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The second time I saw his eyes was in class, I made my way to Class 1-A, it was the first day of school and I was super excited to defeat all of these extras and become the #1 hero. I was pretty early so I figured nobody would be in the room but as soon as I entered I was hit yet again with the sight of red and white hair. It was him. We locked eyes once more and this time I had noticed something else. A pale red scar covering 1/4 of his face. It encircled his blue eye as though protecting it from something. It wasn't ugly although I'd never admit it, it made him look more handsome. I studied his eyes once again like I had done all those years ago. His blue eye was the same beautiful, enchanting, majestic and I remembered why I fell in love with them in the first place. It contrasted perfectly with the red of his hair and scar making it more vibrant. His grey eye, still a cloudy pearl was barely noticeable under his white hair and against his much more pale skin it looked almost invisible but I saw it regardless. It was more foggy and dull as though somehow someone had sucked most of the life out of it but there was still something there, a small glint of joy like the light at the end of a tunnel. It- "HEY LOOK IT'S BAKUBRO!" I was disrupted yet again but this time by an annoying red-head. "Shut up Shitty-hair" I made my way to my desk and saw that Halfie was looking for someone. Oh it was Deku. A pang of jealousy hit me like a bullet. Why should I care about what kind of relationship that peppermint has with Deku? It still bothers me though. Then class started.

His eyes (3+1) (Bakutodo)Where stories live. Discover now