18) Loki?

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                                                               1st P.O.V Thor

Father has finally forgotten about the arc angels it seems, but now he's obsessing over the Infinity Stones.....I still think they are myths... 

Thor had gotten a white angel shortly after the incident with his father. 

Took the healers three days to heal his concussion, and when he awoke, there was a pure white angel. 

Still hard to believe that an Arc Angel sent a Pure for me... 

Pures are only used by Arc Angels for close family and friends of the personal charge. 

Thor rarely sees his pure, but when he does, it's a life or death situation. 

Thor is walking along the halls of the palace, trying to get lost in his thoughts.

Loki and him have drifted apart ever since that night, all those years ago, and he doesn't understand why. 

Plus, his coronation is soon, and he's not sure if he's ready. 

While he's been groomed for the life of a king, he doesn't find it as glamorous as it seemed like when he was a child.

 He decides to talk to Loki about his fears, even if they have not been close since the incident.

 He strides towards his room and knocks. But he hears no voice to bid him in, nor does the door open. 

He's about to leave, when he hears singing. It was very faint, but he could hear it as a woman's.

 Unable to keep his curiosity at bay, he slowly opens the door. 

Loki's room is dimly lit, but that didn't affect his ability to see the long, elaborate dagger flying towards him.

 He raised his hand, which held Mjolnir. The dagger skims by, being redirected into a wall. 

Thor goes into a defensive stance, and scans the room. His hand slides to a wall, turning on the light source, and faces his attacker. 

He had assumed it was Loki, but Loki was being levitated by a gold aura.

 Standing in front of him, with an outstretched purple hand and another dagger, was an Arc Angel. The angel was a tall brunette warrior with....beautiful, pulsing gold wings. Loki's Arc Angel....

 He drops to one knee, showing respect and a small amount of reverence.

 "Lady Arc Angel, I did not mean to frighten you, and I wasn't going to harm Loki''.

 She tilts her head to one side, "That's fine Thor, I didn't know it was you, couldn't have anyone barge in and possibly hurt him".

 She relaxed her stance, the weapon disappearing and her hand going back to normal. 

"How is Kessandra? She's doing well, yes?". He smiles slightly, "Yes, Kess and I have long discussion into the night. I can only see her when I'm in mortal danger, but I enjoy talking with her". 

She turned back to Loki, and Thor slowly rose. 

"Lady Arc Angel, what is wrong with my brother?". He walked closer, not wanting to overstep his bounds, a protecting angel is a scary angel. 

"Well, were about to find out". She says, holding out her hand.

 He slowly grasps it, and the room changes, he is in a white room.

 And there is Loki, a crumpled mess on the floor, and Thor is rooted to the spot.

 However, Lady Arc Angel ran to his side, scooping him into her arms. 

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