Jinxes, Walls, And China

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Russia's POV

I grabbed two basketballs and handed one to Ame, who started practicing dribbling. I understand why, if he tried to shoot baskets we'd all be wacked with rubber meteors. Japan is also practicing dribbling with Phil since they're kind of too short for the hoops. Mal is also a bit too short but is still trying, Indo is a decent height and starts shooting hoops. Smiling, I join the two girls and start shooting hoops too. Ame should be fine, right?

America's POV

I think my dribbling is fine, but I am very bored. Anyone would be, all I'm doing is bouncing it over and over again, switching hands from time to time. "AME, WATCH OUT-" I turned to face Mal when I felt a basketball hit my back, hard. I did my best not to fall over and rubbed my back awkwardly. "China! Why would you do that?!" I could hear Russ yelling at her while running over to me. Okay, so maybe I jinxed it when I thought China would back down and I was very clearly wrong. 

"Are you alright,  Ame?" Mal asked racing over with Indo. I smile awkwardly, "Heh, um, yes I guess. It's gonna leave a bruise buuuut my back isn't broken." I went back to dribbling when someone walked by and shoved me, making me stumble a little. "Oops." Wait a second, I recognize that voice, "Lila- er, I mean, China!" "Who's Lila?!" I try to hold back a laugh, "Some character on a Tv show, anyhow, what is your problem?" I might have struck a nerve because she immediately started yelling at me, "My problem is that YOU have manipulated MY Russia into dating SCUM! You disgust me in EVERY way!" 

She shoved my chest, "Do you even KNOW how long I've known Russia?!" Another shove. I could hear my friends yelling at her, "No, let her talk. She's angry, let her let it out." I felt another weak push, "YOU stole what made ME HAPPY! You STOLE the one guy I LOVED in a matter of DAYS while I tried for YEARS! YOU SELFISH GREEDY BASTARD!" She shoved me harder than she did before, making me stumble. I took a deep breath before I started speaking, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry he doesn't like you back. I'm sorry that he's not interested in girls. I am so very sorry for minding my own business and taking all the hits you send my way. And I am so very sorry for letting you take your anger out on me for this long."

I start walking towards Russ only to be tackled down by China, she started throwing hands so obviously, my sass kicked in. Despite being blind, I pulled her loose hair and kneed her. Just because my eyes don't work it doesn't mean my fists are useless. I manage to shove her off and stand up and fix my shirt while muttering, "Darn it, China the holy fridge frack is wrong with you?" "Ame, are you okay? Nothing too injured?" I huff, "No, Russ. She did however catch me very off-guard."

China's POV (Yes, again. (ง'̀-'́)ง ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一)

I HATE AMERICA SO MUCH! IT'S LIKE HIS VOICE IS ON LOOP IN MY HEAD! I stomped to the locker room despite the teacher's protests. Sliding down the wall, I recall all my experiences with Russia. I was so sure I could dissolve his cold exterior...

And then that stupid new kid showed up and managed to do it in a few hours! Then he became friends with Japan, Phil, Malaysia, and Indonesia. IS HE TRYING TO SHOW ME UP? He wants me to fail, he wants to watch me squirm while he laughs with Russia. He has MY Russia. HE IS NOT DATING AMERICA. He can't be...

I know everything about Russia, does America even know his favorite color? His favorite food? Anything about him?! I know more! I know he lives with his father and he is the oldest sibling, I know that his favorite food is Blini, I know many more things than America! He is meant to be mine. Russia will be mine. He has to be mine, mine only, no one else's. I need him, he needs me, he must be mine, he will be mine.

~FUN FACT: A cockroach can live a whole week without its head!


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