Part 2 Of A Risky Plan

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There is a song in this chapter, it is my own version of "Eyes Blue", the whole song is at the end.

America's POV

I am very happy to say that today is Friday, which means that today is the sleepover! I wonder what it'll be like, I wonder what games we can play and such. We're supposed to carpool with Japan to her house, I am beyond excited! But I have also discovered something this past week, I get a strange emotion around Russia. It feels scary yet amazing like I never want it to end. I have an urge to protect the feeling, as in, not telling anyone about it. It's called a crush from what I've heard, which means I like, like Russia. It's kinda scary, but fascinating at the same time.

Soon the last bell rings and me, Russia, and Japan wait for the Rice Gang members. While we wait, Japan declares she has important news, "We have a group name now, guys! The Three Corners!" I raised a brow at that, "Why the Three Corners?" Russia hummed in question. "Well, we are the three different corners of the world! Ame is from the west, Russia is from Europe, and I am an Asian country!" I heard three pairs of feet walking towards us, I assume that would be- "Japan, hi!" "Hey!" "We're here, sorry for the wait." There they are, now the real adventure begins!

Russia's POV

Ame looks nervous yet excited, then again he's never been to a sleepover before. Oh, that actually sounded really sad, uhhh. Well, anywho, we got into Japan's car and placed our things in the back. Ame was grinning, Japan was giggling, Mal was chatting with Ame, Phil was reading next to me, and Indo was being a crackhead. I grabbed my phone, "Ame, what's your favorite song?" He thought for a second before responding, "Eyes Blue!" Indo chirped out of somewhere, "Oh, put that on!" 

As soon as the song started playing Ame started singing very nicely, "Eyes blue, like the Atlantic! And I'm going down, like the Titanic-" Indo came out of nowhere and started singing all weird, "EyEs BlEu LiKe ThE aTlAnTiC *Weird gasp* and I'm goiNg DoOoOoWwNn-" We all started cackling and wheezing while J.E., Japan's mom, tried to hold in a laugh. 

"Oh, I made a version of it but with all the colors!" I looked at Ame surprised, "Go ahead, Ame." He nodded before going, "Eyes pink, so sweet and loving! Reminding me of sweet-scented blossoms. Eyes red, so strong and victorious! Reminds me of a fighting spirit." We all smiled as he continued, "Eyes orange, so strange yet comforting. Reminds me of orange sunsets. Eyes yellow, so caring and daring, reminds me of the nourishing sunlight. Eyes green, such natural beauties, reminding me of emerald gems!"

 I sighed and closed my eyes, his singing was so sweet. "Eyes blue, so inspiring and trusting, reminds me of the vast oceans. Eyes purple, so creative and magical! Reminds me of beautiful lilacs." I opened my eyes and smiled softly, not caring if I was blushing or not, just letting the tune wash over me.

 "Eyes brown, so warming and caring! Yet you have at least one dark side. Eyes amber, so unique and precious! Lovely orbs that catch my attention. Eyes black, so dark and mysterious, yet you can be so fair and pretty! Eyes grey, so plain yet enchanting. Reminding me there's beauty in everything! Eyes white, overlooked yet helpful. Such pretty eyes are worth staring at! Eyes mixed up colors, a rainbow in their orbs! Unique combos worth imagining. Eyes of two different colors~! Gorgeous combinations worth looking for." (I did make these lyrics. Ame sang the rough draft, the final draft of the lyrics at the end.)

Japan's POV

While Ame sang, I noticed Russia's reaction to it. He seemed relaxed, enchanted maybe! Wow, he fell hard for Ame over here. Awww, this plan shall work! 

Soon we arrive at my house and grab our stuff, heading to the den. We all set up our sleeping space and things, I put down some board games, and the Rice Gang puts on music. We girls smiled evilly and then pretended we didn't when Russia looks over at us. I sit in the middle of the den, "Guys, let's play Truth, Dare, or Kiss!" Mal, Indo, and Phil instantly sit down forming the start of a circle. Ame thinks it over before sitting down, Russia obviously following behind. I grab a glass bottle, "Okay, I'll start!" 

