Chapter 1

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I finally got out of bed, with just 8 minutes to get ready. Didn't have time to shower, I could pass on a shower right? It's just a photo shoot.

No, I need to shower. I smell like sweat. Disgusting. Being 5 minutes late won't hurt no one.

I walk over to the bathroom, stretching as I walk over there. I turn on the light and cringe at the brightness. I slowly strip down, still tired, and hop into the shower.

"Harry! Out. Now!" Paul said, banging at my door. Finishing up on drying my hair, I look at the clock. 10:30. Damn, now we're 20 minutes late.

As I get into the van, I see Louis on his phone smiling about something, on the other side of him, there's Niall, struggling to open a bag of crisps. And on the opposite side of them are Liam and Zayn. Both laughing with each other from something they said, probably at some stupid joke. Zayn's head is resting on Liam's shoulder as he's trying to catch his breath from laughing to hard. It makes my stomach burn. Not the sight of Zayn laughing, but of someone else making him laugh easily by just saying one simple thing. I wish I can make him laugh like that, where I can say one word and have Zayn laughing out loud with me.

What am I thinking?

"Good thing I woke you up, right?" Niall said with a pat on my shoulder, interrupting my thoughts, snapping me back to reality. Was he watching me watch stare at Zayn the whole time?

"Why don't you tell him how you feel?"

"What? Oh come on Niall, I don't feel that way." Do I? I don't think I do...

Niall thinks that I have feelings for Zayn cause of this one thing I told him one day. I don't remember it well cause I had a bit to much to drink that night.

But I'm not in love with Zayn. Although, he is a lovely guy, but I'm not in love with him, he's just one of my best mates.


We finally arrived, 45 minutes late. Liam and Zayn both got out of the car. Followed by Louis.

"Well, you might not think it's a good idea, but you have to let him know how you feel. " Niall said, hopping out of the van.

I am not in love with Zayn. I don't even have any strong feelings for him.

Why can't he understand that.

"Sorry for being late, we would've been a bit earlier if it weren't for Mr. Perfect over here" Paul told the photographer, referring to me. Does he have to get on my nerves this morning?

"Oh that's fine." the photographer said while motioning us to follow her and taking Zayn and Louis' hand.

"Why do you have to hold our hands? We're not kids." Louis said with an annoyed tone in his voice. Since they woke him up early, he's probably gonna be mouthing off everyone more than usual.

"So I can tell you where to stand. Now I need you to stand here and you here. " she instructed us as we moved slowly.


After about, 25 pictures later, we're all acting like idiots and getting on the photographer's nerves.

"Ok, I need you to stand next to the blond one here while I put more make up on pretty boy here." She referred Zayn as "pretty boy", she's been eyeing him and trying to get with him this whole time. But seriously? She doesn't even know our names?

Minutes pass and she is still putting make up on Zayn. It usually doesn't take long. I finally spot then and hear them laughing and giggling.

"You have such beautiful brown eyes." She told Zayn, trying to be as flirty as she can holding his face in-between her hands. You can tell she's trying to hard.

She's so annoying, she has to do better than that if she wants to get with him.

"Um, where do I stand again?" I asked, interrupting their conversation.

"Over there." She says irritated.

It's funny how Zayn can act like a flirt sometimes, but in reality, he's afraid to love someone. He hasn't dated anyone in a while since his last two girlfriends. One of them just used him for attention. All she wanted to do was be known as "Zayn Malik's girlfriend" and sleep with him. After she did, she told him "Thanks, you were a lot of fun." and just left him.

The other one, cheated on him. They went out for a year and a half, and one day,when Zayn was away for a family issue, she slept with another guy,all us boys know who he was,except for him. He was already crushed with the fact that he had a lose in they're family, and when he heard about that, he was devastated.

He went out and drank a lot, coming home late and drunk.

I don't understand why someone would do that to him. He's a great guy. And one of my favorite things about him is that he's a great listener, when you have a problem, he's the one that can help you through it.


Finally we're done with the shoots after three hours. Now, we have an interview to go to.

As we get back in the van, Niall is bugging Paul about wanting food, and again, Liam and Zayn are messing around laughing with each other.

"Hey Haz!" Louis says sitting down, putting his arm around me.

"What are you staring off at?" he asks me with a smirk on his face. Not noticing exactly where I am staring off at. But he seems to know

"Oh nothing." I shrug him off putting on my earphones and listening to my music.

During the ride to the interview, I keep wondering. What if I am in love with Zayn and I just don't want to admit it to myself? Cause I always feel somewhat, jealous, when Liam is always hugging and playing around with him. But I don't like guys.........

I don't even know, I'm starting to get a headache thinking about this. So I'll rest my head on the window, and just take a quick nap.

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