Chapter Four

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After our meal we went up stairs to his room, which like every other room, was huge. Since he didn't have any other beds, though he had lots of rooms, we had to share the same bed. Well at first he said he was going to sleep on the couch, but I insisted on him sleeping with me. Telling him that it was a new house to me and I wouldn't be able to sleep right, yadi-yadi-ya. So here we are, awkwardly laying on our backs, or more I'm the awkward one. I've never slept in the same bed with someone, not even a friend, I don't have those.
He rolled over and touched my arm light as a feather.
"Ruby... Come here" Cale whispered.
I rolled over and slid beside him.
Looking into his eyes I saw wonder and a tad bit of lust.
"Can I ask you something?" Cale asked.
He hesitate, "when you saw me in the Fay world, why didn't you run?"
This questions shocked me. Why didn't I run? Most other people in my place defiantly would have. Probably even screamed, but for sure they wouldn't have acted like I did, like it was normal.
"I... I'm not too sure.." I replied.
He look at me like he understood and nodded. He put his arms around me and put his head on my shoulder. He changed his clothes, he now has a pure white T-shirt on and plad pyjama pants.
I looked down at his arms, and what I saw I almost couldn't believe. I never thought I would see this on a fairy. Ever. On Cale's arms where cuts, fresh and old and even scars.
"What's with this?" I gasped.
"Oh these? There're nothing." He lied and buried them under the sheets.
"No, it's not nothing!" I said frantically.
"Well hun, the truth is, my mission to find you went a lot ruffer than planned."
"Oh." I said stupidly. "Are you okay now?"
I heard him sigh.
"It depends on what you mean by okay."
I looked him in the eye.
"Okay hun. I'm not okay. But since I've got you here I'll get better." Cale gave a weak smile.
"So, what made you do this?" I pressed.
He sighed again, and right then I knew he wasn't going to tell me. A later conversation then I guess. Damn. He knows so much about me, but I know nothing about him.
Cale cupped my chin with his hand and gently turned my face towards him. For what seemed like hours, but what was probably only seconds, we stared into each others eyes.
"Oh Ruby.." Cale whispered, "your eyes are a beautiful green. Almost like grass and leaves, but yet they have a gold ring around the pupil."
Smiling like an idiot I mumbled a thanks.
Cale moved his hand towards my face, hesitated, then moved a few stray stands of hair away from my eyes. Before I knew it, his lips were pressed against mine. As if waiting for a reaction, his lips just lingered there. I put my hand on the back of his head, laced my fingers through his hair and kissed him back.
Both of us pulled back and gasped for air.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Cale said in between breathes.
"I'm betting a long time."
He looked into my eyes and smiled. Actually smiled, not like all those fake smiles teachers give you.
"God Ruby, everything about you is just so beautiful, and I'm not being cliché, I mean it."
Right that moment, he was on top of, his body wedged between my legs. With a mystique look in his eyes, he pulled off my jeans.
"They must be awfully uncomfortable to lay in"
I nodded and felt the all to familiar feeling of my cheeks heating up.
He then pushed my shirt up so that my stomach was bare. He looked down in aw, after tracing my abs, he bent down and kissed my belly button, sending chills up my body, right after that, he pulled on my belly ring with his teeth sending pleasant electric shocks through my body.
"I love your piercings." he whispered.
He started kissing up my body, moving my shirt out of his way, all the way up my neck to my mouth. His lips were cool on my skin, but made me warm and tingly at the same time. As his lips met mine, he slipped his tongue into my mouth. As our tongues swivelled around, it was leaving me hungry for more.
I pealed his shirt off and ran my hands on his smooth torso. My hands lingered on a long deep scar below his ribs, and he mumbled something about a sword fight. My hands ran down his smooth abs, to the hem of his pjs. I hesitated a moment before taking those off as well.
All that was left was his boxers. He pressed his body against mine and kissed me one final time before rolling back over onto his back. Leaving me hungry.
"That's about enough for tonight, hun." He says between gasps for air. He frustrates me, he really does.
We rolled towards each other, and I rapped myself around him. The sheets were scattered, and my pants and his shirt and pants were no where to be seen.
"Goodnight beautiful."
"Goodnight," I whispered.

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