I spin the bottle, it lands on Indo! I smile evilly, "Truth, Dare, or Kiss, Indo?" She gulps, "Truth! People say dare is tougher, but admitting the truth is what non-chickens do!" I tap my chin before snapping my fingers, "What is the most random thing you have ever done?" We all lean towards Indo as she sputters, "I once filled the bathtub with Milo and dumped a bunch of rubber duckies in it and then I told Phil it was chocolate water, so she thought someone did #2 in the bathtub..." We all bust out laughing at how ridiculous that is. Indo pouted, "I was 8 years old, guys. C'mon!" I whip my teary eyes and sigh, "Okay, Indo, your turn."

Indo spun the bottle, landing on Phil. Phil piped up, "Dare!" Indo nodded, "I dare you to drop milk on your shirt and you can't change out of it until the end of the game!" Phil pouted and went to the kitchen. She came back holding a red cup with milk and dumped it on her shirt and squealed, "COLD COLD COLD COLD!!" She started hopping around, trying to soothe the cold liquid on her shirt. "Okay, Phil, your turn!" Phil spun the bottle, landing on Mal. Mal smiled broadly, "Truth! Give it to me!" Phil smiled, "What is the meanest thing you've done to someone?" Mal looked at the ground and smiled sheepishly, "Welllll, I was really mad at Madagascar and, um, I poured a whole cup of chocolate milk in his backpack and then put spicy chips into the mixture and shook it up when he wasn't looking. We were 6 years old..."

We laughed at Mal for being so devious to poor Madagascar, I mean, it could've been worse, but still. Mal spun the bottle, landing on me! I squeaked in surprise, "Um, dare!" Mal smirked, "Call your boyfriend and tell him that you wanna break up!" My mouth dropped as I pouted and grabbed my phone. He picked up quickly.

"Hey, Japan!" "Hey, South! So, um, I have some bad news..." Ame fiddled with his hands while Russia looked slightly pained. The Rice Gang was ready to bust out laughing. I heard a shuffle from his end. "Oh, really? What's the problem?" "I'm breaking up with you. Sorry." "Pfft, nope. Jap, are you somehow high off a mushroom?" I turned a light red, "South, I don't like raw wild mushrooms!" Mal, Indo, and Phil started wheezing while Russia and Ame looked relieved. "A prank! I knew it~!!" I pouted, "Okay, fine. It was a dare, sorry South!" "It's okay, bye."

I spun the bottle and it landed on Russia! YES!! "Truth, dare, or kiss?" He thought for a moment, "Truth." I grinned, "Who is your crush?" He gulped nervously, "C-can I switch?" I rolled my eyes at him and nodded. "I dare you to tell us who your crush is! Switch again and it's kissing your crush." He sighed before looking at Ame and saying, "I-I have a crush on A-ame and I have been crushing on him for a long time." Ame took off his sunglasses and waved them around, "Wait, y'all sure I wasn't the one who ate the weed mushroom? No way my crush just confessed to me." 

I giggled knowing this was Ame's way of accepting the confession. Russia beamed, "Well, last time I checked, we are going to have pizza and the school has never served anything with weed." Me and the girls squealed and jumped up, hopping around the two, Ring Around the Rosie style chanting, "RUSAME!! RUSAME!! RUSAME FOR EVERRR~!!"

~FUN FACT: Sunsets on Mars are blue!

~BONUS FUN FACT: There is a planet that has glass rain!


Whole song I made up for fun:

Eyes pink, so sweet and romantic! Reminds me of sweet-scented flowers.
Eyes red, so strong and victorious! Reminds me of a fighting spirit!
Eyes orange, so strange yet intriguing. Reminds me of orange sunsets.
Eyes yellow, so caring and daring, reminds me of unmistakable sunshine. 
Eyes green, such natural beauties, reminding me of emerald gems! 
Eyes blue, so inspiring and trusting, reminds me of the big wide sky!
Eyes purple, so creative and magical! Reminds me of beautiful lilacs. 
Eyes brown, so warming and caring! Dark sides brew contrasting their sweetness.

Eyes amber, so unique and precious! Lovely orbs that catch my attention.
Eyes black, so dark and mysterious, yet you can be so fair and pretty!
Eyes grey, so plain yet enchanting. Reminds me there's beauty in everything!
Eyes white, so overlooked yet helpful. Such pretty eyes worth searching for!
Eyes in more than one color, unique rainbows in each orb!
Eyes each a different color, combinations worth their praises!

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