. 

She nodded, " I think Benedict mentioned something like that yesterday, I hope it goes well for you Tom, try not to get hurt though..", she spoke quietly. Not the reaction I was expecting...I was expecting more screaming

"Thank you for the tea, Miss Arc, and thank you for helping me", he said quietly. She walked closer to him, and pulled a card out of her pocket. "I need you to promise me, that is you are struggling to stay strong, that you call me. I will drop everything I am doing to come and help you, alright  Tom? Please promise me...", she said in a whisper. 

Tom was not expecting this, he was expecting her to ask for an autograph or his phone number....not this. It warmed his heart to think that this young woman would be there for him if he needed her.

"I promise, Miss Arc".

I know it's long, but this is Tom Hiddleston were talking about...all he ever needed was a hug....speaking of which

"YOU GET A HUG! AND YOU GET A HUG! HUGS FOR EVERYONE!!!", sorry, i'm a little touchy.

Anyway, how are you guys liking it so far? let me know if this one was too long, there's only a few like this anyway, and there's like 2-3 short ones that are important, but they are short.

CRAP i'm rambling.....

vote comment, all that jazz......and ill start working on the next one.

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