Five (Alternate ending)

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(We're going back in time so he's no longer reading this like a speech)
"I hate my eyes" he stated this, grabbed a cookie and then sprinted back upstairs like his life depended on it. I was too shocked by the words spoken to even have time to react to the sudden movement. Instead of letting mindless questions invade my thoughts I practically threw myself off the couch and chased after him. I banged on the door several times only to be met with the sounds of soft cries and whimpers. I exploded the door handle and saw Half-no Todoroki sitting in the corner of his room with a half-eaten cookie placed on the table beside him. His hands were wrapped around his knees that were pulled up to his chest. My legs moved on their own and before I knew it I was besides him hugging him tightly and whispering reassuring words into his ear such as "It'll be ok" "I'm here" "No one is going to hurt you" that last one seemed to make him tense up before he finally stopped crying. I wiped the tears off of his cheeks and looked him in the eyes. They were coated with a subtle glaze of tears making them look like small crystals, god I really do love him don't I? "D-don't *sniff* you h-hate m-me?" He managed to choke these words out, shocking me in the process. "Why would I hate you?" "Because *sniff* you never want to talk to me and you're *sniff* always glaring at me when I look at you ever since that day at the park that's *sniff* why I said that I hated my eyes since *sniff* you obviously do." My eyes widen in realization that to him it must've looked like I was angry at him and that's why I would stare. I shook my head gently and said "No, I was looking at how beautiful your eyes were, every time I would catch of glimpse of them I'd fall in love all over again." I said this with a mindset fixated on preparing myself for rejection but instead I felt something soft touch my lips, one half cold the other warm. I melted into the kiss and after 3 seconds we pulled away. I was as crimson as my eyes and he was a
as pink as his scar. He whispered quickly under his breathe "I love you" I smirked and said "I love you too"
~Two months later~ (time skip brought to you by its fucking 11pm on a school night and here I am writing wattpad stories)
I turned my head slightly to see my now boyfriends's face gazing lovingly towards the sunset. My mind examined all of the small details on his face, all of the things he considers to be "imperfections" or as I call them all of the things I consider beautiful. Then almost on instinct my eyes drift over to his mismatched ones. They're shining not just because of the sun hitting his face at an angle but with a new-found light that wasn't there even when I first caught sight of him. It's mesmerizing to see them in such a state. They are full of life, energy, joy and, now love.

~💕The End💕~
(Thank you for reading this alternate ending, I was feeling motivated so I decided to just write this in the spur of the moment 😀 hope you enjoyed the story!!!)

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