8 Scarlett Johansson

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                                                                   1st P.O.V


After piling into the black Honda pilot, me, the two Chris's, Mark, Robert, Tom, Benedict and Jeremy went to the Free Angel Cafe to get some caffeine. I zone out the window as Mark is explaining who he called.

As he is describing a young Brunette with woman with deep multi green eyes, Tom, Benedict and Robert sat up straighter and looked at Mark in shock. "Beth Arc?! Your talking about Beth, she has these sad green eyes, right?", Robert asks, looking at Mark.

"Yeah...how'd, how did you know?", and the four of them recall their encounters with this woman and they launch into a deep conversation theorizing who she could be.

She's emphatic, and she sounds like a therapist... The conversation eventually dies and moves away from the Miss Arc, and we pull in front of the cafe.

They climb out and are greeted with a supposed closed cafe, but they can see light under the door. "So, who's the brave soul that is going to get swarmed first?", I asked dryly, not believing Mark at all that there would be no paparazzi waiting for them.

Those who had not met Ms. Arc nodded in agreement, waiting for the first one to walk in. Benedict sighs deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose, "You all haven't met her, so I understand the hesitation, but she's the real deal". He spoke calmly, walking towards the door and opens it.

He walked in while the four of us peered cautiously into the doorway. Robert was behind us and yelled, "BOO!", causing us to jump. He starts laughing and we all join, walking into the shop and closing the door.

Suddenly everyone stopped, and Tom and Robert went to talk to...an angel. Benedict turned from facing us to go talk to Beth, but collided with Tom Hiddleston.

Me, the two Chris's and Jeremy were rooted in our stop by the door, trying not to stare, but failing miserably. Hemsworth was the first to recover, going up to introduce himself, followed by the other two boys.

I hung back by Mark, and said what was bothering me. "I feel like I should recognize her...am I the only one with this feeling, or is everyone experiencing this?", I ask quietly. Mark looks at me with understanding. "I haven't talked to Hiddleston yet, but the other three feel it, Tom and Robert more strongly than me and Benedict...we're trying to figure it out".

I watched as she gave each of the men a card, Probably something for them to sign, she mused, irritated.

"Well, I guess it's fine if the others are around her then,", I say, turning my attention to Mark, "but she won't have my respect until she earns it, she's probably a huge fan of the movies and is trying to gain more statu-". "She's already earned it respect", a voice behind me said coolly.

I turn away from Mark, who was about to say something, and to Hiddleston who had joined the conversation. I see everyone now gathering around Hiddleston, and look back farther to see Beth making drinks behind the counter. "How so Tom? What has she done to earn your respect", I asked curious. 

He looks down and away, "I do not know what was happening, even to this day I don't understand it, But while I was rehearsing my lines for Infinity War, I saw a bright light and had a pounding headache...and...". " And what Tom? What happened?", Robert asked softly. 

"I saw myself die, as Loki, I saw myself die in my mind, and the last thing I saw was her face". He said softly, looking behind him to look at Beth. He continues," Next thing I know, I'm on a bridge, with every intention to jump, and I hear a voice. The same voice I heard in my mind, it was her. And when I saw her next to me, I wanted to live, to be with her, to protect her....she saved me, she got onto the bridge besides me and saved me".

I stared at him, my gaze went soft, and I grabbed one of his hands and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Okay, Tom, she just earned as much as she can get, thank you for telling us".

I walk over to the counter to help and introduce myself to this guardian angel of ours. 

I have found a way to update today, I cannot promise anything for tomorrow though.

I want to shout out to keze_7, for commenting on some of the interaction of Tom Holland, I figure it would be that way, but I need this sort of reaction from him for the story. Thanks for telling me though.

I do promise that I'll update on Monday, maybe in the morning, but for sure in the afternoon.

"Table for one, Tony Stank, by the bathrooms please"......i'm mean...

Goodbye my lovelies. 

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